No Loki Gives Me A Sad

pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
Well, another 5* new release boss event has come and gone and we are back to the usual way of doing things, which is to hoard up as much of my CP as possible, then blow my wad on the special Loki tokens, cross my fingers, and pray for Loki.

The wonder that was the Wasp release seems likely to not be repeated.  And whilst I've only gotten 3 Wasp covers since she entered tokens, at least I have her, which made this post a non-issue on the last release.

While not statistically a ton, I pulled 12 Special Loki tokens.  I got 1 Bolt and 11 4*s.  I am unlikely to get another pull opportunity before the Loki LTs go away (I even early climbed in PVP to get that CP).

Which means its time to hoard again.  Never mind that I wouldn't mind more BeardCap covers.  I'll have to ignore him.

Because you know within 4 days of Loki entering regular LTs, he will be essential.  Which means I have two options if my new hoard isn't enough.  1) Join CL6 and sacrifice progression and placement rewards, or (2) join CL7/8 and get upgraded progression rewards at the expense of placement rewards.  Either way I cannot play how I would like to because RNG said I was not allowed.

Of course, this decision could have been a non-issue if instead of a token at the end of the boss event, we got one Loki cover.  I think that would be fair.  I'm not asking for 3 tokens, like with Wasp (although it was appreciated), but one cover is not going to flood the market.

Maybe I'm just a grizzled old vet that is getting burned out of the game.  I really do like this game, but in a game where everything is about the 5* tier, yet I might just pull one 3* a day from tokens, I can see why so many of my vet compadres are leaving the game.

Maybe it is time to move on...


  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Your problem is that your "hoard" consisted of 225 CP (assuming you got the two free Loki tokens from the boss).

    Just ignore those special stores and hoard until the new Char enters regular latest.
    Don't split your draws if you can't get more than 9 pulls.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle said:
    Your problem is that your "hoard" consisted of 225 CP (assuming you got the two free Loki tokens from the boss).

    Just ignore those special stores and hoard until the new Char enters regular latest.
    Don't split your draws if you can't get more than 9 pulls.
    Yeah, I just despise hoarding.  Only opening LTs, redeeming Cps when a new character enters an LT just doesn't seem fun to me.  But alas, this is the way the game is meant to be played.  Maybe not by intention, but definitely as a consequence of the way it exists.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can always get a guaranteed cover with 500 cp when you need Loki for his essential nodes. 

    One solution could be giving Loki a feeder before his essential. It seems that MEH is the likely candidate. They could do this for every new 5 star in the future, but I'm sure that some won't be pleased if the feeder is a newer 4 star.

    The other solution could be a system to end bad streak. So, I assume that most players expect the system to work like this: after every sixth or seventh pull, if there is no 5 star cover, the next cover must be a five star.

    This would create a couple of new problems:

    1) what's the point of having 5 star HfH if this system exists?

    2) Players are getting 5 star cover easily and they don't feel a need to spend as much before because they know that the seventh or eighth pull is guaranteed to be a five star.

    Unless the "end bad streak" system activates closer to a max of the 24th or 25th pull...

    So, what's your solution that you have on your mind that works for both the players and the devs?
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    I usually spend all my cp on that store. If i don't get any new 5*, after store is gone i hoard all LT and all CPs until character is released set him as the only bonus hero and try to get at least one cover. 
    This way i managed to fully cover every 5* character since Thor. Usually i get last cover for the charater when he about to leave the latests (exeception is Okoye, i managed to fully cover and champ her before bard cap, and final cap cover I've got only today.

    Now my next character to cover is wasp...and i guess i will entirely skip her.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    So, what's your solution that you have on your mind that works for both the players and the devs?
    I think he stated it.
    pheregas said:
    Of course, this decision could have been a non-issue if instead of a token at the end of the boss event, we got one Loki cover.  I think that would be fair.  I'm not asking for 3 tokens, like with Wasp (although it was appreciated), but one cover is not going to flood the market.
    I'm not sure this works for the developers. How many times have they done this? Once? I always thought new 5-star releases should have one cover in a non-refreshing vault instead of a LT. It would increase the excitement of these releases if players could get their hands on one and definitely translate to HP sales.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    So, what's your solution that you have on your mind that works for both the players and the devs?
    I think he stated it.
    pheregas said:
    Of course, this decision could have been a non-issue if instead of a token at the end of the boss event, we got one Loki cover.  I think that would be fair.  I'm not asking for 3 tokens, like with Wasp (although it was appreciated), but one cover is not going to flood the market.
    I'm not sure this works for the developers. How many times have they done this? Once? I always thought new 5-star releases should have one cover in a non-refreshing vault instead of a LT. It would increase the excitement of these releases if players could get their hands on one and definitely translate to HP sales.
    Agreed.  One earned progression cover to give you a taste.  Then that LT store to entice spending.  Think it should go back to the new character only though.  Miss those new release tokens.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
    The problem is that a great many people only want the one cover to meet Essential node requirements. The taste isn't going to entice them to spend more, it's just going to meet their needs, and then they'll spend nothing, which would be a step in the wrong direction.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:
    The problem is that a great many people only want the one cover to meet Essential node requirements. The taste isn't going to entice them to spend more, it's just going to meet their needs, and then they'll spend nothing, which would be a step in the wrong direction.
    We can postulate all we want about pros and cons of spending and what the devs are thinking in that regard, but I don't really think it's relevant.

