The all-time #1 coalition GoblinPile is recruiting, and we want YOU!

Matthew Posts: 605 Critical Contributor
What's up PuzzleQuest nation!

Are you looking for a team to bring a social aspect to the game? Do you want to compete at the top levels of competition and get some of those precious pink jewels to expand your collection? Are you ready to step up your game to the next level?

GoblinPile is currently looking to deepen its ranks by taking on a few new-to-us recruits. We play all-in with every team event, and maintain a top level of competitiveness. Don't let that dissuade you from applying, though. We are friendly with all other top 10 teams, as well as many in the top 50. We will find you a home, even if you just want to keep things casual.

Please check out our player survey and let us know if you're interested. Ravnica: Allegiance is right around the corner, and we've only got room to take on a few new players!

- Matthew