Need some advice.

All 2* rostered and are level 94+.
Now have 40 charecters rostered.
Now got 13 covers for 3* strange and im40.
Have enough iso8 to champ them together.
So if i champ them will it be helpful in pvp?
Or shall i need to wait for more 3* to reach 13 covers?
It will be helpful... Strange is better for PvE/ story.
IM is a bit of a battery vs damage.
I don’t remember he 3* being a leap....
who are you seeing in PvP... if it’s already 3* teams, not much of a downside.
0 -
In pvp i am facing 2*+3* teams.also teams having 1 or 2 one covered 5*.
Since i have no chance against 5* i ignore them.
Any way i am facing teams above my level most of the times.
I have no 5*.
Have only one 4* .carol level 70 4 covers.
Also thank you for the replies.
Expecting more answers.0 -
I wouldn’t be too scared of 5* toons with 1 cover...aside from match damage they wouldn’t barely do anything.
IM40 Strange is a decent pair for all formats, if you want to get better rewards/more covers I’d go ahead and champ them.0 -
Would also strongly suggest you prioritise Kamala Khan, Scarlet Witch, Iron Fist and Luke Cage.
It’s been a while since I was in 3* land, but I don’t see any newer ones which offer much more. Thanos for PvE also, albeit he’ll increase your health pack usage.1 -
mpqavsmpqavs said:In pvp i am facing 2*+3* teams.also teams having 1 or 2 one covered 5*.
Since i have no chance against 5* i ignore them.
Any way i am facing teams above my level most of the times.
I have no 5*.
Have only one 4* .carol level 70 4 covers.
Also thank you for the replies.
Expecting more answers.
Unfortunately this is how the game will be for a long time... you will Always be matched against teams that are stronger than yours. At least until you get level 550 fivestars I suppose. As mentioned, single cover fivestars aren't that hard to deal with if you can Control their strong colors, but with level 94 twostars I suppose it is a tall order still. Boosted threestars might be able to do it though.I Think you should take the plunge, it will not be any fun at first when you play Iron Man and Strange over and over but things will get better once you level more threestars. Do give Story mode a try, Strange is excellent there and it is a good way to get more covers too.
By the way, do you have any other threestars that are Close to 13 covers?
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Now my BH is kk.
Now i have
Doc ock - 9 covers.
Cyclops - 7 covers.
Switch,cage- 7 covers.
These are my most covered 3*.
0 -
I’d BH Switch, KK and Cage.
Play as much Story mode as you can is the best source of reliable resources esp covers and ISO.
PvP is great for what it is, but it’s like playing squash - you get fit to play squash, you don’t play squash to get fit....0 -
Haha, seems my topic has been taken over. Would have hoped for some more replies. Thanks in advance0
Now also have 3* hawkeye - 8 covers.
Got 3 from luke cage pvp.0 -
mpqavsmpqavs said:Now also have 3* hawkeye - 8 covers.
Got 3 from luke cage pvp.
0 -
So championing strange and im40 will never cause problems in pvp i hope.0
mpqavsmpqavs said:Mainly playing pvp.
All 2* rostered and are level 94+.
Now have 40 charecters rostered.
Now got 13 covers for 3* strange and im40.
Have enough iso8 to champ them together.
So if i champ them will it be helpful in pvp?
Or shall i need to wait for more 3* to reach 13 covers?0 -
mpqavsmpqavs said:So championing strange and im40 will never cause problems in pvp i hope.0
1. You're already facing 1-cover 5*s in PvP. IMO your goal in PvP is to be able to (not necessarily reliably) but at least to try to be able to hit 40 wins so you can earn a 4* cover as a progression prize. Usually I think you will not want to go this far, because most 4*s are not worth the effort, besides which your roster slots may be limited so you may not be able to roster assorted 4*s anyways. But *WHEN A GOOD 4* COMES UP* you want to BE ABLE to do it.
I agree you should generally go for PvE in terms of earning best rewards for time spent (and I'd specify SCL 4-6 usually for the 3*, moving up to SCL 7 for the 4* if the 4* cover in progression is for a good character - and for SCL 7 PvE you WILL want 3* Doctor Strange and 3* Iron Man for sure) - but anyways back to PvP.2. I'd recommend 3* Kamala Khan / 3* Captain America, with either 3* Hood or 3* Iron Man as a third if you can. Another team is 3* Iron Man / 3* Doctor Strange. I see a lot of veterans recommend 3* Cage / 3* Fist but as I see it that's more a specialist matchup.Thing about PvP is either you have a team that powers through on its merits, or a team that specifically counters an enemy team. The other part of that is you can have a team that requires thought to use or that doesn't require so much thought (the latter generally being better on defense).
