River's Rebuke - creature die triggers are resolved prior to supports being destroyed

River's Rebuke triggers and resolves "die" effects before destroying supports.

For example:
I have a creature in play and Ajani's Last Stand or Murder Investigation in play.
The River's Rebuke will kill my creature in play, give me a token from the my supports, then destroy my supports.

Example 2:
I have a creature in play (Slimefoot, the Stowaway),
Supports in play Ajani's Last Stand and Divine Visitation. (which create an infinite loop of creating angel tokens and killing avatar tokens)

River's Rebuke is cast
It destroys the Slimefoot.
Triggers the create an avatar token (Ajani's Last Stand)
Triggers the create an angel token, destroy the avatar token (Divine Visitation)
... loop forever

The River's Rebuke step to destroy all non-land supports is never reached.
If the supports were destroyed, it wouldn't start the infinite loop.