Another Player Survey...

Punter1 Posts: 728 Critical Contributor

...and another 0 from me for recommending to a friend.  I understand why this question is asked, but I will always answer 0.  I enjoy this game, but I can't recommend it.  I had one friend who started a month or so ago as he was intrigued by my addiction, but it was not fun.  There's a simple tutorial on the match-3 aspect, but the meta is not explained, I tried and realized I was talking essentially nonsense and I kinda think I know what I'm doing! 

The game is not designed for new players any more. There's just too many characters that making meaningful progress is a long and arduous journey that I wouldn't wish upon anyone. 



  • barrok
    barrok Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    edited November 2018
    bbigler said:
    I laughed at that question about other games I played.  They're joking right? I don't have time to play any other mobile games.  This one already takes up 3-4 hrs per day.

    Also, for some reason I couldn't see the "start" button on my iphone in safari. Had to load it up on chrome. 
  • Twomp_thaDJ
    Twomp_thaDJ Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    Punter1 said:

    The game is not designed for new players any more. There's just too many characters that making meaningful progress is a long and arduous journey that I wouldn't wish upon anyone. 

    Big Facts
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gave it a 9.  Just recommended it to a friend about 6 weeks ago and immediately he was like "I can see why you get addicted to this".  It's actually brought us closer as I give him advice on who to roster and how to allocate resources and he texts me often about what to do.  Though I love when he argues with me about certain things like how 2* Storm and Ares are trash as if I haven't been playing this game a billion years and might know a thing or two, haha (he's come around on Storm finally).

    Definitely been a bonding point for us.  I was even grinding out some wins for him this weekend when I had nothing to play on my own account and teaching him how to best utilize his roster.  His 3/4* pull rate has been insanely high though and unfortunately he's had to trash most of them as I keep encouraging him to focus on building 2s and top tier 3s (he pulls mostly bottom tier 3s).
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    NotBAMF said:
    MPQ asking me what other games I play feels like my wife looking at my Facebook, seeing my friends from high school, and saying "SO WHO IS THIS?!"
    Difference here is they might rework this game to include the best features from those games.  While your wife technically could do that, it's not likely that's why she's asking  :D
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    I guess one reason why they ask what other games people play on phones is beneficial to them to help determine demographics and advertising.   Other mobile games sometimes have commercial opportunities to watch a video/advertisement.  So MPQ will actually advertise on other mobile platforms. I have seen MPQ advertised on at least one other mobile game.   A while back, MPQ had the idea to have players get a small bonus if they watched an advertisement.  This advertisement opportunity would show up during PVE node completions. Since PVE is competitive based on time, watching those nodes, would cost you placement in the rankings so the bonus was not worth it. Later they switched those small bonus rewards to give to players, if they have done a purchase like VIP. 
    Those pop up rewards still can slow you down and cost you a placement, but not as drastically.  
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    Another 0.  Not gonna re write what I said, just check out the 5* vet thread. 
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    why don't we get something for doing these? shouldn't we get 500 iso, or a couple cp, or a classic legends token for participating.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2018
    @HoundofShadow you and I must play some very different games.  If 0 is 100% p2w and 10 is doesn’t even have micro transactions this game is a 4 IMO and the most p2w that I currently play. 

    I put a 3. I would only recommend it to a person that had an extremely obsessive personality and doesn’t mind dropping lots of money on throw away stuff. 1 friend does come to mind like this and still probably won’t, but if asked I probably would tell him, but wouldn’t suggest it unprompted. 

    My fix suggestions I put in the survey (ordered by importance):
    - Fix / remove time slices
    - Fix dilution
    - Put SCLs into boss events and don't add any new events that don't support SCLs.
    - Abandon / remove supports
    - Add 6*s
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2018
    It could be due to us having different definition of P2W, and different experiences with different mobile games. Let me give a few examples of my definition of P2W.

    1. Currently, MPQ has four token types for 5-star characters:

    a) Latest Legends
    b) Classic Legends
    c) Special 5* Tokens (new 5* release)
    d) Special 5* compensation tokens where there are only 5* (Think OML and Gambit)

    With the exception of no. 4, the odds are the same for all players, regardless of whether they pay with cash or not, and that is ~1:7.

    If the devs want to go the way of P2W, players have to spend real cash to reduce the odds from 1:7 to 1:3 or 1:4. That's P2W to me. 

    2. the devs come up with a new permanent token type for where there are only 5* characters; however, you can only get the tokens by paying with cash.

    3. The devs lock top tier characters (America Chavez, Okoye etc) behind paywall, that is to say, all players have 0 odds to get a chance at pulling top characters of each tier, except paying for them with real cash.

    4. The devs allow players to use a maximum of 10 healthpacks or 10 characters every 24 hours. If you use up your healthpacks, you have to wait 24 hours for the game to reset. If not, you can purchase healthpack with real cash at the healthpack stores. True heal is removed from the game. Character recovery is removed from the game as well. All characters recover their full life after each day reset.

