Failing PVE Wave nodes and missing points

supergarv Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker

After 1485 days it has happened today for me for the first time in a try for T10 CL9 placement PVE that I failed a wave node.

My Thanos court deathed through round 3 of 4, dowing my team. Then Nova let loose the collected AP on Thanos and killed me. I got points for those 3 rounds, but it didnt count as a node clear (showing 0/4). 

Then I tried again and succeeded, getting a display of „1/4“ — but with the timer running down for 24hrs and showing a score of roughly 1562pts.

Before that error I was in T2 and am now missing about 520pts from all others.

I have two questions:

1. Is that a (known) bug, or intentional, and if intentional, what is the reasoning for missing points? Failing other nodes is recoverable.

2. Do I have any way to recover the missing points? Run clear 2/4 but lose after round 1? Start the sub end clear earlier, because it seems my point timer shows more points than other players see?


  • supergarv
    supergarv Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker
    OJSP said:

    2. The way to recover some of those points is by beating the wave later. It's impossible to get all the points. At the moment, despite the node saying 1/4, you've actually started the timer for the first 3 waves. The timer on the last wave will start when you beat the wave the second time. So, to get the node down to 0, you need to beat the first 3 waves 3 more times and the last node 4 more times.
    Many thanks for the explanation... so ideally I would wait for the sub close like normal, and do an additional wave clear as late as possible to make the best of it, and I will „only“ miss out on the points that would have been regenerated from
    the first 3 rounds (?) of the second clear. I might then at least be able to squeeze into T20 again.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2019
    You need to think of a survival node as a stack of individual nodes with their own points: one for each wave. If you play once and fail on the fourth wave then play again and win all waves, the points for the first three waves will be regenerating over the next 24 hours, while the last wave is at full points waiting for a second play.  Unfortunately you can't play the final wave without replaying the earlier ones.
    It's not immediately obvious what the best choice is, since the points are usually heavily back loaded to the last wave.  You either play the survival node immediately to get the most points out of the final wave and forego points on the earlier ones, or wait to get the most points out of the early waves while forgoing points in the final wave.  I'm not sure if there is a single best strategy.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thinking about it a bit more, there is a pretty easy test to decide whether to play immediately or wait.  When you fail the survival node, note how many points you receive.  Compare this to how much the node is worth at full points.
    • If you received less than half the full value of the node, then play again immediately to maximise points from the later waves.
    • If you received more than half the full value, then wait to maximise the points from the early waves.