Domino's S.H.I.E.L.D. Training and Its Required Characters



  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    There is one black cover in shield simulator. You are ready.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm already ready: nine covers spread over two colours will get a character to level 209.  You only need ten covers if they're spread over three colours.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2018
    Quebbster said:
    I'm comfortable not being able to complete the bottom row of Shield Training. That should be for the ultra hardcore who are willing to spend fortunes on the game. However, as someone who's approaching 4 years playing this game, I should be able to complete all the nodes above that. At present, that shall not be possible with a 7 cover Dazzler. 

    Have you gotten the Dazzler cover from SHIELD Simulator yet? There is a progression cover coming up this weekend in Meet Rocket and Groot too, so that's two covers for Dazzler that are relatively easy to get. You need 10 covers to level a fourstar to 209 (9 if it's a 5/4/0 build), so if you haven't gotten the Simulator cover you are really just one cover away if you put your mind to it. And she is awarded as a placement Award in The Hunt too...
    Hitting 2K in Simulator is very, very difficult for me at this time as a fairly recent convert to 5* land so thats probably out of the question. That said, it shouldn't require scrambling for covers. They simply shouldn't be picking characters this new when Shield Training was, apparently, designed to reward veteran players. 
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:
    Domino looks neat. Basically an entire kit built on manipulating black, you can either purge it from the board, or purge everything else. She'd be a good sidekick for someone that uses it (shame that doesn't apply to Deadpool or Cable, but as a member of X-Force she could work with X-Force Wolverine, add more board clearing to the fight). Curious to see how much more black drops during Domino v Domino fights.
    Seems like she'll be a good fit with Vulture and C&D. With Vulture, you'll be collecting Black anyway to keep him Airborne. That's fuelled by Domino's Black and Cloak's passive Black, further boosted by Domino's Green destroying non-Black tiles. And of course, adding more Black to the board ramps up Domino's Red.

    Given how much she interacts with Black tiles, Dr Doom (5 in Blue) and 3* Iron Fist are also great partners for her.
    Which is exactly what I mentioned lol.

    Yeah, my first mention of this team was a full day Before yours. Great minds Think alike I guess. :) I did not go into details at that Point though...

    Quebbster said:
    I'm comfortable not being able to complete the bottom row of Shield Training. That should be for the ultra hardcore who are willing to spend fortunes on the game. However, as someone who's approaching 4 years playing this game, I should be able to complete all the nodes above that. At present, that shall not be possible with a 7 cover Dazzler. 

    Have you gotten the Dazzler cover from SHIELD Simulator yet? There is a progression cover coming up this weekend in Meet Rocket and Groot too, so that's two covers for Dazzler that are relatively easy to get. You need 10 covers to level a fourstar to 209 (9 if it's a 5/4/0 build), so if you haven't gotten the Simulator cover you are really just one cover away if you put your mind to it. And she is awarded as a placement Award in The Hunt too...
    Hitting 2K in Simulator is very, very difficult for me at this time as a fairly recent convert to 5* land so thats probably out of the question. That said, it shouldn't require scrambling for covers. They simply shouldn't be picking characters this new when Shield Training was, apparently, designed to reward veteran players. 
    You don't need to hit 2000 Points to get the cover, you can go for 75 wins instead. If you put out a weak team now and then you should have plenty of retaliations to collect those wins from. Doesn't even matter how much Points they are Worth, a win is a win.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think people are just wanting a fairly reasonable chance at getting the new 4* from Shield Training and having the last non-limited 4* at 209 as a requirement is a bit of a slap in the face for many. Even for myself, someone that has a champed Dazzler, I was pretty shocked that they went with Dazzler instead of a less recent 4*. As for your comment about that people have this mentality that they should be able to get everything from progression, well what's wrong with that? What's wrong with people putting in the time and effort to get everything from progression? It's not like people are just daily players that do DDQ and maybe two or three missions on an entire pve event and want all rewards from it.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2018
    It's been my experience that it's totally possible to bonus hero a new release into 10 cover status if you do it as soon as you can. For instance I had a dismal performance on Dazzler at relase, coming out with 0/0/2. I haven't even had her at bonus hero at all and she's at 0/3/3, and there are 2 more available in progression that I can chase to get to 8, and 2 bonus heroes between now and then isn't unheard of. I pull as I go, so it's not like i have a mega hoard or anything.
  • Pr0spect0r
    Pr0spect0r Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    Cuz he probably has a 209+ or champed dazzler unlike the rest of us
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    We know there is a chance this will happen, so if you want to Shield-training proof your roster, I guess set the new release to your BH as soon as they hit.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:

    All people want is to feel like they're getting a fair shot. Why are you against that?
    And with recent player attrition, getting covers is even harder since there are less flips.  My alliance didn't even get T100 in the last PVE because we lost so many people and that's the first time I think that has ever happened.

    Mercs can't be found, less flips, more competition for fewer covers...  Add that to having a newer character required means even less people can at least get one cover, which means that the follow-up PVE will have less people able to do the 4* essential.

    This is all snowballs into even less rewards.

    Honestly, there are two tiers to the game now.  Those that are in iso-debt and those that are post-iso.  And the ones that are in iso-debt are in even more trouble because they have to at least keep enough iso laying around to level (at least) one 4* in order to participate in SHIELD Training.

