Trying to feed my way to my first fully covered 5*s from unchamped feeders

ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
I have 2 5* characters that can reasonably be fed to 13:

Gho5t Rider at 6/3/2
Lumbercap at 1/4/4

Both characters will require around  60 covers to force feed, since i need to go around the horn to (at least) the second drop of the first color in both cases. My Bucky is 5/5/2 with 2 saved covers, my Ghost 4ider is just waiting on iso to champ with 4 saved. I'll need to trade in 3 cover saves or go to the second drop of the second color on Ghost Rider. Here are a few questions about that:

1) are either of these 2 5*s going to be decent alone - which should i prioritize?
2) is it worth trading in 3:1 to finish ghost rider as a free to play player, or should i hold out the extra 10 covers? I've never seen a list of 5* champ rewards - are they worth it?
3) since my best covered 4* is currently a level 291 Rogue, should i leave them unchamped as i stack saved covers, and get my rewards all at once to preserve my MMR or go ahead and champ now?

And looking at my history of legendary draws, I've pulled 10 4* bhs and 1 5* bh (that 6th green for ghost rider) since June, though I've definitely been lucky in the pvp stores - i just don't track those - so I know this is probably largely an intellectual exercise rather than a realistic plan to enter the 5* game.


  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Both are decent but neither one is spectacular. I would hold off until you have an actual top tier fivestar to champ Before making the transition.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    Of the current meta, I have a 5/2/1 Okoye with a lvl 278 Shuri, a 1/0/2 Gladiathor with a 4/9/3 lvl 209 Valkyrie, and a 4/2/1 Jessica Jones with a lvl 282 Chavez, so it'll probably be a good long while before I'm in danger of actually being competitive.

    My short (lol) term goal for my roster is to get all my 4*s to 209 at least, and to that end I just need covers for Drax (1/3/5 there's a usable purple in the High Stakes PVP right now), PunMax (3/1/1), Dazzler (0/2/3), Nebula (1/1/5), EB Venom (4/4/1), and Taskmaster (1/2/2). Once I get there, I'm thinking I might switch to just pulling Latest full time to see how that goes for awhile, and leave my 5* BH on Ghost Rider or Lumbercap since they're reasonably close to finishing up.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Of the current meta, I have a 5/2/1 Okoye with a lvl 278 Shuri, a 1/0/2 Gladiathor with a 4/9/3 lvl 209 Valkyrie, and a 4/2/1 Jessica Jones with a lvl 282 Chavez, so it'll probably be a good long while before I'm in danger of actually being competitive.

    My short (lol) term goal for my roster is to get all my 4*s to 209 at least, and to that end I just need covers for Drax (1/3/5 there's a usable purple in the High Stakes PVP right now), PunMax (3/1/1), Dazzler (0/2/3), Nebula (1/1/5), EB Venom (4/4/1), and Taskmaster (1/2/2). Once I get there, I'm thinking I might switch to just pulling Latest full time to see how that goes for awhile, and leave my 5* BH on Ghost Rider or Lumbercap since they're reasonably close to finishing up.

    If you are looking to move to the fivestar tier, the smartest thing to do is probably to hoard and wait for a crop of Three good Latest Legends fivestars, then bust the hoard and cover them all in one go.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    I generally open as I go, but I've started saving up LTs for when Cable lands in Latest. i missed him in his special store. I'm up to 11, and I've kind of stopped noticing them burning a hole in my pocket. I may do a hybrid save up of LTs while I spend CP in classic to keep my 4*/classic roster growing until such a time as there is a critical mass of tokens. I'll have to see how quickly i pull down a Cable for completion's sake. 
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    You don't have to have top tier 5*s to compete; all you need is a team that can beat the meta teams, which isn't that hard given how dumb the AI is.  So, Thor and Okoye are killer right?  Yes, but they can easily be beaten with non-top tier 5*s.  What if they retaliate?  No problem.  If they have more PVP points than you, then going back and forth beating each other will be to your advantage.  So, simply fight teams with higher points to climb and then shield hop to the end.  It's simple. You don't need the top tier to compete.  This doesn't mean you place #1, but you can still place well and "compete" with them. 
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,211 Chairperson of the Boards
    To answer your questions:

    1) are either of these 2 5*s going to be decent alone - which should i prioritize?
    2) is it worth trading in 3:1 to finish ghost rider as a free to play player, or should i hold out the extra 10 covers? I've never seen a list of 5* champ rewards - are they worth it?
    3) since my best covered 4* is currently a level 291 Rogue, should i leave them unchamped as i stack saved covers, and get my rewards all at once to preserve my MMR or go ahead and champ now?

    1) Both are very solid as standalone characters. As such, you can slot them on any team that requires their colours, such as using Ghosty if you need a Black nuke. Both are also great for facing bosses: Ghosty's Black will always get its maximum damage against bosses, and BeardCap's Red is the ultimate boss killer.
    2) Personally I'd try not to trade in covers for 5*, because yes, the champ rewards are worth it. Here's a list of the first few champ rewards:

    lv451 - Latest LT
    lv452 - 5000 iso
    lv453 - 25CP
    lv454 - 250 HP

    Repeat every four levels, with slight increments to HP and iso.

    3) Hmm I think your question should be "should I leave them at lv255". You can bring them up to lv360; that won't affect your MMR.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2018
    To answer your questions:

    Repeat every four levels, with slight increments to HP and iso.

    3) Hmm I think your question should be "should I leave them at lv255". You can bring them up to lv360; that won't affect your MMR.
    This question was actually asking if I should leave my feeders un-champed until i had enough saved covers to jump directly to the completed 5* in order to avoid having one marginal 4* jump way out ahead of my others. I have a few 5* characters that are up over 300, the highest being 5* Lord at 345. 

    Thanks for that insight, btw.