    Personal experience is relevant.  And the power and utility of the new character is relevant.  Given the super boost of new 5* characters, we are actually incentivized to have more covers quicker.  But if the new character sucks, why bother?  We don't need more characters.  We need better characters.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    They're not spending anything now. It's not like a person on an average income can buy their way into a Loki or any other 5-star release when it's gated through CP. But if one cover were available in a HP vault that would translate to HP sales. All those mostly-F2P players who just wait to luck into their one cover might be tempted to remove luck from the equation.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    They're not spending anything now. It's not like a person on an average income can buy their way into a Loki or any other 5-star release when it's gated through CP. But if one cover were available in a HP vault that would translate to HP sales. All those mostly-F2P players who just wait to luck into their one cover might be tempted to remove luck from the equation.
    I see where you are going with that and yes, an HP driven vault (and not one of those 120 item vaults, but a fair 40 item vault) would certainly entice me to drop some HP.

    As it stands now, it's only the 100HP daily token and that's it.
  • crackninja
    crackninja Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
    I don't really have a problem with the current setup.  We have multiple ways to get the new 5's for pve, including a guaranteed method for 500 cp.  I believe it was JJ that took me 50 or 60 pulls to get a cover.  It hurt, to be sure.  Without doing any hoarding at all, you're going to miss out on some of these, and the security of the h4h purchase is the safest play.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have not, and never will, pay 500 CP (or 250 for that matter) for a single cover.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,157 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2018
    Bowgentle said:
    Your problem is that your "hoard" consisted of 225 CP (assuming you got the two free Loki tokens from the boss).

    How about busting a hoard of an equivalent of 1000 CP and not getting a Loki?  Roughly 40 tokens, and my results were Black Bolt got 2 covers to make him 5/3/2. I got a champ level for 5-Thor, and a bonus Thanos (which is now saved, as it was a black cover for my 5/5/2).  Everything else was a 4-star (including enough Blonde Widow covers to get her to 13.)

    Time to start the CP hoard again, at least until the Green Thanos cover shows up in the HfH store.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, the newest info about MeHulk feeding Loki kinda renders this conversation moot, wouldn't everyone say?  :)
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle said:
    Your problem is that your "hoard" consisted of 225 CP (assuming you got the two free Loki tokens from the boss).

    How about busting a hoard of an equivalent of 1000 CP and not getting a Loki?  Roughly 40 tokens, and my results were Black Bolt got 2 covers to make him 5/3/2. I got a champ level for 5-Thor, and a bonus Thanos (which is now saved, as it was a black cover for my 5/5/2).  Everything else was a 4-star (including enough Blonde Widow covers to get her to 13.)

    Time to start the CP hoard again, at least until the Green Thanos cover shows up in the HfH store.
    You are still better off hoarding for 1 type of pull (latest) to get your 5*. With CP and LT I will probably have 125-130 pulls ready for Loki when he goes into packs.  I will then hoard for another 6 weeks for the next 5* before I pull again.  I can average 350-360 pulls for each 5* in latest becuase I don’t spend CP on anything else.  The special store was tempting for me becuase I only need one more B.B. to champ him, but I would still rather have Okoye champed and at a high level.  I will take a champ Wasp as a bonus prize.

    overall if it is new 5* you want latest is always best.  If they increased the odds or dropped the cost it might be a different story for me.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,157 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    I have not, and never will, pay 500 CP (or 250 for that matter) for a single cover.
    While I agree that 500 is right out, I have paid 250 CP twice.  Once was to get a blue for my 2/0/2 Hawkeye, since his blue is kind the whole point of his character.  The other time was to get cover #13 for 5-star Widow, so I could champ her.  If Thanos's Green shows up and I have the 250 CP for it, I will pay 250 to get that one for my 5/5/2 Thanos so I can also champ him.