Suggestion: Avoid Fishing The Same Mythic Too Many Times

Eriador Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
edited September 2018 in MtGPQ Suggestions & Feedback
Original Post
Buongiorno ho pescato quattro volte la stessa carta mitica di cui due volte a distanza di 30 secondi l'una dall'altra. Tale situazione si è verificata rispetto all'ultima espansione di cui ho in totale 3 carte mitiche. A tal proposito ho contattato il servizio assistenza il quale mi ha risposto che secondo loro il sistema sarebbe ben bilanciato E meno male!
il mio suggerimento sarebbe quello di inserire un meccanismo per il quale la stessa carta mitica non può essere vinta nei successivi 7 pacchetti che verranno aperti si eviterebbe così un'inutile frustrazione per il giocatore.
Grazie per l'attenzione
"Good morning I fished the same mythical card four times, twice at a distance of 30 seconds from each other. This situation has occurred with respect to the last expansion of which I have a total of 3 mythical cards. In this regard I contacted the assistance service who replied that they think the system would be well balanced And thank goodness!
my suggestion would be to insert a mechanism for which the same mythical card can not be won in the next 7 packages that will be opened would avoid an unnecessary frustration for the player.
Thanks for the attention"

//Roughly Translated to English Language - Brigby


  • joerginger
    joerginger Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    Well, I don't speak Italian, but I think I understand what you mean. The same mystic card should be able to be opened in your next seven packs? Even better would be a system like in Hearthstone in which you can never get a dupe mystic at all. But your suggestion could be a start.
  • DBJones
    DBJones Posts: 803 Critical Contributor
    A pity timer would also be a nice touch (i.e. a guaranteed mythic at least every x packs). Also, the forum rules request English be used for the sake of the moderators knowing what's going on or something. I'm not sure what they might do, or if they'd tell you what they're doing, just letting you know something might happen.