Best of 2018.

mpqavsmpqavs Posts: 51 Match Maker
edited January 2019 in MPQ General Discussion
What are the best things we got from mpq devs in 2018?
Like new features,updates,characters etc..  
My answer : introduction of saved covers.
So what are your opinions?


  • Persephone
    Persephone Posts: 201 Tile Toppler
    1st place: Saved Covers
    2nd place: end of tapping
    3rd place: Supports (especially Stark Tower for IM40; that has caused some serious red tile cascades that got me to wipe out enemies I wanted gone quickly)
  • mpqavsmpqavs
    mpqavsmpqavs Posts: 51 Match Maker
    Thank you hound of shadow for the whole list.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    1. Saved Covers
    2. Saved Covers
    47. Saved Covers
    48. Untimed PVE Events (Sinister 600 and Places of Power)
    49. Gambit rebalance (even if it did just reset the meta to something different)
    50. Supports. I do use them and they can be kind of fun, but... still a lot of issues to address.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    Re-run of Growth Industries. I'd like to see Coulson's event get another run in 2019.
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,790 Chairperson of the Boards
    Supports and saved covers for me.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    While saved covers is the clear winner, I think it’s also worth mentioning the “Ant Man and the Wasp” movie tie-in.  Two new characters, three runs of Growth Industry, a free 3* support and a pretty player-friendly vault all added up to a well-received movie promotion, particularly after the grumbling surrounding Infinity War.  That was easily my favorite “event” of 2018.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,733 Chairperson of the Boards
    Best for me:

    1.  Saved Covers
    2.  Supports
    3.  Gambit being nerfed meant that I could safely ignore and not worry about mine, being stuck at 12 covers.

    Best for the game:
    1.  Saved covers
    2.  Hybrid PVP
    3.  Demise of tapping

    As @ZootSax alluded to, the push for more themed ideas and events, and trying to tie things together, is great.  The recent Doc Ock rework was another example of doing that, making him essential/boosted for the event right around there, putting him in a new release store.  And we even have a new costume in VIP now.

    Support as is have done good things for me via lucky RNG, but have obviously been a turn off for many people, at least until riso went up a lot.  The jury is still out as we wait for the new distribution model to be revealed.  Gambit was almost out of the meta completely by the time he finally got nerfed, which is probably what I would do too in the developers' shoes.  Much like OML was nerfed after he was out of the spotlight.  

    Hybrid PVP made it a viable play mode for many people who had ignored it before.  Tapping was only increasing and was bad from a design point of view, which laid out a set of rules that tapping attempted to work around by devoting insane amounts of playtime to the game.  And therefore turning off people who can't devote that amount of time to the game.

  • Projectus2501
    Projectus2501 Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    1 - saved covers
    2 - gambit rebalance
    3 - doc ock rebalance

    2 and 3 because in a game that has more than 150 heroes it sucks to play with and against the same ones all the time.
    It just started but I'm already sick of seeing kitty teams

  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I missed the change about the "demise of tapping", could someone explain?
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hound, that’s a great list. And yet people complain constantly that the developers don’t give us enough. 

    Bbigler, basically when you fully. cleared a node it wouldn’t drop to zero and instead would drop to like 1-3 points. So some players could literally spend HOURS hitting a node for 1-3 points over and over again and come out ahead of those clearing the current optimal way. I think the developers did a “test” with nodes dropping to zero before they started recharging, but then made it permanent. 

    As to the original question: saved covers no doubt, even though I’ve conquered the 4* tier and it would have helped me way more back in my transition. Biggest help for me is with farming and softcapping 5s. I no longer clamor for a “prestige” system now that we have saved covers; as you can essentially re-earn rewards now at the cost of a roster slot. And it’s really nice not having to champ my fives and being able to be more strategic about my transition. I don’t have to either throw away a 14th cover or transition with a suboptimal 5 to not waste extra covers. 

    Honorable mention goes to some of the characters we’ve received. Mainly the 4s that work well with 5s: America, Valkyrie, Bishop, etc. and the 5s that work well with 4s like Okoye and Kitty. I think more of these types of characters will open up teams and allow more of a bridge between 4* and 5* play. And being in that transition right now, I’m finding now more than ever I have several viable teams combining those 4s and 5s and am just having a blast with the actual game. 

