How did you do in support circuit?



  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,706 Chairperson of the Boards
    I took 1st in support circuit and got the MASTER TOKEN!!!   Happy time!!  Oh....well I got a 3* support from
    this.  This is just like getting an LT and having them change the odds so 3* are in there now.  That has just left me not carry about this as much.  

    Grind grind grind grind grind.  All this game is anymore.   I know others have said they like the different teams they go against.  For me, this is about getting 1st place for the top rewards.  I didn’t even pay close attention to who I was playing. The only thing I looked at is who has the least amount of health so I can take them out in 1/2 moves.  That’s all I care about.  Maybe that is wrong but I bet many of the top end PVE players that are pushing for 1st would feel the same way.  
    I positively loathe the change they made to the master tokens.  Master tokens went from "one or two a year" to maaaybe one or two a month (your random draws in the vault will hit them every so often, particularly if you get the 100hp daily deal.)  Having your normal draw a Rank 3 is terrible.  Rank 5 supports should not be trophies - they already have the Infinity Gems for that (and I'd argue that the Infinity Gems are not that great as trophies either, but that's another subject.)
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Did everything four times as soon as the event started, then came back an hour before the end of the event and did everything another two times, plus grinded some nodes to zero.

    I was 51st....

    The event gets a big NOPE from me, not fun

    That's because you're supposed to hit every node *three* times on a final clear =)

    Also you should clear everything once first and then hit the nodes 3 more times each (4 in total) starting with the highest value node and moving down.

    Then on the final clear you do three clears of each node from the lowest score to the highest.
    It helps to keep an note of the time when doing the first clear and allowing yourself about that much time when doing the final clear so you're not leaving too much time.
  • Taganov
    Taganov Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Finished 19th on SCL8. Got 2*s and 5k RISO.

    Gotta say, excited for the concept of Circuit, but not happy with the execution. I'm fine with vault tokens for supports, but why is the vault completely dominated by 2*s of all things? I'm not going to rehash entire threads here, but Support Circuit should be focused on supports.

    I'm hoping the devs see the feedback and implement changes sooner than later, because as it stands SC does not differentiate itself from any other PvE grind.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,859 Chairperson of the Boards
    Joined 3.9 as soon as it started. Used Grittydusa to grind out 4 clears as fast as I could in close to the proper order to max it out (1st node tapped twice to see what happened, and cleared the big node before going back). Starting 1hr 15min prior to end, I slowly ground out 3 more clears for each node, ending around 10 minutes before it ended. Finished 43rd.

    I got two duplicate supports; a 1* and a 2*. 

    Next time it runs, I'll still do the clears, because I have no life and work at a desk, but I'm not going to try for placement. This was A LOT of effort for very little. I'll take the extra cps and hps, but this one is a dud for me. 
  • Persephone
    Persephone Posts: 201 Tile Toppler
    Top 50 of 2.5
    I wish it was more like DDQ.
    I did enjoy the different enemies and boss event.  
    I also wish it ran from Friday through Monday and had time to complete the nodes when we wanted.  
  • Twomp_thaDJ
    Twomp_thaDJ Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    Did 1.8 slice.. got lucky and caught a flip. Played it like a normal PvE nod (grind).. finished 7th.. pulled a beginner support token. Support token was a 1* duplicate. Who knows how I will play it next week.. the CP was great but I don’t know if I’m grinding again.. *shrug*

    folks seem to have mixed opinions about it... me personally if they want supports to be a real integral part of the game they shouldn’t be more rare than 5* pulls
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    I played the first four or five nodes and then stopped. I didn't have the extra time or the interest. If it had lasted 24 hours more I may have done a single clear of everything and beaten the boss nodes.
  • Kahmon
    Kahmon Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    None of the times work well for me on both Monday for initial clears and Tuesday for final clears.
    I've seen plenty of other players comment that Mondays are a bad day for it. If they don't take the most requested solution of making it Gauntlet style, then hopefully they will at least make it not the same day every week.
    Perhaps Monday week 1, Tuesday week 2, Wednesday week 3, and Thursday week 4.

    So I joined Scl9 slice 2 at the start for 4 clears each then the boss nodes. Tuesday I had to do the clears 3 hours early, so I only did 2 of each instead of 3. Wound up in 126th place or so.

