Where's my life gone?

peterdark Posts: 151 Tile Toppler
Literally. I started this game way back in around the tail-end of 2013? Then a couple of things happened and I stopped playing before I had all the 2 stars covered. Now back In the game for almost a year and just under day 600, and going through a 4 star transition. To me I think I have made some crazy progress, especially as I haven't paid for anything (sorry demiurge). This has come at a cost, all my free time is spent on both PVE and PVP just to get the rewards, but I don't go for placement (I don't have strict times where I can play).

In real life I have a job, I have a 4 year old. So I get about 1-2 hours hellbent grinding a day, then about 10 mins here and there during work and picking up my child from nursery. Now it's got me thinking. What have I achieved this past year? I only started playing again to spend the extra 10 minutes I had here and there doing something fun. 

So now I'm about 25 or so roster slots away from having all the 4 stars, a couple of thousand command points and 51 LT's saved, will my life change when I get that last 4 star (possible minus howard)? Do I go for 5 stars after or should I start to think of a way to ween myself of this drug called MPQ now?


  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,770 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's kinda hard to expect a fair answer when you ask the question in the midst of several addicted members themselves.  :smiley:

    Honestly, the answer you'll hear most, and I cant argue with it, is "Does it make you happy?"

    And I'm gonna follow it up with another... "And you're not paying a dime?!"  Awesome.   Kudos.  Good on you.  If you're entertained without the need to pay for more, and you're still happy... then I think you have your answer.

    But if you find yourself lacking in time for the "important things in life", then I think you know your answer there.

    I get it, I have a very nearly similar life style.  3 year old daughter.  Full time career.  Social life... and not to mention just being with family on the regular.  I fit it all in somehow, and it sounds like you do too.
  • peterdark
    peterdark Posts: 151 Tile Toppler
    Well, I don't know about social life, would much rather be swiping coloured tiles around...  ;)
  • jp1
    jp1 Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
    I try my best to relegate my play to free time at work or during lunch. Or at night or early morning when I’m not taking away from family time or important parts of my day.

    If it ever becomes detrimental to my lifestyle or happiness, obviously I would slow down or quit. Seems like you have to make that assessment for yourself.
  • peterdark
    peterdark Posts: 151 Tile Toppler
    n25philly said:
    Lose the job and 4 year old, they are slowing you down. ;)
    would rather lose the wife instead....  :p
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,733 Chairperson of the Boards
    If the real question is whether to go for 5's.....There are two routes there.

    1.  Save up all the pulls to.....330? 350? and hope that the Latest 3 at that time or shortly after ends up being worthy.  Or wait for a special 5* store that has a really good group of them in it.
    2.  Step up your play to hit 1200 in PVP, SCL9 PVE max progression (at minimum) and start pulling Latests only if you think you can hit 2-3 pulls on average per day.

    Route 1 will mean you have a set of 5's to use, probably only those until you repeat the hoard.

    Route 2 might mean being able to cover most of the 5's as they pass through Latest (maybe, with some luck).

    Only you can say if either one sounds fun or interesting.  Or possible.

    The game is set up so that getting a 5 is not simple, for obvious reasons.  Keeping up requires a large ongoing commitment.

    I am not sure how easy it would be for someone at this point to ramp up their 4's enough to be on a constant pull and cover cycle for 5's  The champ rewards are pretty crucial for getting 5's covered without spending.  It may be something that only is possible for long time vets who have a majority of the tier already champed.

    So if you are not even at the point of rostering all the 4's yet (which is completely understandable with the game as it stands) then route 1 is your only choice, especially if you're committed to FTP status.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    You play when you poop, right? I hear that helps. But seriously, hang in there. When your child is about 6 you can have them start doing some clears for you. He/she'll love it.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    You play when you poop, right? I hear that helps. But seriously, hang in there. When your child is about 6 you can have them start doing some clears for you. He/she'll love it.
    Until they want their own account and now you feel like you're managing two rosters...
    That's were I am now with my one of my sons.

