The Game is a bit more random now.

thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
So remove "bit" out the title and replace it with "way" to random now, and depending on who the loner 3 is in pvp (colossus) now good luck trying to plan for anything.

Thor/JJ is less fun for me than gambit ever was.

The only thing I like is seeing more random teams, but when it comes down to it, guess what I still see 90 percent of the time and half to use most of the time....

Anyway all that aside my biggest gripe is the loss of control, it wasn't complete control you had but it felt like your choices mattered playing gambit.

Currently I just match and hope everything falls into place or doesn't.

I really don't like this current "match and pray meta"


  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    Agreed.   With JJ it is always a risk now.  Had my Thor at 30K and had to make 1 match with him and next thing you know the AI JJ but a trap right where they were going to go that then turned into 2 traps.  So yea, it is a lot more random now then it has been in the past months.  
  • Space Dwarf
    Space Dwarf Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    Isn’t this what you wanted???  
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    I think its easier to push now because there are more people testing out teams and the top tier teams while annoying and random still aren't as hard to beat as gambit thor was.

    JJ/thor is a coin flip

    Gambit/thor was a loss or a win.... you had a good idea going in if you could handle the team or not.

    I think there just needs to be a decent 5 star character that stuns to kill some of this randomness, but even still....

    The sim is more enjoyable now, but truthfully the biggest difference is there being no AP burn and cool down tiles being able to resolve. 

    Its a totally different experience fighting without your powers being denied. 
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    Jarvind said:
    You mean the game is no longer effectively over once Gambit gets 7 red AP? God, how terrible.
    Sure if you want to take it like that, 7 red ap gambit doesn't do much damage.

    But you know does as much damage as 14 red ap gambit, turn 2 and can generate 3 Ap in their strongest color....

  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    Jarvind said:
    You mean the game is no longer effectively over once Gambit gets 7 red AP? God, how terrible.
    Sure if you want to take it like that, 7 red ap gambit doesn't do much damage.

    But you know does as much damage as 14 red ap gambit, turn 2 and can generate 3 Ap in their strongest color....


    Sure, but the number of times that the the trap appears where that could happen are pretty low.  Even if that seems to occur more often, then on turn one, make sure to make a match to minimize the chances for the AI to make a red/blue/black match on turn two.  

    I would rather lose to a bad luck, random chance kind of thing.  And lets be honest, it's not even always going to lead to a loss, just some health loss.  

    Also, i just had to skip 5 times just to find a JJ to remind myself of how soon her traps appear.  There is waaaay more variety in the climb now.  No way that is taken as a bad thing.

    Lastly, maybe the advice is the same we give to people juat starting to get better at pvp:  look at your slice you play, and the time you climb.  If you dont want to fight JJ, and she us all you see on your climb, maybe you are the one who needs to change how you do things.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've honestly found PVP more enjoyable. Gambit was an auto-skip for me. Thorkoye and Thor/JJ are not my first choice of teams to fight, and I do sometimes lose to them, but I sometimes win, too.

    The only Gambit teams I ever fought successfully pre-nerf were the ones in Sim where I could bring Gamora and some blue AP boosts along with Thordevil so I could neuter him right away (which wasn't really an option in regular PVP).
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2018
    Jarvind said:
    You mean the game is no longer effectively over once Gambit gets 7 red AP? God, how terrible.
    Sure if you want to take it like that, 7 red ap gambit doesn't do much damage.

    But you know does as much damage as 14 red ap gambit, turn 2 and can generate 3 Ap in their strongest color....

    And you know how Jessica gets all that Red AP? By actually having to match Red tiles.
    ? No It depends on if red is her strongest color or not If it is she does 10k damage, and gets 3 red ap.

    its random, super random for 10k damage and 3 ap.

    but ok... somehow being able to know that by turn 3 you have to worry about 400 damage and by turn 6 ( provided there are no red matches) I have to work about 15k..... is worse

    Where as by turn 6 I'm looking at potentially 50k work of damage 15 ap in my strongest color  with can you mitigated it? Sure, its random though.

    Could I mitigated it with gambit, sure and it wasn't as nearly as random.

    All in all I dont have a problem with JJ or thor or any character, I do have a problem with the game feeling so much more random in pvp especially with such big numbers attached to it.

    Over all it just feels as if the game is more random even with the countdown tiles and what not, and maybe that's simply because gambit let us "by pass" so much of that kind of thing.

    Now I match, there's a cascade and I hope I destroy a count down tile, or mine doesn't get destroyed... or I hope jj's doesn't match a trap tile etc etc... 
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    sinnerjfl said:
    I disagree entirely with the OP, the game is 100% better without that annoying overpowered buffoon ruining things.

    Regarding JJ, once change that I would like to see, the AI should not be able to match a trap it just laid down on the same turn, I have to agree that it is pretty annoying because you can't even do anything about that. Not sure if its technically feasable though.

    Otherwise, you can always match away her traps yourself and its not that big of a problem.
    I think the game is better over all as well, I just dont miss the randomness factor that gambit took care of. 

    Outside of that I think things are healthier and people are will to try and use more things in pvp.

    Personally I'd rather deal with gambit x thor than JJ x Thor

  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2018
    //Removed Insult -Brigby
    Maybe i'll do that, I'll work on my matching skill also. Its clearly lacking.  :)

    Hopefully I can have enough skill one day to match these count down tiles, get those trap tiles before they go off!
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't know.

    Usually JJ gets off maybe two traps, then everyone dies to a Thor green.
  • Vins2
    Vins2 Posts: 183 Tile Toppler
    Unequivocally less random.  I know that my JJ's trap tiles are always in the red/blue/black tiles closest to the bottom corners. 
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,735 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’ve moved away from trap tile dependence for JJ. Half the time my 4 traps seem to end up at the bottom of the screen, not helping me at all. Especially when FiddyThor is destroying tiles every turn....