3* and 5*

leopoe Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
edited October 2018 in MPQ General Discussion
Hello everyone,
     Let me start off by saying that yes I'm the one that has gotten upset in the past and apologize for anything I have said to the player base. I have also said that I will quit this game but it is difficult to quit something you like playing and find quite addictive.
     Now onto my question. I would like to know what players, forum members think about selling max champed 3* heroes to champ 5*s? I have all but 9 4*s champed. Next to be champed are Ghost, Carnage, Jubilee and Howard. One cover short of champing TA Hulk.
     I do currently farm 2*s and believe it could take awhile to garner enough ISOs to champ my 5*s. I have also started reslotting my maxed 3*s and most are ready to be champed.
     I have discover to be better competive in this game I need to move into 5* land for better placement in PVE and PVP. I am considering champing Black Bolt, Daredelvil and Black Panther. None of these have the extra cover to promote. They would be stuck at champ level.


  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards

    I would consider setting Valkyrie as your 4* bonus hero so you can get more Thor covers from her champion rewards. Thor is an excellent start to the fivestar tier - Daredevil and Black Bolt are quite nice too, but Thor is one of the top fivestars in the game right now and the one you are closest to fully cover.

    And yes, you will be moving from one meta to Another, where it's all fivestar teams all the time. Think carefully Before taking the plunge - fivestar play is fun, but any time you move into a new tier you are forced to play only a handful of characters in every game.

  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    If you need the resources, go ahead and sell them. It might be fun seeing a full roster of 266 3*s, but you don't get any prize for it and it is costly. I started selling them mainly for HP, but the iso helps too.
    I don't know how to get top placement, but it takes a lot more than just your roster.
    Daredevil was my first 5* champ, and his true healing makes a great solo champ. I would recommend champing him first and not leveling up bolt or panther as high.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd recommend waiting.  The new system for no cover waste really gives you incentive not to champ.  Save up and then champ.  Selling a max-champ 3* puts a giant target on your back if you play PVP.  If you don't, then I guess go ahead and sell.
  • Rockwell75
    Rockwell75 Posts: 268 Mover and Shaker
    I sell my max 3s as soon as I have an extra cover to roster.  Duping seems like a waste of resources to me.  I have not found myself to be handicapped in any way.  During the Strange PVP a couple weeks ago I only had a single cover for him and I didn't find it any more difficult than normal to reach 1200.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    I feel like selling them to enter the 5* tier is different than selling them to champ a 4* or 3* Dupe, due to the advent of Thano5. From what I hear from 5* players, he will eat a baby 3* champ alive, and then your opponent immediately has a leg up on you. Not as big an issue for someone who's going to continue to fight other 4* characters in PVP afterwards.  
  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    Don't sell max champed 3*s for ISO (unless you have a champed dupe at level 240+). You can collect the same amount playing events in a week. It will put you at a immediate disadvantage in PVP for when that 3* you sold is the featured character. It takes much longer to collect and max champ the 3* than it does to just earn the ISO through routine play. Learn from my mistakes. I sold all my max champed 3*s as soon as I had another replacement at 13 covers and level 166, all to cover my 4*s and 5*s. My team would constantly be eaten alive in PVP because it looked like a grill team to friends and snipers alike. You'll hit 1200 eventually (since you're bound to hit 75 wins at some point if you start early enough and keep playing).

    If you do feel forced to sell 3*s for ISO, sell the 3*s that are fed by your 2* farms first.  
  • charmbots
    charmbots Posts: 87 Match Maker
    When I was transitioning to 5’s earlier this I sold off 20+ maxed 3’s and didn’t have much of a problem. Some of the 3’s I sold are already back to 240+. As far as pve is concerned having champed 5’s is always better than not having champed 5’s. For pvp it’s a bit more dicey. I think a combo of any 3 of those 5’s could be an alright team.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2018
    What I'm doing with Max 3*s now is:
    - Create a dup 3*
    - Apply new covers to it, including saved covers.
    - Treat it as a 'break glass in case of emergency' scenario.  If I get to a point where I need a bunch of resources at once, sell some of those max champs and re-champ their dups and rack in a large influx of champ levels all at once.

    I wouldn't (and didn't) sell max champs just to get 5*s.
  • Jexman
    Jexman Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    I sold max champs to level 5* and I'm happy I did it because it gave me a reason to keep playing for a while. there's no long game here, you've seen all there is to see, 5* game is much faster & so you get to speed up the tedium. that's all there is to this game. RIP
  • MushroomGenius808
    MushroomGenius808 Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2018
    I've sold most of my max 3's once I had a duplicate champ at 166.  The only ones I kept at 266 (and started another at 166+) were Strange, DP, IM40, Hawkeye, and Thanos.  Everyone else gets recycled.  Didn't have any appreciably more difficult time in PvP (baby 5s @ 456 and lower, usually run Thor/Okoye), but I stop around 1k PVP score.  It's rare I use the 3*s abilities anyway.

    Maybe it's just me, but Angel covers seem exceptionally difficult to come by.  I've max-champed and duped non-feeder characters like DD (2nd @ 223), Cage (2nd @ 211), Fist (2nd @ 204) and yet my Angel sits at 196.
  • leopoe
    leopoe Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2018
    Thank-you everyone for the advice. I have taken everything into consideration and decided to wait on champing the 5*s. I'll see if some stronger 5*s come along to champ along with having more than 2 or 3 to play with before jumping into the fray. Having those 5*s for PVE would be nice though for the faster clears.
  • Yepyep
    Yepyep Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    broll said:
    What I'm doing with Max 3*s now is:
    - Create a dup 3*
    - Apply new covers to it, including saved covers.
    - Treat it as a 'break glass in case of emergency' scenario.  If I get to a point where I need a bunch of resources at once, sell some of those max champs and re-champ their dups and rack in a large influx of champ levels all at once.

    I wouldn't (and didn't) sell max champs just to get 5*s.
    More or less what I do -- but, predictably, I whittling away my bank of roster slots that I bought while they were on sale. Down to, like, 5-ish, depending on what 1*s I've got farmed.