    Seriously, though, I enjoy that he enjoys it. He started it as another way to bond with me. He doesn't play a lot (screen-time rules, you know...), but it gives us a lot to talk about (including good real-life conversations that spin from it). I do more PvE grinding for him than he does, but I don't mind it (for now). It's weird but intriguing to play beginner-level stuff again. Every cover holds so much more value. Every token holds so much more potential. Heck, we were high-fiving when he got two 2* Storm covers in the last PvE progression and his first Strang3 non-purple cover yesterday from a Standard token BH.
    I hear that.  My little one (well, not so little any more) just went on and on about how he got his first 4*, Domino.  Everything is predicated by the star tier.  

    I was like, Dude, you don't have to tell me Domino is a 4* every time.  And not even at all since there's only one in the game!

    I am giving him all the advice I wish I would have gotten when I first started the game though.  :)
  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 984 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2019
    Brigby said:
    No lie. It's amazing to hear how some of you are passing the MPQ experience down the line to your children. Warms my heart this morning to hear that, and it's stuff like this that really motivates me to work hard and do my best to help make the game better for you all. 


     At the heart of MPQ is still a fun and simple game that even our children can enjoy, especially those with an affinity for superheroes/Marvel/etc. I am glad to share that experience with them, no matter how long (or little) their interest lasts. All three of my boys had accounts before. They let them go for some other interests, but recently one wanted to pick it up again. Why? - Because Dad likes it.
    I think sometimes we can forget why we like it when we are facing the challenges of dilution, grinding, pull-rates, time-slices, etc. I know I do. But stepping back to the basics, talking about simple strategies, resource management, and some really AWESOME characters keeps me grounded to the actual purpose of this whole game - to have fun.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
     Both of my kids ( now15 and 9)  played MPQ over the years with their own accounts, were in my alliance etc, my eldest at one point was far outstripping my MPQ performance. Sadly neither play today any more. I think the long term building nature of this game can sometimes be easy to outgrow for short attention spans. It is fun when it lasts though.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    And now I think about it, I spent more on trying to advance their rosters than I ever did my own...maybe that explains why I still haven't champed 4* Deadpool...come to think of it more, they were the ones who made me open my LT in the first place for that purple cover that was useless at the time.

    PSA: Don't have kids and if you do, make them play as 1 cover 4* Deadpool.
  • Loosie
    Loosie Posts: 397 Mover and Shaker
    Dormammu said:
    You play when you poop, right? I hear that helps. But seriously, hang in there. When your child is about 6 you can have them start doing some clears for you. He/she'll love it.
    Until they want their own account and now you feel like you're managing two rosters...
    That's were I am now with my one of my sons.

    Seriously, though, I enjoy that he enjoys it. He started it as another way to bond with me. He doesn't play a lot (screen-time rules, you know...), but it gives us a lot to talk about (including good real-life conversations that spin from it). I do more PvE grinding for him than he does, but I don't mind it (for now). It's weird but intriguing to play beginner-level stuff again. Every cover holds so much more value. Every token holds so much more potential. Heck, we were high-fiving when he got two 2* Storm covers in the last PvE progression and his first Strang3 non-purple cover yesterday from a Standard token BH.
    My boys each have their own account. I've tried to tell my 10 year to spend his HP wisely, and I think I've gotten through to him, but my 6 year old just basically sells a character to roster the latest one he recieved. They only get an hour of play a day so its pure fun for them anyways.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    I got my niece and nephew into it awhile back (my daughter is still too young for any games other than fruit ninja). They loved it for a while and their dad, my brother in law got into it too. Unfortunately, progress was too slow for them and while my brother in law did make small purchases to advance, he quickly decided to quit along with with kids. There was no way he was going to pay for 3 accounts going forward. I tried to show them the free to play method (that I have been doing) but they can’t commit to the schedule this game demands.

    Its funny and sad because he recently complained that his son (my nephew) just racked up $400 on another mobile game called fortnite. He’s banned from online games till god knows when.

  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Pongie said:

    Its funny and sad because he recently complained that his son (my nephew) just racked up $400 on another mobile game called fortnite. He’s banned from online games till god knows when.
    But...but the custom skins though!  :D