15 degrees off good

wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
there have been a lot of 5* released this past year that have potential to be good but have been just off enough to be ok or bad.  I am looking at Arch Angel, Ghost Rider, Loki, Wasp, and captain America infinity war.  Each one of these characters could be good with just a little adjusting.

AA- creates great rainbow teams with his blue and all he needs is his green or black to send someone airborn and he would be great.
GR-GR black is great but his green is too inconsistent and his red is poor.  I would make his green tiles locked tiles or fortified tiles or increase his main red damage to 5k -er match to be similar to BP.
Loki- I tried so hard this past PVE to use Loki’s green.  It is awful but it is fixable.  Either make him do AOE damage to start the power then place a repeater tile or reduce the repeater tile to 2 or both.
Wasp- simple is to increase the damage on call the swarm.  This should do 15-20k damage for 12AP or keep it low and let the blown up tiles generate AP.
Cap-  cap is a one trick pony.  His red is solid and when you get down to one enemy his red is game over.  His purple and yellow are both awful.  For purple you destroy not steal AP and the reality is once you destroy 6 AP he enemy is not firing that power any time soon.  This power needs to be like Bucky purple that steals AP and does damage.  It does not need to be a ton of damage but the 6 AP should be stolen.  It might need to be increased cost to 9 since you steal 6 but he needs to do more.

overall I have been very disappointed by these 5* releases from MPQ.  It seems like the devs are afraid to make characters too powerful and have intentially limited these characters.  This is also why we get such defined meta in the game because once they make a strong character they scale back the next 2-3 5* releases.

please make theses 5* good 


  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Eh, new releases are always hit or miss, regardless of the tier. MPQ has a long and proud history of making stinkers at every star level. But for every two or three duds we get there's usually a gem hidden in there. I mean, JJ and Okoye are pretty darn good.
  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 729 Critical Contributor

    Let's start the rallying call now - Make (Cap) America Great Again!

    All these are fine suggestions, but there's been no sign of rebalancing (outside of the Gambit nerf) for a long time.  I think we'd all appreciate it if there was at least some signaling that characters were going to be tweaked on a more regular basis. 

    As Dorm says, MPQ has a proud history of stinkers, so there's ample room for modifications across all tiers.  There was a time when new seasons brought some changes, would be great to get back in that groove and you'd at least have a hope that some of the recent stinkers were going to be revisited rather than forgotten.

  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Punter1 said:

    Let's start the rallying call now - Make (Cap) America Great Again!

    All these are fine suggestions, but there's been no sign of rebalancing (outside of the Gambit nerf) for a long time.  I think we'd all appreciate it if there was at least some signaling that characters were going to be tweaked on a more regular basis. 

    As Dorm says, MPQ has a proud history of stinkers, so there's ample room for modifications across all tiers.  There was a time when new seasons brought some changes, would be great to get back in that groove and you'd at least have a hope that some of the recent stinkers were going to be revisited rather than forgotten.

    I agree that they have had some stinkers.  I also think they have been very afraid of making someone too powerful and have overbalanced them.  I look at Loki and his green repeater tile.  If this was a 2 turn repeater tile it would be significantly better and actually usable in A match and great in wave nodes for PVE.  They felt it would be too OP and made it a 3 turn repeater tile so now it might fire once. compared to Thor who does over 2X the damage with no repeater tile on the board.  This is a great example of the devs over balancing a power.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    Unfortunately those so close to being good are the ones least likely to get changed. I think AA would be on the list, but they seemed to have stopped reworking characters so I wouldn't get my hopes up. The only thing I hold out for is that AA and IW Cap were Gambit counters, so since he got nerfed they should be looked at. And Wasp, since she's more than 15 degrees off