Upcoming Player Level Update - to fix EXP or not to fix EXP

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just Dropped In
edited June 2019 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Currently, the EXP awarded to players will be unfair, causing permanent player lvl differences (estimated to be up to 55 lvls). Please see "Background Information" section for more details.

Essentially, the update will allow a flawed system to become the foundation for more features, which could potentially be flawed. In the future, this may exacerbate any unfairness currently evident in the player lvl system.


  • permanent, irreversible lvl gap
  • difference in rewards based on card(s) mastered
  • potentially unattainable rewards (due to permanent lvl gap)
  • potential matchmaking issues
  • unknown add-ons/features and their consequences
Fairness and equality among all players, veteran, new, or in between. There is not much time before the update but wanted to make a last-ditch effort for a better and lasting change.

Background information (optional to read // scroll down for poll):

Brigby said:
The Plan
All players that had already been playing the game at the time of the 3.2 update will first be reset to Level 1 and then gain Player Experience Points equivalent to their total Color Mastery Points multiplied by 50.
Above found here.

starfall said:
First, just for the all the colorless cards in the game, because they are easy to count.

Assuming I've not made any mistakes, by my reckoning, a player who masters all of the colorless cards in the game BEFORE the Final XP update will get 333500 XP, and a player who masters them AFTER will get 133400 XP.

That's a difference of 200,100 XP.
Assuming the level ladder stays as it is, each level above level 50 takes 6500 XP.
200,100 / 6500 = 30 ish.

That's a difference of 30 levels for mastering exactly the same cards.

And remember, this is just the colorless cards; multicolored cards will also cause a discrepancy.

//EDIT: compressed to save space
Above found here.

starfall said:

Mastering all of the cards in the game now will make you 55 levels higher than someone who masters the same number of cards after the update.

Same amount of work, very different outcome. No level playing field.

Above found here.

Upcoming Player Level Update - to fix EXP or not to fix EXP 22 votes

Yes, proceed with the update without any changes
FalizarwereotterBeclaschaosascendsHoradrim 5 votes
No, please make appropriate changes and update at a future date
TherosTomBMachineFindingHeart8ThéséeMatthewLaeuftbeidirMburn7[Deleted User]BilNarcoticsagentBoogeymanLowEnderAKAMelchior 13 votes
I do not care
sjechuasoultwistDropspotOmegaLolrus 4 votes


  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2019
    No, please make appropriate changes and update at a future date
    I agree it should just be a straight up 1:1 xp conversion.

    Since that appears to be "impossible" for whatever reason this is the best we're going to get and the closest to a "fair" system that's been proposed yet, so.........Meh
  • Thésée
    Thésée Posts: 239 Tile Toppler
    No, please make appropriate changes and update at a future date
    I realised only today the impact mastering colourless and multicoloured cards before / after the level update can have and I had no idea it was that big; In fact it is huge, and system as it will start will be reall unfair for newer players
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  • soultwist
    soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
    I do not care
    I almost voted yes, IDC is maybe better.  You've point this out to everyone as best you can I fell  and its not going to be an issue for the majority like you have stated.

    They are obviously hellbent on jamming in some type of level system.

    The largest irony here is that as you state it could create match up issues and this is the EXACT reason that they stated they could not do the non-curve level system to start with.

    At that point it time IMPO they should have left everyone on the curve and unmastered any cards that they did not count.  Is that exactly fair to the work you put in, no, but it seemed at least valid.

    Personally I am surprised that they are comfortable with that level of inconsistency in a DB.
  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    No, please make appropriate changes and update at a future date
    To be fair, Oktagon didn't make the Mastery system, so its a little understandable that they don't know how it works.

    Only a little, though.  They absolutely should have crunched the numbers themselves before finalizing their plans.

    So either they are incompetent and just didn't realize that their system didn't work the way they thought it would, or they did realize and thought that we wouldn't notice/care.  I'm not sure which is worse
  • Dropspot
    Dropspot Posts: 200 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2019
    I do not care
    Just please let get over this. Do anything and let's move forward. Devs need to make new events and not waste time on this level ****.
  • wereotter
    wereotter Posts: 2,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, proceed with the update without any changes
    We have no way of knowing if/how gaining experience will change. So to get angry because things will be different in a system we don’t know seems preemptive to me. 

    Also, I personally think that people complaining because it’s not “fair” will always find some reason to **** on the system we do finally get. They won’t get the full rewards as a new player, or their level won’t be the same as another who masters cards later, or whatever the case may be.

    For me, I say just make peace with the fact that it’s probably not going to be exactly fair, and let development time and resources be spent on things that matter. Like playable content and a stable app. 
  • Unknown
    edited June 2019
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  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2019
    Level 165, 2115 cards mastered

    Got 69 legacy booster packs and 12 standard booster packs. Does that sound right? I think that there might be a bug. See in the bug report forum.
  • Thésée
    Thésée Posts: 239 Tile Toppler
    No, please make appropriate changes and update at a future date
    starfall said:
    Since you ask: I'm level 225 now. 2660 cards mastered.

    checking the top coallitions I see no one above 142

    To take the example of one of my teammates he still gained XP but did not level up past that level/

    Level 142. Mastered cards 2179/2752. EXP : 368400/6500

  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2019
    @Thésée you need to nudge the level system before getting the “correct” level, so players have to play a game with an unmastered card before they get beyond level 142, I think.
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  • Thésée
    Thésée Posts: 239 Tile Toppler
    No, please make appropriate changes and update at a future date
    Thanks a lot @Tremayne @starfall ! Will pass the info

  • Mburn7
    Mburn7 Posts: 3,427 Chairperson of the Boards
    No, please make appropriate changes and update at a future date
    starfall said:
    Tremayne said:
    @Thésée you need to nudge the level system before getting the “correct” level, so players have to play a game with an unmastered card before they get beyond level 142, I think.
    Yeah, the update hit me in midgame. I had to finish that game to get bumped to 142, at which point my XP bar was still overfull (500k XP or so); I played a second game and was bumped to level 225, with about 500XP in the XP bar.
    Funny, I bumped up to 119 and am still there after playing a game.  No overfull xp bar for me now (although I didn't think to check that before playing a game).
    Only 1622 mastered, though.
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  • soultwist
    soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2019
    I do not care
    starfall said:
    Reports are already coming in of Player A being a higher level than Player B despite Player B mastering more cards.
    But that is going to depend on the TYPE of card mastered, right?  I would think this could be expected
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  • soultwist
    soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2019
    I do not care
    729/2752 cards
    +817 white
    +899  blue
    +661  black
    +903  red
    +661 green

    Player 2:

    721/2752 cards
    +793 white
    +587  blue
    +513  black
    +599  red
    +643 green

    This is the old system, I've mastered 8 more cards but my bonus are way higher.  I could have skipped 10 cards easy and would be higher level with less cards mastered

    Edited to add:

    as it stands with this data I'm 77, other player is 71