    Too bad that for everyone of those we get a Kingpin or Emma. But what are you going to do?
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    2018 was a bad year for Steam.

    "1. Selecting a tile in-game lets you view the total strength of special tiles for both teams"
     I'd honestly forgotten that was a feature because it was never implimented in the Steam UI.

    "4. Support"
    Which ruined the once easy-to-use Steam UI in a number of places.
    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    1st place: Saved Covers
    2nd place: end of tapping
    3rd place: Supports (especially Stark Tower for IM40; that has caused some serious red tile cascades that got me to wipe out enemies I wanted gone quickly)
    ok for saved covers, but I don't see the end of tapping because as long as the nodes give 1 point there will be someone that will tap has slowed a lot, but not ended at all.

    I am not excited about supports...

    I will add Places of Power  and Sinisters 600 (even with poor choices for rewards, because 4 nebula's red covers was very odd)
    as a good improvement for the game and a step forward to  a full progression rewards system for PVE that many were asking for
    WEBGAS Posts: 474 Mover and Shaker
    1 - saved covers
    2 - gambit rebalance
    3 - doc ock rebalance

    2 and 3 because in a game that has more than 150 heroes it sucks to play with and against the same ones all the time.
    It just started but I'm already sick of seeing kitty teams

    Most of the Gambit teams now have become Thorkoye or Grockitty  so nothing has changed for the game if not that those who ly could only  relieve on Gambit are now less competitive in PVP
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,733 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tapping as a strategy ended.  If you reach the end of the sub and realize you have a few minutes and there are some points, yes, you might as well hit them if it might help.

    But there were people who specifically overcleared immediately (or extremely early and then spent as much time as possible for the remaining hours of the sub hitting nodes over and over.  That approach meant that they could outscore optimal players.  No more.

    Trying to do that now will not result in anyone winning a sub or event, nor will it result in a higher score than just playing as optimally as possible.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2019
    The Good
    1. Saved Covers (Best new feature in ages)
    2. New Alliance Event: Places of Power (Great rewards)
    3. New PvE: Fight for Wakanda
    4. Shield Clearance Pack (SCL bundle)
    5. Win-based and Point-based PvP (Would be much higher if not for the 75 win mark, it's too high)

    The Meh
    1. Demise of tapping (It needed to happen, but it actually did help players not in optimal timezones for timeslots.  TIME SLOTS STILL NEED A FIX OR REMOVAL!)
    2. 5-star Gambit update (It was inevitable but an over-nerf IMO)
    3. Costumes (Love the idea, hate the execution so far)
    4. 5-star Doc Ock's re-balance (I haven't actually used him but rumor is it's a meh)
    5. Alliance feature: making purchases public in alliance (I'm sure it's great for buy clubs, but outside of that meh)
    6. New Alliance Event: Sinister 600 (Terrible rewards compared to PoP despite simular format)

    The Bad
    1. Supports (1000 points for the bad.  Mediocre idea, horribly executed, tons of RNG in moves, nearly impossible to get to boot)
    2. Abandoning Featured characters (This got a lot of flack and I hated it at first also, but it ultimately was a relatively good compromise between true vaulting an letting dilution run rampant.  I grew to really like it.  Now dilution is running rampant again with no fix in sight, sigh.)
  • Projectus2501
    Projectus2501 Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    WEBGAS said: ki
    1 - saved covers
    2 - gambit rebalance
    3 - doc ock rebalance

    2 and 3 because in a game that has more than 150 heroes it sucks to play with and against the same ones all the time.
    It just started but I'm already sick of seeing kitty teams

    Most of the Gambit teams now have become Thorkoye or Grockitty  so nothing has changed for the game if not that those who ly could only  relieve on Gambit are now less competitive in PVP
    You are right. The rebalances were positive in a way that they show that both op heroes and bad heroes can be rebalanced. But d3 should do it more. 
  • IronLad
    IronLad Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    For me:
    1st = Saved covers
    2nd = Costumes
    3rd = Supports
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    Saved Covers is easily the winner.