AI team's MEHulk Grand Entrance does not resolve at the start of the battle

JSP869 Posts: 827 Critical Contributor
If the AI team has R4G, the enemy Strike tiles are placed on the board before the Player's first turn, i.e., they're placed at the start of the battle.

If the Player is fielding Main Event Hulk, the Grand Entrance "start of the battle" passive also resolves at this time, i.e., at the start of the battle and before the Player's first turn.

However, if the AI team also has Main Event Hulk, the AI's Grand Entrance "start of the battle" passive does NOT resolve at the start of the battle. Instead, it resolves after the Player's first turn and prior to the AI team's first turn.

If the AI team's R4G's Strike tiles can be placed at the actual start of the battle before the Player's first turn, then the AI team's MEHulk's Grand Entrance "start of the battle" passive should also resolve at the actual start of the battle, prior to the Player's first turn, and not at the start of the AI team's first turn.


  • JSP869
    JSP869 Posts: 827 Critical Contributor
    edited June 2019
    Thank you for putting MEHulk in Old Man Logan's 5E node in Ticket to Nowhere.

    I turned on Character Animations and was able to confirm that the enemy MEHulk's "start of the battle" passive resolves at the start of the enemy's first turn, and NOT at the Start of the Battle, while the enemy MEHulk's "start of the turn" passive does NOT resolve at the start of their very first turn, but first resolves at the start of their second turn.

    If the enemy R4G's strike tiles are placed at the actual start of the battle, prior to the player's first turn. then the enemy MEHulk's "start of the battle" passive should also resolve at the start of the battle, prior to the player's first turn.

    While this may give the player a chance at a cascade as a result of an enemy passive, that's how it should be, because that's the start of the battle.

    The start of the enemy team's very first turn is NOT the start of the battle.

  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards

    I doubt you'll see the behaviour changed.  At best, you might get them to change the wording of the power.

    In part, ME Hulk's Grand Entrance was intended as a counter for Rocket & Groot.  If an enemy Hulk's Grand Entrance activated during the player's turn, then you'd have a cascade whose damage is beefed up by the player's strike tiles.  They might lose some of their strike tiles, but there's a potential to do a lot of free damage to the enemy team before even making a move.

    The only way to move it forward and keep it fair would be to code in a new mode where one player's powers can manipulate the board during the other player's turn and also accrue AP/damage from the board settling.  I don't see that happening unless they decide it is critical for a power of some new character they've dreamed up.