Step by step instructions on beating Bishop please?

Arctic_One Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
edited July 2019 in MPQ General Discussion
Using my Bishop is not the answer. 
Thanks i  advance 

//Removed Insult -Brigby


  • Palookaville
    Palookaville Posts: 83 Match Maker
    edited July 2019
    Depends on what level you are playing with and against. Is it Bishop and two other 5*s or all 4* characters, or maybe a 3* stars and Bishop.

    Either way, a good tactic is to attack Bishop with a character that does not do a lot of match damage.  (say you are using a 3* character or maybe 4* that is tanking a couple of colors) attack Bishop with the low character, you will not do enough damage to make him collect blue, but if you are using YOUR Bishop, on the next turn he will get attacked and gain Blue for your team quickly. (maybe use Iceman - that way once Bishop has 6 blue, Iceman can take over)

    Then you can stun the Enemy Bishop, attack him with a character that does big damage (or a power) to take him out, then work on the other members of the team.

    Not perfect, but it does work..... kinda
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Without making any assumption,

    We need to know what's your roster is like before we can help you better. We could say use this and that character but if you don't have that characters, the advice won't be helpful to you.

    Are you referring to beating Bishop in PvP or Shield Simulator?

    Is there a specific Bishop team you are looking to beat or just any team with Bishop?

    What levels of Bishop (teams) are you facing?

    General advice would be:

    1) look out for both his damage thresholds

    2) bring someone with a stun or send him airborne

    3) turn your team invisible

    4) Get someone with true heal that can tank his passive red.

    5) bring someone who can't be stunned like Silver Surfer or Dr Ock.
  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2019
    As funny as ursopro's post is, "just don't fight him" is very much not a helpful answer to someone asking how to beat a specific character or team.

    Also agreed with the everyone else, this needs more information-- because the answer heavily depends on if you're a 4* or 5* player and whether we're talking about just Bishop teams or Bishop/Kitty/Grocket teams. Because the latter will restrict your team options a lot more than the former does (since you don't just need a way to beat Bishop, you need a way to beat Kitty/Grocket at the same time) and 5* players might have problems with Bishop that 4* players simply don't have (your own match damage).

    Simplest case, if we're just talking about any random Bishop team where Bishop's team mates aren't a threat and you just have to neutralise Bishop and assuming you're a 4* player, it's pretty easy: Just pretend he's 3* Dr. Strange.
    Strange will punish you for firing abilities rather than punish you for doing damage the way Bishop, but otherwise it's essentially the same thing: If you want to do something without taking the hit, you either have to one-shot Strange or stun him before firing abilities. The same's pretty much true for Bishop and damage. If you want to do things, fire something that can one-shot Bishop so he can't do his thing/retaliate or stun Bishop before doing anything. So if I see Bishop, I usually make a team that has someone with a cheap stun (G4mora, Iceman...), the same way I'd do for Strange. That way, if I want to do damage, I can just stun Bishop at my leisure whenever warranted. The only way Bishop is more complicated than Strange is that you have to take note that the passive damage you bring won't screw you over. Kraven, C&D's attack tiles, America's passive punches, that sort of thing. On the flip side, non-damage abilities like Vulture going flying to feed your team are fine with Bishop (so Vulture/stunner is great for random Bishop teams). But the basic principle is very much the same as fighting Strange-- If you wanna do damage, just stun Bishop before you go to town on the opponent's team.

    Things get more complicated if you're a 5* player, because then your match damage might trigger him already. Can't really comment much there, since I'm a 4* player and have no experience with that.

    Things also get more complicated if the Bishop team in question is a Kitty/GRocket/Bishop team because then you have to balance neutralising Bishop with your Gritty-beating strategies.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    1. Target one of his team mates and make matches  that fall under the threshold that causes him to jump in front.
    2. Gather enough AP to fire a stun power at him.
    3. Unload on Bishop while he is stunned, while trying to gather AP for another stun or nuke that can finish him off.  This damage won't count towards his red passive.
    4. If you can one-shot him while he isn't stunned, do so.
    If you can't field a team capable of doing (1) and win, then you're best off skipping.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    5* Black Widow and 5* Black Panther might be able to neutralize him very quickly.  I can't verify that since I don't have these character anywhere close to covered.  Black Widow has the stun random opponent when one of your characters is stunned and 5* Black Panther deals a lot of damage when he returns from being stunned as a passive?

