OP team combo for Events & Tournaments?



  • Unknown
    Slow and weak.
  • Art Flash
    Art Flash Posts: 47
    Keep in mind, one starred characters have low level caps. They're made to be powerful together for their tier so new players can get a feel for the dynamics of the game. But being able to stun or not, even if you stuck with just those three into the higher level brackets it will either take an extreme amount of time (imagine fighting a multiple thousand HP team) or you will start fighting teams that will kill you before you gain that momentum, like a solid 1200 damage Ares attack potentially within two moves (6 Green).
  • Unknown
    kroateon wrote:

    uhm so??? Whats so special about it??
  • falsep77
    falsep77 Posts: 35
    modern storm in the desert will have you feeling like THE MAN....

    until you hit a team with almost any level 60+ members.

    then you will be humbled. icon_e_confused.gif
  • Unknown
    Posting nearly identical threads in multiple sub-forums is prohibited.
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