Anti-Hulk vs. Hulk

qandols Posts: 1,186 Chairperson of the Boards
Champed HB. Lousy board with lots of purple tiles raining down the whole time. Managed to scrounge together 14 red and hit him. Anger... health down to ~6000. Got lucky with first blue then black and got enough red to down him. LT was ironically enough a Mehulk champ level. Luckily Hulk wasn't as spastic with green tile spewing this time around, I hate that.


  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Champed Hulkbuster with a very purple and green starting board.  Hulk got an early Thunderous Clap and the board randomized much better after that.  Eventually, I got 9 red and was just about to match enough black to Overdrive when I got an extremely fortunate cascade.  One turn later, a 25AP red punch ended it with ~12k health to spare.

    The LT gave me a 5* Carol green; my first Captain Marvel cover.  Not too shabby.
  • Loosie
    Loosie Posts: 397 Mover and Shaker
    This was a challenge for my 0/5/4 lvl 209 Hulkbuster, having no Red I had to rely on my blue power to get shields up and match damage. It was close. Given the nature of the one-on-one I also didn't really want to use my black power to assist Hulk as not only would it hurt me, the Strike tiles would also likely lead to Hulk producing more Green,

    Made with just under 1000 health left, had Hulk matched one more set of Red it would have been over.

    Token was a Yellow Doom.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Champed HB. Since I was able to deny red almost completely, I decided to go all the way, and wait until I had the full 30 for my Repulsor Punch. Call it payback for all the times I got whupped on this one before I got HB Champed ;)
    Token was a 5* Carol green.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not too bad for my 279 5/5/3 Hulkbuster. We had an amusing bit of passive-aggressive back and forth, with Hulk grabbing all the black, while I grabbed all the green. When I finally got enough black to cast overdrive, I counted on finishing him off with one strike-tile-fueled blast to the face after a big cascade. However, I miscalculated a bit, leaving him with 700 health and a board with six or seven anger tiles. That at least gave me time to refill my drink while I waited for all of the clapping, roaring, and smashing to finish. By the time he was done with his temper tantrum I was down to about 2000 health. Luckily for me one of my strikes had survived the exploding board, so I was able to make a single match and put him down for the count.

    My reward was... a champ level for Hulkbuster! I think that's only the second time that's happened for me, where the reward for a crash was the same character I used for the crash.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    PuceMoose said:
    My reward was... a champ level for Hulkbuster! I think that's only the second time that's happened for me, where the reward for a crash was the same character I used for the crash.
    The most frustrating one for me was back when my Cyclops was like 2/4/3 or something. After idek how many tries, I finally got it, and the token spit out a red Cyclops cover that would have been really nice to have for the match.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    "Hulk Smash!"

    IMHB collects red, punches Hulk in the face. Hulk gets angry, makes big clap.

    "Hulk Smash more!"

    IMHB collects red, checks his stocks, has a short break for some lunch, punches Hulk in the face.
