Inconsistencies with Invocation and creatures that buff on ETB

Specifically Tishana, though I’m assuming it works the same for any others that immediately buff themselves on entering.

Cast invocation with an empty board, grab tishana - she enters, draws a card, let’s say that fills your hand so she buffs herself to 13/13. Deals 13 damage to opposing first creature. 

Next turn, she’s still on the board. Cast another invocation, fetch another tishana, she draws, fills hand, buffs herself to 26, and then deals 1 damage to opposing creature. 

I wouldn’t expect her to deal the 26, of course, and understand the buff doesn’t apply to the new reinforcement alone, so that’d be tricky to factor in. So should she always just deal the 1 damage, pre-buff? Or is this working as intended? Can’t quite tell the proper order of events here, but seems inconsistent. 


  • rafalele
    rafalele Posts: 876 Critical Contributor
    How do you get Tishana making 13 or 1 of damage just casting it? Which other cards are in battlefield?
  • Tremayne
    Tremayne Posts: 1,748 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think that thesmallesthuman refers to the card Viviens invocation.

    as described above it seems that the ETB effect is applied during the resolution of VI.

    the main problem is the inconsistency when compared to the nerfed card Ambuscade, which deals damage before applying the described buff.
  • thesmallesthuman
    thesmallesthuman Posts: 99 Match Maker
    Yes, sorry, should have used the full card name - Vivien’s Invocation is what I’m using to fetch Tishana and deal the damage. Sorry if I explained that poorly.

    In other instances it seems programmed to deal the base damage of the entering creature it fetched, even when reinforcing, but seems to wait until the buff has been applied in the case of a lone Tishana. Mostly curious as to what the intended nature of Vivien’s Invocation is and if the damage is supposed to be dealt before or after ETB effects. 

  • rafalele
    rafalele Posts: 876 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2018
    When I play Vivien's invocation with mirrorpool in battlefield it makes the damage buffed.
  • techmarine5
    techmarine5 Posts: 57 Match Maker
    The reason that this is happening is because invocation take the power of the creature on the board when creating a new instance. However, it just takes base power when reinforcing. Sloppy and inconsistent design, but that is the explanation.