200 days of a non hoarder.

mpqavsmpqavs Posts: 51 Match Maker
Completed 200 days yesterday.i am a f2p type player.so no spending and no hoarding.
My roster contains 76 spots.
1 1*    13 2*     47 3*    15 4*.
Of the 3*s 28 are champed.
Now rostering 4*s.
My current 4*s are
Carol(12 covers)   carnage(6)   thanos(3)

elektra(3)    Bishop(1)    hulk ta(3)   

gamora(3)      peggy(3)      Domino(3)     

wolvie(3)   sam wilson(2)       dp(1)       

Ghost(2)    iceman(1)    jean grey(1).

So guys what do you think about my progress?also need some target suggesstions for the next 100 days.
I know most forum members are in 4 to5* transition.so what are your experiences at my stage now?
I am asking this because this forum helped me a lot to progress.thank you.


  • mpqavsmpqavs
    mpqavsmpqavs Posts: 51 Match Maker
    So my next target is set.champ all 3* within next 100 days if i can.
    Till now no iso is put into any 4* rostered.
    During endgame celebration used my 480 cp in cinematic vault.wgich give multiple covers for 4*.lost a lot of 4* due to hp shortage.
    Will try to hoard cp.
    Also 2* farm is going at high speed.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    Congratulations on making day 200! Your progress looks very nice.

    As the dreaded one above says the experience now is different thanks to the wonder of saved covers, you won't have to freak out about how to raise the ISO to save covers for Elektra and Quake so you can champ them both inside 13 days...ah the nostalgia!

    Roster slots are now worth more than at any time in the game so your primary mission should be obtaining them. So the next 100 days is about chasing that gold, baby!

    You can now also control your progress strategically and raise levels accordingly. Just be a little careful, I can see your Cap Marvel is close to champing and you'll be able to do that via 3* Marvel and a champed 4* is a wonderful thing but not if it puts you into a world of pain in PvP. Do you have any 5* rostered? If so that might also affect PvP if you champ Car4l ahead of the rest of your roster. I would be looking at putting as many champ levels into your 3* as you can and thinking about what 4* you can get from doing that you might like to chase. For example Wolverine has a feeder chain through 2 to 3 star level so he might be a good option to try and have join Marvel ready for future champing.

    Mainly though build your 3*, farm your 2* and be on the look out for HP so you can try and roster more characters that are meta - in particular - Vulture, R4G and Medusa punch above and can speed up the transition so if they are available from pve progress then play hard.

  • mpqavsmpqavs
    mpqavsmpqavs Posts: 51 Match Maker
    Today champed 2 more 3*s.so 17 more to go.No 5 * s rostered till now.and no plan to do it soon.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm a fellow 100% F2P as well, but...

    1) I didn't start using my CP again until I had rostered all 4*.
    2) I'm a competitive player: Top 1 - top 10 in PvP SCL 6 while I was early in the game and top 10 in PvE.

    I'm currently in 4* land and not transitioning to 5* land yet.

    When I champed around 20 3*, I was already preparing for the transition to 4* land.

    What I did was to pick three 4* characters that I like (which I already while in 2* land) and bonus hero the one that I like the most. 

    I broke a hoard of ~4000CP to transition to 4* land and managed to champ 3 4* whom I like. 

    Since you didn't hoard, I suppose your LT and CP count is close to zero now?

    What SCL do you play in both PvP and PvE? I suppose you play casually?

  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been playing since nearly day 1 (up to 2020 now) so my perspective is quite different but here are some tips:

    5* are kinda useless without near full covers and obtaining covers is quite difficult.   I dont think I'd pull classic tokens due to the dilution.  If you're strictly chasing 4* you obtain 25% more though.  Any 5* obtained from classics would most likely be wasted.

    If you play pve you should try to complete the current set of latest 5*s.  To do that you need roughly 260 pulls (6500 cp - 25 * tokens).  You should hoard until then.

    HP should be saved for roster slots and daily deal pulls from PvE vaults along with shields in PvP.  Regular stores and 10/40 packs aren't great bang for your buck.

    On a side note regarding f2p, my personal opinion is that if you enjoy the game for a prolonged period of time you should consider sending the devs some money to keep the lights on.  I make periodic purchases in all the free games I play regularly (MPQ, Hearthstone/Heroes of the Storm, used to play LoL) to show my appreciation - usually during sales.  I view it as I enjoy the game so I'm willing to pay 25/50/75 cents or $1 a day to play it.  
  • Therealsmkspy
    Therealsmkspy Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    As a 4 yr player, started right before the first Antman movie premiered, I've never been a true hoarder.

    I've done a couple of mini hoards around 400-500 CP, but have always pulled otherwise. Starting four years ago obviously played a major factor in significant progress without major roster slot debt. Still, I lost a ton of 4* spiderwoman covers during vaulting cause I prioritize other latest character over her.