    Between 3 daily deals so far, 4 tokens from progression, and 1 from placement, i have gotten 3* Luke Cage, 3x 2*s, iso8 3 times, and red iso once. Nothing to be excited about.

    As I mentioned on another thread, if I can force myself to see this as a bonus chance to farm resources then It's fun, but with so much emphasis put on this as a means for gaining supports, it comes off as disappointing.
    There really needs to be some guarenteed support tokens besides (or instead of some) vault tokens.
    Good places are the 3rd boos fight for a beginner, and past the Command points for an advanced.
  • SaltyK
    SaltyK Posts: 54 Match Maker
    Not sure which slice i was in but i was about 1-2hrs late, scl 7.
    Placed 4th, rewards are so-so.

    Will i do it again? sure, i still need to progress my roster.
  • maguirenumber6
    maguirenumber6 Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    Cleared four times on CL9, which gives enough points to get the top progression reward. Earned several support tokens, but got no actual supports. Supports are STILL too difficult to get. 

    A Support Vault token should give you a support, NOT a 2* Human Torch or 500 iso.
  • Vins2
    Vins2 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    #11 in scl9, not worth the health packs let alone the time.  Maybe in scl7 the time invested will be equal to the rewards gained.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    Didn't even play to progression, although I cleared all three boss pins.  An additional 40+ nodes of grind on top of an existing PvE event isn't fun, even if it's got some rewards.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got a grand total of zero supports.   Just 2* covers and normal iso.  So, I'd like to say it was a let down, but.. I never really expected them to get it right in the first place.  

  • thechairman
    thechairman Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    Cleared 1x for the vault token. Won't even bother with the event going forward.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,980 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's kind of odd to have the Support Circuit vault sitting in the store for so long, in between the event being active.  Obviously you can spend HP on pulls, which is the point, I suppose.  But most vaults that last more than a couple days have earnable tokens (via event play) for most of the time they are open.

    Been doing daily deals, since event end.  Mostly 2's of course.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    bluewolf said:
    It's kind of odd to have the Support Circuit vault sitting in the store for so long, in between the event being active.  Obviously you can spend HP on pulls, which is the point, I suppose.  But most vaults that last more than a couple days have earnable tokens (via event play) for most of the time they are open.

    Been doing daily deals, since event end.  Mostly 2's of course.

    You are supposed to clear out the vault by buying tenpacks every day for the whole 28 day run. Or at least I suppose that is what the bean counters hope you will do...
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    bluewolf said:
    It's kind of odd to have the Support Circuit vault sitting in the store for so long, in between the event being active.  Obviously you can spend HP on pulls, which is the point, I suppose.  But most vaults that last more than a couple days have earnable tokens (via event play) for most of the time they are open.

    Been doing daily deals, since event end.  Mostly 2's of course.
    I've done the daily deal every day on two accounts.  Not a single support yet...
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    I did 4 clears in CL9 for progression.  I didn’t bother with final clears for placement.

    I ended up getting a master token from the vault and got a 4* Victorious support.  If I ever get 5* Doom champed it would be awesome, but since I can only use it on Villains it’s not as great as I hoped.

    I don’t like it running at the same time as another PVE event, but I do like the chance to get some of the more recent (and better) supports that weren’t in tokens before.
  • The_A_Train
    The_A_Train Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    It wasn't fun...once I realized they didn't actually make it easier to target specific supports and lowered the probability to get 4 and 5* supports I just had a laugh and accepted my 10 cp. 

    I was really looking forward to being able to pull more support tokens, ranking up some of my supports and then deciding which ones I should level. That dream flew out the window when I realized that I'd have to play optimally on someone else's schedule (read: **** timed slices) in order to actually get a support token.

    Seriously, who thought this was a good idea? Like, "hey, let's lower the odds to get 4 & 5* supports, add 3* supports to the big boy tokens, create a "support themed" event and lie to the playerbase about increased odds to get 5* supports!" And the office cries, "yes!", "brilliant", and, "you're a genius!"

    If "the devs" wanted supports to be the 6* tier (instead of the help small rosters "support" tier) then they should have communicated that to us.

    This event was a sham, a lie. If it weren't for cp then I'm not sure I'd even play it. 
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Support circuit week 2! Still terrible, moving on