    If you are a 4* player there are a lot of 4* that can get damage powers or stun powers to neutralize him without triggering his damage threshold too much.  Use Cloak and Dagger to turn all of his abilities to just 1 strength with CD's black power? 

    3* Iron Man to raise a bunch of red/blue/green AP and then just destroy him in one shot.  
    (Joking) if you could use 3* She Hulk like the AI does every time, you could drain all of his blue AP for just 6 green AP!  

    Just a few that come to mind. Now if he is paired with Gritty, that is an issue.  Imo opinion the biggest offender of those three is 4* Grocket.  
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    It depends on who he is partnered with and who you have on your roster. You could try Vulture, Riri + blue stunner (Gamora. Iceman) - concentrate on getting black and sending Vulture airborne to generate green for Riri and blue for other, send Bishop airborne and continue to collect black so Vulture can circle prey, you can then either use blue to get red for Riri's nuke or use it to stun Bishop when he comes down. The trick is that you can unleash hell whilst Bish is airborne. It will depend on his partners though and how tough they are also. 
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,790 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sadly for the first time playing this game I admit defeat. I can't find anything remotely viable that works half the time against Bishop. So I don't bother. I never fight him now, regardless of who he's with.

    Sim I go for 75 wins with my easy to beat team xpool okoye and thor and just sit there hitting the equally easy retaliations. Even going for 2k took 33-35 wins so it's not that much extra and far less grief. Plus I can experiment with teams.

    I'd prefer 2.0 gambit back by far to bishop.
  • Yepyep
    Yepyep Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    jamesh said:
    1. Target one of his team mates and make matches  that fall under the threshold that causes him to jump in front.
    2. Gather enough AP to fire a stun power at him.
    3. Unload on Bishop while he is stunned, while trying to gather AP for another stun or nuke that can finish him off.  This damage won't count towards his red passive.
    4. If you can one-shot him while he isn't stunned, do so.
    If you can't field a team capable of doing (1) and win, then you're best off skipping.
    There's really no other answer than this.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2019
    Shuri is one of the best characters to take on Bishop simply because:

    Minor reason
    1) She increases the ap needed to cast power by 2 or 3.

    Major reason
    2) If you use TwinBlaster and provided that it hits at least one fortified tile, and Bishop jump to the front, all his passives will not take effect, he will take damage and he will be stunned for 3 turns.
  • Reecoh
    Reecoh Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    ursopro said:
    it is fairly easy, I even made a gif to show you how you can beat every Bishop team you find

    That was working great until I ran out of ISO...
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,729 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bishop:  Saving HP for players everywhere.  Shields?  We don't need no stinking shields.  Just Bishop.

    If you are playing Sim and seeing him (probably his most likely place to be out) then you can wait a bit until more players join/gain points.

    I have consistently played to over 2000 points in the last few seasons of Sim without fighting a single team with Bishop on it.

    Skipping is a pain (I have plenty of iso, not so for everyone), but if you restart the app the skip tax disappears.  If you skip a few times and don't see any non-Bishop teams, take a break for a few hours or a day and try again.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,699 Chairperson of the Boards
    As a 5* player, he's only really a problem in Simulator, early in the season, and once you hit around 1700. You can usually skip to find a non-Bishop team to get you that far.  You can then choose to stop playing for a while, and finish your climb on non-Bishop teams late in the season, or you have no choice but to fight him.

    Last season, I used Rogue + Vulture + Gamora and brought AP with me. Rogue absorbed the Gritty hits, Vulture goes airborne and feeds Gamora's stun.  The match dmg doesn't trigger Bishop's passive, so he's not going to collect obscene amounts of blue and stun lock your team.  Match as many strikes as you can, stun Bishop with Gamora, then stun Kitty, and it was usually a win.  This got me the last 300 points very reliably last season.  I was pleased.  This season, it didn't work.  I think it was mainly just RNG.  Not much I could do when Kitty gets an 8x cascade.  Rogue can tank, but even a tank loses to a nuke.  I should also note that my Rogue is maxed, which helped me.

