Yet another way to to challenge players in DPD

fnedude Posts: 393 Mover and Shaker

A proposal to add to DPD to challenge people, in a new way.

 First you need a way-back machine.  In the Original Puzzle Quest (tm), there was a way to “learn spells”, where you accumulated XX amount of matches for each color (red/green/yellow/etc), the “XP” and “Gold” AP were actually replaced with Scrolls.  The trick to this mode of play, was that you had to accumulate enough AP before your board locked with 0 moves and it ended the attempt.  The same can be applied here, play until the board is locked and then, match over.  The other feature of this “training”, powers aren’t used, it’s purely matched play. 

Now, fast forward to MPQ.  How about using the same mechanic to “earn” Support tokens.  Set up a DPD node (Deadpool’s Mid-Term Exam) where he has to “study” and earn a support token of the 5-day cycle.  The amount of AP generated would grant you either Support * of the cycle or a Support Token of the Support granted (either **, ***, or **** variety, TBD by D3).  If you exceed each threshold here when the board ends (you earn the 1* reward you get it, but don’t get the 2* reward).

This would be a node that you can play 1/day, and only win once per 5 day cycle.  There is no damage in the event, so you wouldn’t take damage to use healthpacks, it would just take time to do the node.

The trick here, is make the challenge goals higher and higher for each rank you earn.  So for instance you need to match 20AP for ** reward, 35AP for *** reward, etc (again TBD by D3).  Team Up AP is replaced with a “scroll” or “exam sheet”.   The amount of AP would be 3 appropriate color for that Support, and then X number of scrolls.  For instance, “The Milano” would be 15R, 18Y, 16P, 14Scrolls would be a * reward (or Beginners token), 21R, 24Y, 22P, 20Scrolls would be a ** reward (or Master token), etc.

Anyhow, that's my suggestion to introduce something new and challenging, and then give Supports as a reward.