5 star character re balances pt1

thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor

Thoughts suggestions?

(D3 feel free to take any or all of this 
:D:smiley:  )

(Max damage levels not included)


The overall changes to Angel are for him to be more of a AP manipulator

This gives Angle passive more of a use against all characters potentially, the idea is that with enough yellow ap he can stun his opponent  and when he does he then sends them airborne allowing for his passive to kick in. The cool thing about this is with enough yellow ap before using this angel can stun and lock out a character(s) for multiple turns

(be careful against vulture!)

Angle of Attack - 11 blue AP

Angel dives and swoops, picking off his foes before they can get a bead on him. Deal 351 damage and stun the target for 2 turn. (PASSIVE) At the start of turn, if Angel has 8 or more yellow ap deal 351 damage to any Airborne enemies, Stunning them and sending them airborne again for 1 turn draining 3 yellow AP

(Level 2) Deal 1,024 damage and stun the target for 1 turn. (PASSIVE) At the start of turn, if Angel has 8 or more yellow ap deal 614 damage to any Airborne enemies, Stunning them and sending them airborne again for 1 turn draining 3 yellow AP

(Level 3) Deal 1,667 damage and stun the target for 1 turn. (PASSIVE) At the start of turn, if Angel has 8 or more yellow ap deal 1,170 damage to any Airborne enemies, Stunning them and sending them airborne again for 1 turn draining 3 yellow AP

(Level 4) Deal 1,667 damage and stun the target for 1 turn. (PASSIVE) At the start of turn, if Angel has 8 or more yellow ap deal 1,755 damage to any Airborne enemies, Stunning them and sending them airborne again for 1 turns draining 3 yellow AP

 (Level 5) Deal 1,667 damage and stun the target for 2 turns. (PASSIVE) At the start of turn, if Angel has 8 or more yellow ap deal 1,755 damage to any Airborne enemies, Stunning them and sending them airborne again for 2 turns draining 2 yellow AP

Cost reduced by 1

Enemy Down - 9 green AP

Angel lets loose a flurry of cosmic flame feathers, paralyzing his enemies. Deals 2,604 damage and destroys 2 AP in 2 random enemy AP pools.

(Level 2) Deals 3,131 damage and destroys 2 AP in 2 random enemy AP pools.

(Level 3) Deals 3,657 damage and destroys 2 AP in 2 random enemy AP pools.

(Level 4) Deals 3,657 damage and destroys 3 AP in 2 random enemy AP pools.

(Level 5) Deals 3,657 damage and destroys 4 AP in 2 random enemy AP pools.

Here is where we really get to the meat of the revamp, Angel can now shut down ap generation in 2 color for 5 turns while doing a bit of damage this is a very strong move if its left un checked. However it will be hard to keep them on the board without fortifying the countdowns.

Cost increased by 1

Aerial Superiority - 8 Black AP

Angel soars overhead, isolated from his team, where he can control the flow of battle. Creates a 4-turn Countdown tile of a chosen color which deals 2,633 Damage (658 damage at tick). While an Aerial Superiority tile is on the board, neither team may gain AP in its color.

  • (Level 2) Creates a 4-turn Countdown tile of a chosen color which deals 3,218 damage (804 damage a tick).
  • (Level 3) Creates 2 4-turn Countdown tiles of two chosen colors which deal 1,785 damage (446 damage a tick).
  • (Level 4) While an Aerial Superiority tile is on the board, the enemy team may not gain AP in its color.
  • (Level 5) Creates 2 5-turn Countdown tiles of a chosen color which deals 1,989 damage (497 damage a tick).


Doctor Octopus

The goal over all for Doc oct is to increase the penalty for not stopping his evil plans (count down tiles) Over all there should be a sense of dread for letting longer count down tiles complete. However I want to make sure that the countdown tiles themselves are useful or fortified in the process.  

Here I increased the countdown timer to 5 giving it both more time to annoy the victim but also giving more time for a player to match it away, on top of that there is more of a reward for a player keeping the countdown tile alive.

Superior Science 10 Black AP:
Doctor Octopus sets to work on a new invention.  He grabs hostages, forcing them to work before tossing them away.  Stuns the target for one turn and creates a 5-turn Countdown tile.  While on the board, it stuns the target for 1 turn each turn.  When it expires, the target takes 1714 damage and it creates 2 strength 286 friendly Strike tiles.

  • Level 2: Creates strength 360 Strike tiles.
  • Level 3: Creates strength 384 Strike tiles and deals 2286 damage.
  • Level 4: Creates strength 532 Strike tiles.
  • Level 5: Creates strength 744 Strike tiles and deals 3314 damage.

The goal here is to give the player something to both look forward to and worry about from the start. This ability gives doc oct some fight potentially sooner in a match rather than later. But if ignore can be a pain!

Tentacles 8 blue AP passive:

(PASSIVE) Doc Ock starts the match with 4 tentacles that lash out constantly. At the start of each turn, if Doctor Octopus is Stunned, his tentacles make a match for his team for each Tentacle tile he controls. For 8 blue Ap If he has fewer than 4 tentacles on the board, Doc Ock creates a Tentacle tile. Then he deals 857 damage for each Tentacle tile he controls.

  • Level 2: Each tentacle deals 954 damage.
  • Level 3: Each tentacle deals 1051 damage.
  • Level 4: Each tentacle deals 1246 damage.
  • Level 5: Each tentacle deals 1634 damage.

Cunning Scheme is a really neat idea, but a bit to much to ever really pull off in a pve or pvp setting so keeping the spirit of the ability I’ve toned it down to fit the theme of the character while giving players the option of using it at different levels.

Cunning Scheme 10-13 Green AP: 

This ability can be used at different ap levels for different effects.

Phase 1
cost 10 AP Doctor Octopus needs time to think! Generously creates a nuclear reactor to power the city, but secretly rigs it to blow.  Place a 10-turn Nuclear Reactor Countdown tile not eh board that deals 3974 damage to each enemy.

Phase 2 costs 11 Green AP:  Doctor Octopus’s generator powers hospitals. Create an upgraded Nuclear Reactor tile gives a burst of 514 health to each friendly character and deals 3974 to each enemy character. 

Phase 3 costs 12 Green AP: Create an updated Modified Nuclear Reactor tile so that it deals 3974 damage to each enemy character as well as 457 each turn. Also giving a burst of 514 health to each friendly character.

Final Phase costs 13 Green AP: (PASSIVE) All his work has led to this perfect moment!  Create a fortified 12 countdown reactor tile.  If Doc Ock’s Nuclear Reactor is matched away when its timer reads “1” he wins the battle!  Additionally he deals 3974 damage to each enemy, as well as 457 each turn as well giving 514 health to each friendly character.