Every Player is not the Same

Roland113 Posts: 298 Mover and Shaker
I originally posted this in the thread on different VIP rewards, but thought it merited a thread of it's own. 

(Original Post)

Ok, I tried copying multiple quotes, but my HTML ability is tenacious at best.  My comments stem a lot from a combination of @BoyWonder1914 's comments about the three tiers of 4 Star Players and @purplemur 's comments about different packages.

First, I'm going to say I was a fan of the 50/50 split that BoyWonder was talking about.  I hit the transitional stage at about the point that vaulting started, It gave me a huge advantage and thanks to vaulting I champed Carol, Grocket, Gamora, Medusa, Blade, Coulson and five or six of the others from that era.  It gave my transition a huge jumpstart.  With that being said, It seemed like TeenJean, Rulk and Iceman would be the sacrifice.  Then the 50/50 split was a nice compromise for me at that point cause I had transitioned to an  Intermediate 4 Star roster.  I had a nice stable of 4 Stars and had the luxury of working on the ones that had been left behind earlier.  The changes to vaulting really worked out perfectly for where I was in my roster progression.

With that being said, how cool would it be if I could switch back and forth between 'vaulting' and 'dilution' strategies at my discretion.

 Another point, early on when reading through this thread, I thought to myself, shoot, if they offered double iso, I'd keep my VIP forever, but then realized later on in my reading that there may be a time in the future that I've got an iso surplus but am playing PvP competitively and suddenly the health packs that I could care less about right now, becomes the new gold.  My needs are going to change in the future as they have in the past.  There was a time when I was buying standard tokens with iso cause I had so much extra to burn.  

So many of the most vehement debates on the forums boil down to something good for one group of players being horrible for a different group.  Vaulting vs Dilution, Win versus points PvP . . . I think to really take the next step, more choices is the way to go.  Institute a new settings menu where you can choose your 4 star token style (Vaulting vs Dilusion), I like the hybrid PvP system, but that could have been a choice as well.  Same with the VIP, I love Purplemur's suggestion of having multiple packages to choose from.  

In a game that is so controlled by RNG, I think the more choices that we are given  increases our sense of control and thus our enjoyment of the experience.  I think if you tailor multiple packages for specific groups of players you'll get so much more traction than trying a one shoe fits all approach.

(end original post)

The more I think about this, the more I feel that having multiple choices throughout the entire progression of the game is a solution to many of the problems that are endemic to the game.  I wanted to give this a place for it's own discussion withouth hijacking the VIP Rewards thread.


  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    So for your idea to give control over who you can pull for here is the simplest way I can see it implemented (other than bonus heroes). Each season there would be a different 12 4* with increased odds.  By rotating every season you can help players who are hoarding for 4* they want to make their pulls but also incorporate older 4* in the game.  
    Mind you create a system of choosing which 4* you want prioritiezed is players would choose the top 12 and then get them max championed and the other 4* would get ignored.  Bonus heroes was implemented to help players advance characters they wanted.

    i don’t disagree with you, I would just caution the idea as it could be easily exploited.
  • JDFiend
    JDFiend Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    I think Wyrmtime's correct in that there still has to be an element of random selection otherwise it'd be exploited.

    They could do is divide the characters between the season names. Set groups for power, time, and stuff. Balance out the good and the not so good as evenly as they can. People could horde for the character they want and splurge. Think there'd be enough to season names to overlap a few characters as well so no one is really out of the draw for long. So no one is waiting six months for so to be unvaluted. 

    To increase off season draws lightning rounds/PVE/Antman style events could be used. Or something, but that is kind of rubbish... Not a fan of vaulting. 

    Another way would be change the way tokens work. Instead of one character it draws several from a faction or group across several star tiers. There are huge drawbacks though - some characters wouldn't fit, reward structure would have to change significantly, some players would hate it and quit, might still leave exploits as some teams work better than others and players would need to be able to choose some of the packs they are pulling from for it to work. Mixture of specific and universal vault tokens? Not sure I like that system myself - could get complicated. But it might work if you got the details right but would be a lot of work and overhaul. 

    So no good ideas here really. 

    I think the core factors have to be a system that cuts down the draw number to speed up building characters, give people a greater control without hampering the randomness to avoid exploits.