    This season, I just brute forced it with 50Thor, Okoye, and my own Bishop. I brought 4 red AP, 2 blue AP, and 4 TU AP with me and tried to avoid a cascade on my first move so that AI Bishop wouldn't stun anybody.  If the AI gets a non-ridiculous cascade on their first turn, your Bishop collects enough blue AP that, along with the 2 you brought, he deals damage which is boosted by Okoye's TU boost. At this point, their Bishop was often weak enough to kill between 50Thor's initial dmg, match dmg, and (hopefully) firing Thor's red. I could also stun Kitty, and now all you have to do is get rid of Rockett.  A lot can go wrong, and if you have a bad RNG day, you might have to come back and try again a different day.  But it did get me the last ~250 this time around.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    The easiest counter to bishop is SS.  He’s the oldest 5* in the game, so you should have a viable surfer that can be level to at least your 4* levels.  Pair him with any other two chars you need to win the remain matchup.
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2019
    Warbringa said:
    5* Black Widow and 5* Black Panther might be able to neutralize him very quickly.  I can't verify that since I don't have these character anywhere close to covered.  Black Widow has the stun random opponent when one of your characters is stunned and 5* Black Panther deals a lot of damage when he returns from being stunned as a passive?
    5* Widow will not work, she only stuns for 1 turn: explanation, the stun retaliation happens when the other team applies a stun, so its only on that turn that an enemy will be stunned, not even on your turn. It's also random making it even more useless.

    It's pretty much a passive gimmick that honestly just slightly annoys when facing it and 100% useless when she's on your team.

    5* Panther, the damage is pretty good, but we're talking about a 4-turn stun here, he will take a long time to come back and probably wont even kill him. Your entire team will be stun-locked before he comes back...

    In 5* land, Silver Surfer and Ock are your best counters. Surfer cant be stunned, same thing with Ock if you make a match-4. They both have healing too even if Ock is burst it can come out relatively fast.

  • Colognoisseur
    Colognoisseur Posts: 806 Critical Contributor
    There is a hard counter teAm for Bishop Gritty: Sabretooth Thor Okoye boost 2tu ap
    Turn 1 match any strike tile, if you can find a mini cascade or match four all the better. 
    Sabretooth passive goes off removing other strikes and doing damage to bishop. If he is under level 300 usually kills him. If he is above level 300 leaves him hanging.
    Then mop things up with Sabretooth red killing what’s left.
    i have two or three turn one wins if the resulting cascade matching the makes a match-5 I can usually kill the entire team without them getting a turn.
    For non gritty bishop I use surfer bolt g4mora making sure to keep surfer in front. Weather the early overclocked damage and then heal surfer after bishop is gone.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,388 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2019
    I avoid him, or when I can't, I've tried a few things with various results. i have a lvl 300 Rogue completely through RNG, and she can 1-shot most bishops if you can get the green, followed by the color you siphon. I like to siphon 4ocket, since he gives you blue. Once you get rid of Bishop, the second biggest danger on that team is Rocket's Pack landing on the board in a hard to clear spot. This works great with Vulture. Lately i run this team with my champed GE Doom, since he can heal the team and himself and is better equipped to eat Bishop's nonsense for a couple turns as you get Vulture moving. With Doom, I'll consider siphoning Kitty, that way I can use that board shuffle more regularly.
  • spidyjedi84
    spidyjedi84 Posts: 514 Critical Contributor
    I didn't hit frustration level until yesterday with Bishop in Simulator. I somehow knocked out 50 plus fights climbing in Simulator to roughly 1700 points, and then every team I saw, had at least one Bishop. I avoided Gritty/Bishops as I was low on health packs, and tried winning against some XForce Peggy Bishop teams that I saw. I beat two of the three I faced, but wiped out pretty spectacularly against the third team. I recovered with a Bishop, Iceman, America Chavez team to punch through some other Bishop teams, and somehow picked up enough wins to get to 65 before my health packs were all gone and all my strong anti-Bishop teams needed healing. I'm now within 10 wins on simulator of the purple Black Cat cover, which I'll probably nab Sunday. Today's climbing the Spider-Gwen tourney for that 4-star cover, so running a lot of Spider-Verse adjacent teams. I'm two covers away from having 13 for my Ronin, and after him, I'm definitely chasing Sabretooth as a BH.
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,203 Chairperson of the Boards
    Smash that skip button