If you could fly or spin webs...

Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
If you could have the powers of any character found in Marvel Puzzle Quest, who would you choose? How would you use those abilities in the real world? Would you want the brains of Tony Stark so you could try and cure cancer? Would you want to control squirrels to rid your neighborhood of those vicious rodents? Or maybe you want the muscles of Luke Cage so you can get a girlfriend like Jessica Jones.

The forums are dying to know what kind of super-being you'd be!


  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2018
    I would be Thanos...


    1.  Spider-Man - Would love to be witty and hitty while cleaning up the streets.
    2.  Iron Man - Brains make brawn from morning till dawn.
    3.  Dr. Strange - By the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak I would drive evil back!
  • randomhero1090
    randomhero1090 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker
    If we are considering Tony Stark's brain to be a superpower (which I don't disagree with), then that's what I want.  No doubt.  Help people and be rich at the same time sounds good to me.

    Don't really want any mind powers (read minds, see into future, etc etc).  Kinda takes the fun out of life IMHO.

    Since she's front of mind....  Domino's LUCK would be pretty cool to have.  And I have to disagree with Deadpool that LUCK is a superpower :smiley:
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    Well, Tony Stark is super smart, but as far as I know he still hasn't cured cancer in the Marvel universe so, Molecule man.  Wouldn't have to worry about cure for cancer, I could just eradicate the cancerous cells.  Give kids back missing limbs.  Plastic surgery without the plastic or scars.  Destroy trash dumps or reorganize the molecules into useful things.  Clean up oil spills.  So many possibilities.  Or just take over the world.  Unless one of you is the Beyonder, then that last one is probably off the table.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lopan15 said:
    Well, Tony Stark is super smart, but as far as I know he still hasn't cured cancer in the Marvel universe so, Molecule man.
    Curing cancer doesn't sell comic books; he hasn't even tried! He's too busy making nano-armor. As for the Molecule Man, he's not in MPQ... but maybe he should be.
  • professorplum9
    professorplum9 Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    So many great powers to choose from, but I think we've all got to be thinking "wouldn't it be great if I could go through a complicated sequence of motions to call wasps to my aid and incrementally increase my punching power for each wasp I call"
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Problem is I know a lot of real world physics would get right in the way of a lot of powers.

    Like, shooting lightning. The horrendous crack of thunder would probably blow your eardrums and the flash would blind you.

    Flying? Well you'll have to be at a certain height otherwise you'd freeze to death or asphyxiate. And I imagine going too fast would make it tough to breathe, too. You'd need a flying suit to handle your own G-force, too.

    Telepathy? you'd need some insane control to not go crazy hearing everyone's internal monologue all the time.

    The ability to stop time would literally kill you. Light molocules wouldn't be moving so you couldn't see. Air molocules wouldn't move so you couldn't breathe or move. The air would be rigid around you. The world would be silent since the soundwaves in the air aren't moving.

    Shrinking or growing would be bad. Shrinking either would make it so the air molocules are too large for you to inhale and process properly, or if your own atoms are reduced your brain would be too simple to function. If you grow too large, your heart would probably explode from the overwork it would need to do to pump the extra blood around you.

    That said...always wanted to fly. I just wanna fly in a Captain Marvel kinda way, not in an "ARGH I'M GETTING FROTBITE FROM GOING TOO HIGH" kinda way =P
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2018
    Problem is I know a lot of real world physics would get right in the way of a lot of powers.

    There is no way that super powers can work other than discarding most of the laws of physics as we currently understand them. Never has been. Remember, we're talking about abilities from a universe where it's almost universally more effective to punch someone than it is to shoot them ;)
    That said, given a compatible universe, I'd probably go for the powers of someone like Invisible Woman, Kitty Pryde, or Wasp. Something handy for getting out of awkward social situations.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would go with the ability to control time or being able to charm people into doing what I want them to do.
  • Heartbreaksoup
    Heartbreaksoup Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    I met a fellow a couple of times with Howard the Duck's blue power.  He'd start on some lunatic rant, on one occasion gibbering on at full volume about how Gilligan's Island was full of insidious code for "the homosexual agenda," and you'd be stunned silent, afraid to say a word.  Somebody interjected once and everybody else in the store sniggered and smiled and looked away, and he just talked-talked-talked at them in a ten minute long vomit of words.  His victim, no stranger to debate, was paralyzed and silent for ten long minutes of their previously useful life.

    That could be a superpower.  Or it could be a curse...
  • DavidAmaquelin
    DavidAmaquelin Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
    For me is an easy choice. Rogue's power siphon...
    I touch you and I drain your power,whatever it is.
  • Persephone
    Persephone Posts: 201 Tile Toppler
    I want to Reality Crush people ...  A lot of people I can think it'll do a lot of good....

  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Problem is I know a lot of real world physics would get right in the way of a lot of powers.
    So, basically what you’re saying is that the only correct answers would be Black Widow, Captain America, Howard the Duck, Jessica Jones, Yelena, etc?  I guess i’d be content with all the powers of a detective duck...

    Something handy for getting out of awkward social situations.
    Like Star Lord’s Bit of Both?  ;)
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    Easily taskmaster. Your abilities in music art and dance would make you an unparreled performer and teacher. And you are not limited by those pesky laws of physics that most super powers suffer from 
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    If we are considering Tony Stark's brain to be a superpower (which I don't disagree with), then that's what I want.  No doubt.  Help people and be rich at the same time sounds good to me.

    Don't really want any mind powers (read minds, see into future, etc etc).  Kinda takes the fun out of life IMHO.

    Since she's front of mind....  Domino's LUCK would be pretty cool to have.  And I have to disagree with Deadpool that LUCK is a superpower :smiley:
    i have to agree with Dominos luck as the best super power to have.  Number one it is the easiest to hide.  Number 2 I could just make a living in Vegas putting massive money on a single number in roulette or playing the mega million lotto.  I coach my daughters lacrosse team so she would win the championship.  
  • Hadronic
    Hadronic Posts: 338 Mover and Shaker
    I also know a lot of physics.
    I'm going with Magneto

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    I always said if I could be a superhero I would have teleportation as a power and would be called “The Wanderer”. Basically a seemingly homeless guy who wears tattered clothes and a mask. No one knows who he is but with the ability to travel anywhere instantly he has no base of operations and fights crime all over the world. Master of several dialects and fighting styles, he can blend in with many cultures due to his vast training all over the world. 

    My real life, non-comic version of that dude would be like 500 lbs because I wouldn’t walk anywhere.  I’d get so used to teleporting that walking 5 feet to the bathroom would seem like a hassle and I’d start bamfing everywhere. It’d be the real life equivalent of turning off animations. Just couldn’t go back.