Lich"s Mastery still bugged after fix?

When the last one on the board gets destroyed after multiples were in play  my opponent doesn't take 30 damage. I've actually had this happen while playing the card myself and not taking the 30 damage then the last one is destroyed.
They fixed taking the 30 when you still had one in play, but now it's not doing it when they're no more in play  


  • TriForceGuy
    TriForceGuy Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    Just finished a match .
    I had 2 Lich's Mastery on the board. Both destroyed at the same time  During an Enraged match  
    Didn't take double damage from enrage and only took 30 damage from a single LM being destroyed j instead of what should have been 120 total damage .