Gambit Nerf is the final straw i quit.

Jabrony_Geoff Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
It's been coming for a long time I guess.

Due to burnout from years of PVE grind, for the last few months my main focus has been Deadpool daily, PVE once a month and participating in every team event.

Burnout was helped when Gambit came along. I hoarded tokens from March 2017 to November 2017. I didn't have the required 300 pulls but I went ahead and pulled.

My target was Thor but ended up getting all covers for Gambit. He changed everything, he reignited my interest for the game but with that said, I still couldn't do more than 1 PVE per month, I found the grind unhealthy and offensive.

I take my hat off to you guys who do it week in week out for years. It takes a special kind of  gamer to do that.

For me Gambit sped everything up. When I played PVE the time required to complete halved. Gambit help me get to 900 in PVP, that was my only target. 
In team events he was awesome. Nothing else to add.
Then someone posted a list of all the nerfs in the game so far. I was gobsmacked.
I was on the receiving end of the majority but remained silent. The number is obscene and borders on abuse. Here you are, here's your nice new shiny. Only to rip the shiny from your hand, pull off one leg and one arm and return it to you later. Not once, not twice, but multiple times.

The developers have seriously lost their way,  Stan Lee created Thor to beat the Hulk.
Some heroes have to be stronger and more powerful than others. All heroes cannot be the same. You are trying but failing spectacularly.
As a long time comic collector I cannot sit idly by and watch you destroy years of carefully crafted storylines with what you are producing here at MPQ.
For me gambit was fantastic, a suitable Nerf would've been to half everything.
Half his pink, half his black, half his red.
Not completely gut him into nothingness. 

To the forum community you have to stop self harming. A lot of you called for the Gambit nerf. How many of you are happy with the outcome?

When was the last time Barcelona fans asked to Nerf Lionel Messi?
When was the last time  Real Madrid fans called for Christiano Ronaldo to wear 100Lb boots to weigh him down because he is so damn good?
No, it doesn't happen you value your top players because they are special. Gambit was special.
Stop the virtue signaling self harming.

I opened my hoard of 70 latest and 600 Cp. Pulled a few 5 stars but nothing to wrote home about.

In closing, I've said my goodbyes to the alliance and left.
It was fun while it lasted but the Gambit Nerf is the final straw. Good luck everyone.

Game uninstalled.


  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not happy with the nerf because it doesn't go far enough.
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    Uhm... actually when Cristiano Ronaldo was younger he used to put weights in his own boots... for the benefit of making him faster. So that example doesn't really work.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    Twysta said:
    Uhm... actually when Cristiano Ronaldo was younger he used to put weights in his own boots... for the benefit of making him faster. So that example doesn't really work.
    So you're saying they're gonna make Gambit better and faster?
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    I am also extremely unhappy with the incredibly weak nerf as they didn’t go far enough & address most of our concerns. He needs to be nerfed way harder he is still too good. #RE-NerfGambit 
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,791 Chairperson of the Boards
    In what way is he still too good. He’s trash now for pvp, only a good support saves him for pve. I guess we shall see this season with how many still run him if he’s still so good.

    Whats your gambit at? 500+?
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    My gambit is 494 and will probably not see the light of day except for the Inhumna 5E node as of right now.  We will see once I get to play a bit with him to see what he is about.  
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,203 Chairperson of the Boards
    Later homeslice 
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    So the only thing keeping you interested in the game was a broken character?
  • Sim Mayor
    Sim Mayor Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker

    For me gambit was fantastic, a suitable Nerf would've been to half everything.

    Um. They left you with a lot more than half.

    He still generates AP, just not every turn and not in a way that is unstoppable. He no longer steals AP, but that's an ability that he only gained in the great false-nerf debacle. His red still does decent damage, only costs 1AP more and generates 1 more charged tile. His Purple no longer overwrites every[tinykitty]thing on the board, just the special tiles that everyone else's abilities affects. He has more health, which was the only thing that made him even moderately beatable before.