    On the scale of P2W, where 0 is 0% P2W and 10 is 100% P2W, I say that at most they are a 2. The only thing you are using is time and dedication. 

  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,203 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't recommend this game to anyone anymore and its a shame. I used to have a ton of friends playing it, but they all got burnt out and or felt like they could never catch up. Even the person who introduced me to the game quit.

    It's a hard sell to tell a new person that it will take you an exorbitant amount of time to effectively get nowhere and you will never be able to catch up to the veteran rosters. Also expect to play 4-5 hours a day to get anywhere and grind the same nodes over and over again. 

    My playtime has dropped dramatically. Im at 1228 days played in a row and i really only play to keep the streak alive. I barely play PVE ( no drive to play the same node 4x) , i hit 575 in PVP and stop ( i only play the last 2h of a slice so i can hit a bunch of 75s and hit 575 in no time) and i stopped doing the deadpool daily cause whats the point ( taco tokens are too bloated), i get the 2CP node done and the crash of titans once that rolls up.

    There just hasn't been a feature or game adjustment that excites me to want to play the game more than maybe an hour a day or less. Supports are awful, costumes feel unneeded, and the pack dilution is soul crushing.

    It's sad because i used to adore this game, but now it feels like a job instead of a game. 
  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor

    My playtime has dropped dramatically. Im at 1228 days played in a row and i really only play to keep the streak alive.
    If you are referring to shield resupply, you can take time off, it picks up where you left off (you may know, but you would be surprised how many people dont)
  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 984 Critical Contributor
    I gave them a 7. Compared to other games, MPQ is the least P2W game i have played. However, MPQ is not a game meant for impatient players who want to complete everything as fast as possible with the least effort possible and it's not meant for perfectionists. 

    Despite the myth running around about new players being unable to catch up with new 4* and "expensive" roster slot cost, my journey has proven this to be untrue. In the early part of the game, I have to choose who to roster, selling characters often, and HP is a major "pain" factor. Now that I'm transitioning into 4* land, I've been gaining 4-5 roster slots every two weeks for a few months and I have spent zero dime on this game. 

    Reasons for 7
    1) You can advance and progress without being forced to pay with real cash.

    2) The more you progress, the longer you can play, due to bigger roster.

    3) The game is fun.

    4) The game runs pretty smoothly.

    5) No forced 15-30 second ads in the game that pop up every three or five matches.

    6) Because it's Marvel.

    7) Makes you think hard on who to prioritise. This is a good exercise to let you become familiar with the characters.

    8) RNG or the odds to get characters are quite okay. I have played games where the odds to get the rarest tier character is 0.1%. It's 14.3% to 15% here, which is generous.

    Where're the other 3?
    1) lack of filters to choose characters easily.

    2) lack of new non-playable characters. There were two new events, but there were no new bosses or new minions. 

    3) No game is perfect. 

    Very much agreed, @HoundofShadow .
    I usually rate it a 7, for a lot of the same reasons you've listed above.
    The one I would add (and like to mention in the surveys) is the (with only a few exceptions) top-notch artwork in the game. They do a great job with the look of the game without the graphics being so overwhelming that it hurts the data connection.

  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 728 Critical Contributor

    I'd probably rate MPQ a 7 or 8.  Though in theory for the amount of time I've sunk into it, I should really rate it an 11 out of 10.  I mean I must like it loads to play it this much!

    I agree with what others have said when looking at the game for personal enjoyment.  It's not that P2W, I'm 100% F2P and near the top of the rankings so that says something.  I like the match 3 game, I love the powers and playing the puzzle when we get a chance.  I'm a sucker for the collectable nature which is what keeps me going, and I've seen progression over the many hours of playing. 

    My point was, despite my own experience and perhaps because of my own experience, I'd never recommend this to a friend today.  The daily grind, the massive amount of RNG that's now in play, the repetitiveness, the massive time investment needed now to even start to think about being 4*player and the lack of in-game support to start to explain this means I have 0 chance of recommending this game.

  • MrKasady
    MrKasady Posts: 74 Match Maker
    edited November 2018
    jredd said:
    why don't we get something for doing these? shouldn't we get 500 iso, or a couple cp, or a classic legends token for participating.
    This is why I stopped answering. I used to just copy and paste the same stuff into the surveys and, except for turning off animations, it never gets better. So they seem to ignore the answers AND there's no reward so what incentive do I REALLY have?
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    MPQ has made considerable strides over the last year with only one, in my opinion, fatal mis-step: the reintroduction of full 4* dilution. It is that factor which caused me to downgrade my score from last time there was one of these surveys in terms of being able to recommend this game to others. And it is a real shame because so many other issues were fixed or addressed.
  • St_Bernadus
    St_Bernadus Posts: 631 Critical Contributor
    HoundsofShadow mapped out my response there too. I think the vets overestimate how hard it is to get playing.
    It is a long road to full roster for sure but there is a path and you don't have to pay massive amounts to have fun playing.