New Hulu Marvel Animated Slate

Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,245 Chairperson of the Boards
Just saw that Hulu is adding some Marvel animated series.  YMMV on what, if any, service covers this outside the US.  Also, the Tigra/Dazzler show makes zero sense to me...


  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,523 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nobody has ever understood Howard the Duck apart from Steve Gerber, I don't forsee this changing. Hit Monkey sounds quite a bit terrible. Tigra and Dazzler I agree with Waddles with caveat that Greer (but not Tigra) was originally a feminist. But Dazzler? Yeah, makes zero sense. So that leaves M.O.D.O.K as possibly interesting.
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    Don't forget they are all supposed to come together for the offenders like how the netflix shows cames together for the Defenders.  The will be especially bizarre
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,245 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's all a way to get the Avengers onto Hulu.  They'll all get turned into MODOKS... and yes the issue does exist and I did read it...

    Image result for marvel adventures modok avengers
  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    M.O.D.O.K. - Patton oswalt  is a good fan boi and has some brilliant stand-up but the premise of a family comedy seems off, I guess a Marvel Family Guy/Bobs/American Dad type thing. I know he's a brony and I hope that it is more TMNT than MLP

    Hit-Monkey - by the guys who brought you the Geico Gecko. I don't even know what the what with this one. I hope it's like Samurai Jack or champloo

    Tigra and Dazzler - I know who's going to be in a certain felines SHIELD Training!! Emma frost - you thought it would be Allison-pssssshhhhh nah! This did make me start thinking of who is the most woke in MPQ: obvs is Bobbi n Luke w/ his shorts, Lady deadpool seems like she would be but prolly uses the C-word, Beardo is kinda dreamy barista dude, he probably knows all about Ani Difranco and how to darn his own socks, Bucky is the dude who stands totally still during an emo concert staring at the floor but talks about smashing the patriarchy like all the time when pretty girls are around, Miles/gwen and Kate are woke AF! but I think Jessica is prolly the the most woke when she's not passed out. I totally think Moonstone and Yelena should be the bad grrrls in this show, one obviously has an eating disorder, the other has totally fake **** and all the guys know it!  they say mean things about Dazzler when she plays her guitar on the quad - they should make them like team rocket though "dark Avengers Blasting off!!!" Chelsea can do really well here- mainly because she won't be able to make it all about herself.

    Howard the Duck - you owe it to yourself to see the 80's movie. people don't "get" HTD is a cop out. That movie is awful, his reprises in GoTG have made him look worse! I used to read his comic books and they are pretty weird and are generally hit or miss, lots of flat feet jokes. But an animated show is probably the best format for him. Kevin Smith has bad ideas and writes bad comics. He is probably a good pick for this though, he has bawdy, dark, and sexualized humor down and we will get a bunch of c- list cameos. Please, please can we have Dr. Bong as an unplayable Villain? I wouldn't mind wiping on the hulk part of bossrush as much as long as I get to play his levels first. 

    overall I'm not really excited about any of them. I will watch and everything, but I'm more looking forward toS4 of Rick n Morty,  S2 of C&D and waiting for Legion to finish so I can gauntlet that over a weekend. the biggest thing for me right now isn't engame or Capn Marvel but the Spider-Man FFH in July.
  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    When I read this on Marvel's site, my first reaction was "This would make a great April Fool's Day fake announcement"
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,523 Chairperson of the Boards
    My guess on Howard the Duck is that is entirely throwing a bone to Kevin Smith. I really can't see what else it could be because Howard's legacy is barely something of a curiosity/novelty for comicbook film nerds like James Gunn and Smith.

    Howard may have had a brief cult status in the 70's but even Gerber turned his back on the Howard the Duck film after initially talking it up because it was so bad.

    Probably the most ironic thing about all of this was that Disney made Marvel re-design Howard so as not to infringe on a certain Donald and Gerber hated it and would refuse to acknowledge the changes when writing Howard.

    Now Disney owns Howard and can do whatever they like. Gerber must be spinning in his grave.