What to do with LL and CP stash ?

tonypq Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
What should I do with my LL and CP stash ?

I had planned to work up a stash of LL tokens and CPs to be around the 300 or so pulls in LL vault, to possibly cover the 5s currently there. Wasp does nothing for me and will be there for quite some time now. 

Also I've stopped playing as hardcore as I had been last few months, dropped out of my alliance to play casually for a while. Not sure what direction to go now. I'm still a bit short of that 300 LL pull benchmark. I've got 117 LL, 3093 CPs 2,144,808 ISO. 

I have all the 5s except Okoye and new Captain. My most covered are 5s are now in classics, those being Thanos, BP, Banner, IM, OML, and SS, having 7 or so covers each.

With Wasp in 5s I'm definitely not to spend LLs any time soon. The 3093 CPs may or may not finish covering any 5s I have if I pulled a bunch of classics. Can't decide to just save what I've hoarded. Hope there is a change at some point in one of the 5s vaults or some other new way to spend tokens/points down the road. Just keep hoarding until Wasp is gone, build up more tokens, CPs, Iso in meantime. Or just have fun and pull a bunch of classics, hope if those 140 or so pulls I finish one of my most covered 5s.


  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you pass on Okoye, because of Wasp, you'll need to wait 3 more releases and pray something as good as Okoye is in it. Since the next 3 to be released will be the Digital Day crew (or at least 2 of them), odds are they are going to be broken good to make people spend. (And then nerfed, because ya know). You'll have closer to 600 pulls then :)
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's a good thing I don't care about the 5* game because I just went something like 0/21 on a mix of Latest & Classics, spending down some of my hoard now that I needn't fear cover loss. I got Winter Soldier & Black Panther fully covered, Kraven up to 11, Jubilee's first yellow cover, and loads of champ levels.

    And then a Classic finally spit out a 5* and it was Archangel. Bleah. Wouldn't even give me a bonus Jessica for the trouble :p

    I think I've still got almost 40 Latest and close to 1000 CP left.
  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2018
    If I were you, I would wait to see who the next 5* is and make a decision then.  Wasp is terrible but Okoye is a boss. So, if the next 5* is good, I would consider pulling for Okoye and then stopping until wasp leaves. Then finish the other 5* after that. Or possibly wait for a new release store with a good trio(can't spend LTs here though, only the cp). Pulling classics would be mostly a waste unless you save a lot more or you're very close on several of the good ones. I doubt you could finish any 5* with 7 covers from classics, you don't have enough pulls. Or skip Okoye all together and get to 400 pulls and wait for 3 great 5*s in LL.  Just a few options to think about but my personal advice is go after Okoye, she is so much fun, partners well with anyone, and can wreck anything or anyone in the game. Good Luck with your pulls!
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was lucky and did my pulls when JJ was still in there with Okoye and got them both fully covered. But honestly, Okoye's greatness outweighs Wasp's feebleness. Get Okoye. Maybe wait for Lumbercap to leave, like the poster above suggested.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    Try to cover Okoye and stop would be my bet.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm currently saving CP for the next special legendary when a new 5* comes out and spending LLs to try to get Okoye.

    Getting Okoye is not going too well =P
    Hell, I'm still trying to get JJ.
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,791 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wait, wasp will get a buff before she leaves I’m sure of it.
  • Richyyy
    Richyyy Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
    Tony_Foot said:
    Wait, wasp will get a buff before she leaves I’m sure of it.
    I don't understand this belief. The likes of Banner and Doc Oc have been around for ages and are both pretty much worthless. They've done nothing to sort them out. Why would they fix Wasp when lots of other 5*s have just been left to suck from the start?

    As to the original question, getting Okoye is definitely a solid option. Mine's 3/4/1 and I'm desperately hoping the next 5* is decent to counterbalance the Wasp wastage I'd have to live with. LumberCap doesn't feel worth chasing to me, but I might finish him almost by accident if the next 5* is rubbish and it's better off pulling for Okoye with the current group.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Okoye is pretty great, but Wasp and LumberCap are both (loud, wet fart sound).

    I'd personally just hold out for the next batch, or at least wait for one of the stinkers to rotate out or get a buff.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jarvind said:
    Okoye is pretty great, but Wasp and LumberCap are both (loud, wet fart sound).

    I'd personally just hold out for the next batch, or at least wait for one of the stinkers to rotate out or get a buff.

    Lumbercap is OK, he sleeps all night and he works all day...

    ...sorry, got distracted by something silly for a moment. Anyway, Cap does have his uses, but he only really shines when you are already winning, so he's certainly not a top tier fivestar. He's nowhere near Wasp's levels though, he's more mid-tier I Think.

  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
    Agreed that Okoye is good enough to justify pulling latest to cover her. Yeah, wasp sucks, but HoboCap is pretty decent. He's also great in boss events.

    Also, I think someone mentioned it in this thread already, but special 5* release stores are typically a good investment for CP as well, provided that the 5* character selection in it is worth it.. Because it lacks the 5* dilution of the Classic pool.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would wait to see who the next 5* is announced.  IF the new 5+ is good wait for cap to leave then pull for Okoye and the new 5* and deal with a championed Wasp.  I have a champed Cap and am not that impressed.  Okoye is boss.  If the next 5* is trash then you can pull for Okoye and Cap now then hoard until a good 5* comes out.
  • maguirenumber6
    maguirenumber6 Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    I'm going against all the above wisdom. This is a game - blow all of it in one go and see what happens :smiley:
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    My 2 cents: since Okoye is so awesome and you're getting close to 300 pulls, I would wait for Cap to leave and then pull, no matter how good or bad the next 5* is.  One great top-tier character is better than 3 mid-tier ones.