    I understand that this incentivizes players to spend for resources.  But in a F2P game, there at least needs to be the illusion of being able to actually play (not necessarily win) all game modes.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,051 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:
    I don’t know, to me, it really irks me when the “shoulds” get broken out for an event that is for all intents and purposes “extra”. 

    “I’ve been playing X amount of days, so I should be able to complete SHIELD training.”

    That’s like saying I should be able to complete crash without the featured character. For this mode, length of time playing is not the determining factor. It is having three specific characters at specific levels, one of whom is new (rewarding spenders) and two of whom are old (rewarding vets). 

    Does it suck? Yes. Does it feel like a slap in the face after they seemingly got it right? Just like the return to dilution, absolutely. I can empathize with all of that and feel it too. I can even empathize with the 5* players who used their bonus heroes on feeders instead of Dazzler, only want Domino as a reward factory, and are upset about missing out on a single cover.  Fair enough. But the entitlement around “I should” does bother me and when that occurs I find I have to really work to muster sympathy. No idea if the developers feel the same way. I’m guessing they just do what makes the most money and they were probably making more under the old system (thus the return to it). 
    And it irks me when people try to wave away complaints because people have the audacity to ask that we be presented with challenges that we've had a reasonable time to prepare for. This isn't an "extra" event. It's a regular part of the release cycle, and has been for OVER a year now.

    It's not about "I've been playing X days, I should be able to complete Shield Training." It's about feeling that you have a reasonable chance to prepare for the event, and that being unable to complete it is your own fault, instead of being because the system is unfairly bent against you.

    It's funny you use the Crash as an example. Because we know the order that characters rotate through the Crash, AND we know the criteria a new character has to complete before being eligible to show up in a Crash. Why? So the game provides us with a reasonable number of chances to earn covers for that character before presented with a challenge that requires them at a certain level/coverage. Why is Shield Training suddenly exempt from that? The Crash gives you a heads up so you can prepare, why is it "entitlement" to ask Shield Training to do the same?

    All people want is to feel like they're getting a fair shot. Why are you against that?
    Yay, new thread!

    I wanted to respond to you, but didn't want to continue contributing to the off-topicness of the other thread.

    I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding, but if your issue is around not having a "heads up", then that is actually a new complaint to me and one that I don't address in my post you quoted.  I didn't say anything about wanting a heads up being related to entitlement.  I said saying "I've played this many days and so I should complete shield training" has a flavor of entitlement.  I also never said I was against people feeling they're getting a fair shot.  People can "feel" however they want., though it does not always make it true.

    We've had eight different shield trainings that have required the most recently released character, some that have required all older characters and one even required a character not yet in tokens, so it is safe to say they have been all over the place.

    Asking for some sort of order is a fair request, though when we did have an established pattern (a "heads-up" if you will) and we KNEW the most recently released character would be essential, complaints were at an all-time high.  When we seemingly had no rhyme or reason to who was being selected and they went to older characters, there was not so much as a peep with the exception of individual posters saying, "dang, my XXX only has Y covers.  Guess I'm missing out this go-round" (no entitlement, just, "that sucks" and moving on).

    I agree that going back to new characters being essential sucks, making new characters feeders sucks, and getting rid of the latest 4* odds in tokens sucks.  I am right there with you and will be the first to sign the petition to change it back to the good old days.  That said, I'm not going to say I should be able to complete SHIELD Training if I don't have one of the required characters at the required level.

    And while it feels like you don't have a fair shot, many people DO complete the training. Feelings aside, the training where the essential character was not in tokens was the only one where players weren't given a "fair" shot at completing it (using their own definition).  If they truly wanted to reward vets and spenders they had to give us an avenue to spend which they did not during that training.  This one actually had the newer character featured as rewards much more than those older trainings did.

    Sorry this is so long, by the way.

  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    I started the game this morning, and thought "that's nice, they must have listened to the community and added a Dazzler H4H offer".  I then realised that this is probably just one of the old opportunistic offers (my Dazzler is at 0/5/5), and not showing up for anyone else.
  • Yepyep
    Yepyep Posts: 955 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2018
    bbigler said:
    So, you complain that you can't complete Shield Training?  Are you also complaining that you don't have enough HP to buy every HFH deal?  Or enough HP to clear every vault?  Or able to champ new characters and take advantage of them being boosted the first month?  This entire game is a complex reward system based on money spent and/or time spent.  Find your balance of time and money in this game and accept that level of rewards.  Or in other words, accept that you can't get everything if you're not willing to spend loads of time and money to get it.  I think the problem here is the mentality that we expect to be able to get all progression rewards from PVE. 
    Good insight about time/money interrelationship. I also like your "life is best enjoyed understanding and living within our means" zeitgeist. I agree with that.

    But the other things you mention, matched against Shield Training conceptually, are not events. The whole point of the problem with ST is that it is an event, not a collectable. October 29

  • Yepyep
    Yepyep Posts: 955 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2018
    We know there is a chance this will happen, so if you want to Shield-training proof your roster, I guess set the new release to your BH as soon as they hit.
    This is equivalent to advising "I guess buy lottery tickets as soon as the new release hits."