e.g. "powers through on merits" - let's say 3* Iron Man / 3* Doctor Strange. Make two yellow matches then protect the yellow countdowns, then make a red match sometime. Strange stuns one character and prevents them from firing a power, AP drain prevents another dangerous power from going out, Iron Man comes out of self-stun and kills another character. So pretty much you just kill the opponent based on your own merits."specifically counters another team" - suppose enemy team is 3* Blade / 3* Daken. You know they're going to generate Special tiles, so you use 3* Hawkeye to get AP faster, and 3* Bullseye to punish their Specials with his cheap purple, and maybe 3* Magneto but whatever. The team wouldn't work well at all against most teams, but because of the enemy color suites and powers, it works decently."requires thought to use" - if you have 3* Captain America and 3* Iron Man, you probably don't "think" so much before you fire 3* Iron Man's yellow. But you could have saved the yellow for 3* Captain America's power. Generally the AI makes bad decisions on defense, so 3* Iron Man / 3* Captain America on defense is far less effective than 3* Iron Man / 3* Captain America on offense."doesn't require thought to use" - like 3* Cyclops. Basically if he has a power and uses it, it's probably going to have some positive effect, maybe even a strong positive effect. It's hard for the AI to really mess up using him, because no matter what he does, it probably works out more or less all right.==Sooo I mentioned Kamala Khan / Captain America with Hood / Iron Man as third, or Iron Man / Doctor Strange, and I said 3* Fist / Cage not so much. But why?Kamala Khan and Captain America are bad if enemy has a lot of board shakeups; Cap's countdowns could be destroyed or matched away. But if the enemy doesn't have that, then Cap can keep firing his red and blue, he has a stun in there, and Khan keeps generating temporary hit points off that. Plus Khan has minor board shakeup and team damage. It's slow to get going, but once it gets going, you probably won. Iron Man speeds it up; Hood controlls enemy AP (so prevents them from firing powers) and helps build up AP; Hood also has a precision board control yellow bomb and a black that can speed Cap's countdowns (for effective permastun with a bit of surplus blue).
Iron Man / Doctor Strange, you get a couple yellow matches and a red, fire Doctor Strange's blue to stun one enemy, maybe drain AP from another color, use Iron Man to kill a third target. Or whatever. It works out pretty quickly, and though Strange is fragile and the team isn't great on defense as Strange *is* fragile, on offense it can work pretty decently. But note where Strange's yellow is great against non-character goons in PvE, in PvP it's really NOT so good, because typically Strange's yellow only activates in response to an enemy power firing, and if an enemy power fires, probably your team just took some major hurting. In PvE, Strange's yellow is big, in PvP Strange's blue is what he's there for.
Cage / Fist . . . I don't like. Yes there's a persistent Protect tile, but it's just so slow, board shakeup is random and quite unreliable, and you have no stuns or temporary hit points or anything. So if the enemy generates Strike tiles, or builds up a power then fires, you just have to take it. The Protect tile helps against match damage, but it's a long slow game where you're building up for Cage's yellow and Iron Fist's purple and green and black to fuel Fist's purple damage and/or a big Cage black push. It's just so super slow and BECAUSE it is slow the enemy can fire powers then you get a hurting that the Protect tile doesn't help against, and besides which red and blue aren't covered, and if you want to hate on an opponent's AP, probably red and blue are going to be things you want to stop them from getting, Yes, if the enemy has a 5* or an Iron Fist, then a Cage on your team can protect against match damage but . . . it's still slow.Other 3*s you want: Thanos, Deadpool. Thanos because his black passive makes things fast, and can mean killing enemy teams you otherwise couldn't kill (even though it hurts your team a bit as well, killing enemies and stopping them from firing powers can *save* you from taking *more* damage). Deadpool because he builds Deadpool points when used, and you can use his purple Whales points in conjunction with Deadpool points to kill anything. I'd say Scarlet Witch is strong too, others I won't get into here.==For PvP at this time you're using mostly 2*s. Probably you're already using 2* Thor / Storm / Magneto (or Ares / Storm / Magneto if the enemy team doesn't have quite so many hit points). If the enemy team doesn't deal high match damage or quick damage or a lot of damage in general, you can try 2* Daken / 2* Wolverine / 2* Black Widow (note Black Widow gets KO'd quick, that's why the team isn't really suitable for use against enemy teams that deal high match damage or that generally have a lot of early damage). If 2* Storm is hurt, you can try 2* Hawkeye / 2* Bullseye / 2* Magneto using board control to make 5-matches to trigger Hawkeye's passive.
