Puzzle Warriors 3 - Ep#150: Getting Lucky with Supports

XaOs72 Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker

* New Support - Quantum Realm
* Update to Gambit changes 


  • LFChikarason
    LFChikarason Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    - I love how beffudled Ray is by the DC/Hanna Barbara crossovers
    - wow, not sure how I feel about the new (terrible) nickname for Kamala Khan
    - waiting with baited breath for this Sunday's Crash. Will it be America Chavez? Will it be the Crash cycle starting over again? I cannot wait!
    - pie skip from 13:34 to 16:40 #resistpies
    - you can maybe edit out these discord disruptions, you know...
    - I like the changes to the upcoming Gambit changes. It shows D3 is listening
    - This is a place that allows you to bring in outside seasonings, jams and jellies for your wings
    - Ian is taking his son to the cosmotologist and there's no follow up question?
    - I do have Lucky aka Pizza Dog at rank 2. I usually keep him assigned to five star Cliff (Hawkeye) because I feel Lucky should have never left to go with Kate
    - very upset about the recent travel ban on service animals. How will I be able to fly without Gilligan, my service pelican?
    - the Vine will never die as I have a four star purple Widow cover I don't want to save JUST yet
    - my reward of the week was that free three star Carol cover I got today. Them new covers are awesome!
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Couple questions for the Puzzle warriors.
    #1for the 120 item support vault did you spend HP on the Vault?  If so what did you buy?  If not what changes to the vault would intive you to buy?
    #2 how are you enjoying 4* PVP?  Do you find yourself playing 4* PVP more less or the same as before?
    #3 Reese’s peanut butter pie?
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    I also have a Rank 2 Lucky.  While the enemy power damage reduction and chance at healing are lackluster at it's current level (~Lv50), I've found the Kate Bishop perk surprisingly useful.  In particular, having one extra turn to remove the Ruthless Precision countdown has prevented the self damage in practice more than I would have expected.  I'll be the first to admit this could be simply a factor of a small sample size combined with her being a murder machine during her boost weeks...
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,791 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been won over by supports, hated them to start with and doubted their relevance, but now they have increased the effectiveness of them they are going to become fun in pve to experiment and essential for pvp going forward.

    I do think it's a huge shame that anyone who put red iso into the early ones have wasted it, the leap in power and effectiveness is huge. Please Devs revisit those for people who used the system from day one. I'm not one of those people as I said, I have now put all my into a level 145 Talon fighter and it's insane how useful it is compared to the older ones. Reward the early adopters by tweaking those, please!

    Love the talon fighter, Collect yellow and TU, Okoyes powers get cheaper. Fire Yellow when you need it and on occasion you get a heap of AOE damage from all that gathered TU and it gets upto 2 AP cheaper to fire!