    Nevertheless, after finally going 100% five star player and, of course, pulling only latest tokens, which has worked out generally in my favor. Seems like that luck is finally over as I've been unable to champ the last three latest. Kinda feel like the game is punishing me in a way, I'll get to 12 covers on a latest, then afterwards pull nothing but a color I already have maxed. I know RNG and all, but still. 

    Worst case has been Doom that I've pulled 11 black covers. He's currently at 10 covers now. I know he's essentially useless far as meta goes, but champing latest 5s is literally the primary thing that keeps me interested in the game.

    Not being able to that for the third 5 in a row is a serious blow towards me wanting to keep playing the game.

    It's a very statement of the game for eventual vets when champing a game to even miniscule levels is the only thing that one has to look forward towards. 
  • abenness
    abenness Posts: 228 Tile Toppler
    PVE at SCL7 gives 100HP per day for top50 sub placement (plus progression HP, plus overall placement HP), and is achievable with a champ 3* roster.

    Progression cover in each PVE event will give you a 4* cover.

    This is a good great foundation for building out your 4* roster.
  • mpqavsmpqavs
    mpqavsmpqavs Posts: 51 Match Maker
    First of all thanks to saved cover feature.
    I like to play pvp more than pve.
    Pvp @ scl 8.pve no fixed scl.
    Also my cp hoard reach 50 and LL reaches 2.
    Opened my 77th spot today.
    Will spent some money during anniversary.
  • JSP869
    JSP869 Posts: 822 Critical Contributor
    Play PvE at a roster-appropriate level so you can hit full progression without having the game take up an excessive amount of your day.
    Play PvP at the very least to 16 wins or 575 points to get the CP. You'll get HP on the way to the CP, while 16 wins will also get you a few 1* & 2* covers. Sell the 1*s for Iso, and feed the 2*s to the Farm.
    Be part of an active Alliance with Commanders who understand that life takes precedence over the game, but are also diligent in that they will get rid of inactive players and freeloaders. Use the Alliance Recruiting thread if you need to find a new, more active Alliance.
    Have fun. It's only a game :smiley:
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like to play pvp more than pve.
    Pvp @ scl 8.pve no fixed scl.
    There's no reason not to play PvP at SCL 9 because SCL has no bearing on your opponents in PvP. Might as well get the best rewards possible if that is your focus.

    SCL 7 should be your target goal in PvE for the 4-star progression cover. It's a grind at times, but PvE is where rosters are built and playing it to max progression will net you more resources than any other part of the game.
  • St_Bernadus
    St_Bernadus Posts: 631 Critical Contributor
    Dormammu said:
    I like to play pvp more than pve.
    Pvp @ scl 8.pve no fixed scl.
    There's no reason not to play PvP at SCL 9 because SCL has no bearing on your opponents in PvP. Might as well get the best rewards possible if that is your focus.

    SCL 7 should be your target goal in PvE for the 4-star progression cover. It's a grind at times, but PvE is where rosters are built and playing it to max progression will net you more resources than any other part of the game.
    On the other hand, if you can still play at SCL 6, you should get better placement as the vets can't play down there (for PVP at least).
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2019
    When I was PvP in SCL 6, I can easily get top 1-3 with about 850 points. You get a 4* cover for top 1 placement and putting a 3 hour shield nets you a small positive HP. 
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    Dormammu said:
    SCL 7 should be your target goal in PvE for the 4-star progression cover. It's a grind at times, but PvE is where rosters are built and playing it to max progression will net you more resources than any other part of the game.
    And I hate to encourage more grind, but if you can target T50 PVE consistently in subs, that is likely your most reliable source of HP (and therefore more roster slots) outside of 2* farming (the upside is you'll eventually hit an equilibrium where most characters are rostered and even a reduced level of play will be sufficient to keep up with new releases).
  • FairyBlades52
    FairyBlades52 Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    JSP869 said:
    Play PvE at a roster-appropriate level so you can hit full progression without having the game take up an excessive amount of your day.
    Play PvP at the very least to 16 wins or 575 points to get the CP. You'll get HP on the way to the CP, while 16 wins will also get you a few 1* & 2* covers. Sell the 1*s for Iso, and feed the 2*s to the Farm.
    Be part of an active Alliance with Commanders who understand that life takes precedence over the game, but are also diligent in that they will get rid of inactive players and freeloaders. Use the Alliance Recruiting thread if you need to find a new, more active Alliance.
    Have fun. It's only a game :smiley:
    I post infrequently, this is the advice I followed and was able to roster all 4* spending no money besides the VIP player. If you don’t have the cash, I would advise trying to buy at least 2 dollars worth of stuff once in awhile, to get the bonus CP and HP.
    Finding an active alliance is super helpful to getting more covers for your farms. I’m in one where you should play daily, help with Alliance challenges and have a varied roster. I don’t have time for the alliances with point and spend minimums.