Option to remove prebuilt decks from deck selection on nodes

stikxs Posts: 537 Critical Contributor
Since we can't do anything with the prebuilt decks, and no one uses them anyway, can we have an option to not display them in the decklist after picking a PW for a node?


  • rafalele
    rafalele Posts: 876 Critical Contributor
  • LordDorwin
    LordDorwin Posts: 78 Match Maker
    I wouldn't be too certain about nobody using them - I've come across a couple of copies appearing in PvP arenas when I was in the lower tiers.

    IMO, the example deck provided for Gideon, Battle-Forged is almost a study in how not to build a white deck(very heavy on weak creatures with only about 2 supports) - not something a newbie should be given to use.  

    I say open the space for editing and give the enthusiasts a place to put their Dino/Fungal/Zombie/whatever themed decks.
  • NinjaE
    NinjaE Posts: 213 Tile Toppler
    I'd like to be able to rework the deck slots into something useful, personally.
  • stikxs
    stikxs Posts: 537 Critical Contributor
    I wouldn't be too certain about nobody using them - I've come across a couple of copies appearing in PvP arenas when I was in the lower tiers.

    IMO, the example deck provided for Gideon, Battle-Forged is almost a study in how not to build a white deck(very heavy on weak creatures with only about 2 supports) - not something a newbie should be given to use.  

    I say open the space for editing and give the enthusiasts a place to put their Dino/Fungal/Zombie/whatever themed decks.
    I was just proposing an option to hide them, not remove them, so newer players could still use them if they were brave enough. Letting us edit them like you said would be even better, but they'd be losing a possible 150 crystal sale doing that...
  • LordDorwin
    LordDorwin Posts: 78 Match Maker
    stikxs said:
    newer players could still use them if they were brave enough.
    Ummmm...  I don't think that bravery is quite what's involved.

    Seriously, though, giving a guy who's just started out that stuff and calling it the official 'Beginner deck" is both discouraging him and teaching very poor deck building strategy.

    If they're adamant about leaving those exemplars of skill in and not permitting us to deface the great art, then a "hide" feature would be great, especially with the newer Planeswalkers - they sport three of them (Beginner, Intermediate and Master) which occupy the entire top row.