Cannot always "train" a duplicate character with a cover on the Vine

JSP869 Posts: 822 Critical Contributor
I have multiple champions with partially covered duplicates, as I expect many veteran players do. When I tap Train on a cover on the Vine the game will sometimes train my partially-covered duplicate. Other times the game decides I must want to waste the cover to respec my champion, which is completely illogical because a champion can be respec'd at any time for free.

This typically seems to occur when the champion is max level, but is frustrating and annoying because it doesn't always happen with every cover.

I can have two covers for the same character on the Vine, and while tapping one will try to respec my champion, tapping the other correctly uses it to train my duplicate.


  • Blindman13
    Blindman13 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    I had this happen and been frustrated by it too.
    I initially thought it happened when the Champ only had 3 or 4 covers in that power. If they have 5 covers it doesn't try to re-spec, it goes straight to the duplicate.  But I think I've had it work correctly on 3 and 4 cover powers too.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    First off to my knowledge this only happens with Max champs. If the champ is not maxed the default option is to add a champ level and the train button doesn't appear at all.
    I had this happen and been frustrated by it too.
    I initially thought it happened when the Champ only had 3 or 4 covers in that power. If they have 5 covers it doesn't try to re-spec, it goes straight to the duplicate.  But I think I've had it work correctly on 3 and 4 cover powers too.
    I believe your initial thought is correct.  It will train to the dup if the champ has 5 in that, otherwise it will offer a respec. I wouldn't call this a bug, more of an oversight from when they added the champion system.  It's existed forever.  I always go to the roster screen to train dups because of it, it's safer/easier that way with the current implementation.
  • Tombstone
    Tombstone ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 1,208 Chairperson of the Boards
    Normally, you should receive a prompt saying you have multiple covers. But there is a known issue bug that suggests sometimes this doesn't happen. For now, I recommend selecting the character you want to train from your roster if you have duplicates to avoid this from potentially happening. 
  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 712 Critical Contributor
    I get to re-use this post again for the 4th time:
    I'm not going to type it all out again, so go here: for a full write-up on what's happening with the champion covers trying to switch powers and why it happens.

    If this keeps coming up in the forums often enough that I get to re-post the reasons behind the poor algorithm that causes it, maybe it's getting pervasive enough to address and fix...

  • JSP869
    JSP869 Posts: 822 Critical Contributor
    Thanks @Tombstone. I do recall seeing that message but (at least in my case) it doesn't happen very often because I haven't seen it for a very long time.

    Thanks @abmoraz that is insightful, and hopefully the Devs can use it to implement a fix that is a lot less intermittent.
  • Kahmon
    Kahmon Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    I'm glad to see this already being discussed. I didn't have to worry about this before because I always started a dupe early and rebuilt from the train screen. The rebuilds would always be covered before I would go back and max out the main one.

    Now I keep one of each 2* at 144 and cycle the dupes. My worry is that if I get a really bad draw for a while and wind up with something like 5/5/1 and 10 saved covers. I would hate to get a cover for the 3rd ability, but if I try to train it, have the game convert 5 of my saved covers.