    If this is too weak for you, you had unrealistic expectations. The fact that those expectations were met was the harm. I'm sorry you're bored. I'm sorry you got your hopes up by getting lots of covers for a character that almost everybody said needed to be nerfed from day 1. I'm sorry you're disappointed that they brought that character back down to Earth where the rest of the 5* characters live, which is to say waaaaay above the level of virtually every other character in the game.

    I'm even sorry you're leaving, although it sounds like it was long overdue. I hope you go on to find something you enjoy as much as you apparently once enjoyed MPQ. Just don't blame the nerf. If you're going to cast blame, point it at the mistake that made it necessary in the first place.
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,182 Chairperson of the Boards
    The OP has been complaining non-stop as far back as I can remember. Practically all of his posts have been sardonic, cynical, and almost never contribute to the thread or the spirit of the forums. I’m astounded he’s hung around as long as he has.

  • uberhamster
    uberhamster Posts: 96 Match Maker
    Some heroes have to be stronger and more powerful than others. All heroes cannot be the same. You are trying but failing spectacularly.
    As a long time comic collector I cannot sit idly by and watch you destroy years of carefully crafted storylines with what you are producing here at MPQ.

    I mean, I understand frustration at the nerf but like... Gambit isn't close to top-of-the-line in comics, is he? If anything it's an argument (which I'm on board with) for buffing the characters who are canonically most powerful like Phoenix and the Hulk, who are oddly at entirely the wrong end of the scale in MPQ.

  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
    Some heroes have to be stronger and more powerful than others. All heroes cannot be the same. You are trying but failing spectacularly.
    As a long time comic collector I cannot sit idly by and watch you destroy years of carefully crafted storylines with what you are producing here at MPQ.

    I mean, I understand frustration at the nerf but like... Gambit isn't close to top-of-the-line in comics, is he? If anything it's an argument (which I'm on board with) for buffing the characters who are canonically most powerful like Phoenix and the Hulk, who are oddly at entirely the wrong end of the scale in MPQ.

    Never going to happen, because it would ruin the game balance. Game balance trumps comic power levels in all variety of games, because otherwise it would defeat the purpose of using Marvel properties in the first place. There's a reason Daredevil and JJ and Star-Lord and half the Avengers are 5's, and it's because they're popular. No one wants to hear "Sorry, I know you love the street-level heroes and Marvel Netflix, but none of those characters are better than a 2*."
  • uberhamster
    uberhamster Posts: 96 Match Maker
    edited July 2018
    JHawkInc said:
    Some heroes have to be stronger and more powerful than others. All heroes cannot be the same. You are trying but failing spectacularly.
    As a long time comic collector I cannot sit idly by and watch you destroy years of carefully crafted storylines with what you are producing here at MPQ.

    I mean, I understand frustration at the nerf but like... Gambit isn't close to top-of-the-line in comics, is he? If anything it's an argument (which I'm on board with) for buffing the characters who are canonically most powerful like Phoenix and the Hulk, who are oddly at entirely the wrong end of the scale in MPQ.

    Never going to happen, because it would ruin the game balance. Game balance trumps comic power levels in all variety of games, because otherwise it would defeat the purpose of using Marvel properties in the first place. There's a reason Daredevil and JJ and Star-Lord and half the Avengers are 5's, and it's because they're popular. No one wants to hear "Sorry, I know you love the street-level heroes and Marvel Netflix, but none of those characters are better than a 2*."
    Oh quite understood and agreed. Being at canonical levels would be ridiculous, but it's particularly silly for ultra-powerful characters in canon to be as underpowered as they are. Fantasy does matter a lot too!
  • 0_efx_0
    0_efx_0 Posts: 236 Tile Toppler
    The fact that Gambit drained my AP was really the only hard part of deafeating him, for me at least, and I’m in 4* land.
  • maguirenumber6
    maguirenumber6 Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    edited July 2018
    To quit properly, OP should have sold all his characters. I'm guessing that didn't happen. Every chance they could come back further down the road.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2018
    ***Mod Mode: ON***

    Locking thread as it has gone off topic.

    ***Mod Mode: OFF**

    On a more personal note, best of luck to @Jabrony_Geoff with whatever gaming adventures await you.
This discussion has been closed.