Or generally Bullseye comes in handy if you want to cut damage against your team, and with his precision board control is generally useful. (Though he's slow).Anyways that's all for now. But to answer OP - to REALLY answer - yeah, I don't know. I really don't. If you champion 3* Iron Man and 3* Doctor Strange, will you suddenly be facing championed 3* teams in PvP? rather than 2*-3* teams? That's the real question isn't it?But I WILL say - even if you decide not to champ Iron Man and Strange, at least look at what you can earn in PvE for time spent, and think about playing PvE for rewards. I'd guess you don't have SCL 7 unlocked yet maybe, but if you get your 3*s up there, you can earn 4*s as progression rewards in SCL 7 PvE play, and 3*s are what you need to play at that level. It won't be easy, and I'd say generally you might want to play at lower SCLs but if there's a good 4* cover available in PvE I'd say you shouldn't miss it.. . . and if you decide to play SCL 4 or 7 whatever for the 3* cover in PvE, then 3* Iron Man and 3* Strange will help a lot. There's a few more 3*s and maybe 4*s you'd want to work on to get consistent good PvE earnings but again, it's something you might want to look at. Really.Anyways if you're really opposed to PvE that's your thing, but I'm telling you straight, you could really be missing out on some good rewards. Not wagging my finger and saying "you'll be sorry", but really, if a 4* Rocket and Groot cover comes up in PvE and you miss it . . . I'd be sad. I mean 4* Sandman, 4* Spiderman, more or less so what maybe but some characters you really want. Annnd I'd ask around or read up to find out what those were if you're interested at all.0 -
@AardvarkPepper 3* Cage can stun with his black. Pair Cage and Fist with Switch and she generates purple for Fist to then make black or use Switch for her stun. He could go with Falcon as a third too. Falcon is buffing tiles for Cage and Fist plus an aoe that comes with plenty of protect tiles. Constant damage from Fist, protection from Cage and Falcon plus Falcon can help override pesky enemy tiles.0
IM40 and Dr Strange will be your bread and butter for PvP. Go for 40 wins if you could. A PvP last for 3 days, so 13-14 matches a day sound manageable. Each match takes at most 1.5 minutes at most on average. That's about 20 minutes a day.
Dr. Strange and IM40 will be an outstanding team to accelerate your matches in PvE. Hawkeye will be awesome to pair with Iron Fist and/or Dr Strange in nodes with minions. Enjoy +2ap to both purple and blue for matching an enemy special tile. That's a total of 4 additional ap.
Remember to equip supports to your 3* characters for PvE.
Back in the early days of PvP, I was using a few 3* with true heal to get more matches going. Here are some 3* with true heal: Wolverine, Daken, Rocket & Groot, Hawkeye.
0 -
Thank you for all the answers.
One thing to say,from these replies i came to know that you all think that i am not playing pve.thats not right guys.
I always do 4 clears in most pve events.
In pve events we can select enemy levels.
But in pvp we cannot do that.
Any way i will wait a little more.
So guys thank you all and wishing you a happy christmas.0 -
Definitely make the plunge into 3* land with im40 and strange. They are a meta team. Honestly, they are the best pair you can get for your first 3* champs. They work in pve and PVP. A great 3rd would be Kamala. Another 3* meta team is cage and fist, which also work in PVP or PVE. A great 3rd would be switch or strange. Hawkguy is great when used properly in pve. Magneto and Kamala can give you constant cascades and long turns, which is good for boss battles. Fuel them with im40. Falcon can be useful, but I find him slow. Thanos is your easy node and seed team killer. Pair him with Rocket or Patch or Daken.0
mpqavsmpqavs said:Thank you for all the answers.
One thing to say,from these replies i came to know that you all think that i am not playing pve.thats not right guys.
I always do 4 clears in most pve events.
In pve events we can select enemy levels.
But in pvp we cannot do that.
Any way i will wait a little more.
So guys thank you all and wishing you a happy christmas.
Even if you don't play PvE SCL 7 all the time (say you jsut do PvE SCL 4 or whatever), if you're up against enemy goons that fire active powers that create Countdowns (as opposed to firing active powers that immediately damage your team), then Strange's yellow is great. Even against other teams, Iron Man's yellow followed by Strange's blue then Iron Man's red solves a lot of problems. (Typically spec Iron Man's blue to 3 covers and Strange's purple to 3 covers).I mean, really, Iron Man / Strange will cut your times, so if you are doing PvE and in the early 2*-3* transition, no question, champ them now. NOOOOOOW!!!0
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