The Eldest Reborn Third Step - Player cannot review card details

Before this patch, when Eldest Reborn selected creatures to steal from opponent's graveyard, clicking twice would allow you to review the card details so you can pick the one you want the most.

After this patch, clicking the second time is just deselecting the card instead of zooming to the card details.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just Dropped In
    Try long pressing and then letting go. I had to do that in the training tutorial for guilds. Not sure it applies but worth a shot
  • ShaarkBiite
    ShaarkBiite Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    Yeah, this seems to be an issue every time you are presented with a "select" option. @jimpark sends to be correct with the long-press resolution.
    This is probably something that should have been communicated in game, as the fix doesn't seem intuitive.