Karn's 1st ability triggers 2 creatures as lost on "lose x or less creatures" objective for 1 turn

It affects nodes/games that require you to:

"Lose x or less creatures" (protector)
"Lose x or more creatures" (sacrifice)

If you use Karns 1st ability to fetch a card, it automatically counts has losing +2 creatures. It ONLY lasts for 1 turn and then resets on the next turn back to whatever it was before the +2. However, if you end the game on the turn that you use this ability it will show up as +2 creatures being lost for the objectives above.

Also if the objective is "lose less than 2 creatures" and you already lost a creature, using Karns 1st ability will automatically trigger it as a failed objective since you lost 1 + 2 creatures (bug) and failed objectives do not revert back. (i think.. i cant remember 100%).

I believe the bug has to do with the 2 exiled cards from Karns 1st ability [regardless of what they are (spells, supports, creatures), it always counts it as 2 creatures being lost]

In the battle log, it shows up as a "(support symbol) something was destroyed" right underneath Karns 1st ability. 

Confirmed on Oath of Gatewatch II and HoD Elspeth left colorless node (legacy). I believe its easily replicate-able in story mode but... someone please do it for me.. lol