Just My Opinion: 5 Star Covers Killed MPQ

Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
I understand the game needs to progress in order to keep players interested, and to make money for the developers. I just think the 5 star idea failed.

Nothing good has resulted from introducing 5 stars to the game. With just 3 championed 5 stars story mode is now boring for me. But, with only 3 championed 5 stars versus mode is too difficult. Since there are only the two game modes, my desire to play has diminished.

Maybe if there was a no 5 star versus mode, where players had to use 4 star or under, that could be excited. But since 5 stars are where the developers make their money, we'll never see this.

Another aspect of the game ruined by 5 stars is the required nodes. The whole rotation of 3 latest and 2 classic 5 stars is an obvious cash grab that sucked the fun out of having 5 stars. Sorry, I can't afford to keep up with the 5 star releases and have never had a latest 5 star fully covered. So I get stuck playing incomplete champions in a required node. Not fun at all.

There is also the perception of a broken RNG system that keeps handing me the same color over and over again, when I already I have 5 on that champion. Yes, they just introduced the new saved cover system that might help, but I already lost a dozen covers before they came up with this idea. Would have been nice if they thought it out a head of time.

I will apologize if this sounds like a bunch of sour grapes. This is because I really enjoy the game, I'm a big fan of marvel heroes, and I see the potential of what the game could be. It bothers me the developers are missing out on making the game experience so much better.

Maybe after 1230 days of playing, if I'm not willing to be a whale, they just don't expect me to stick around. I keep hoping the game gets fun again...


  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    What's your solution to the problems that you mentioned?
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's posts like these that really make me wonder if the 5* transition is worth it. I really enjoy the 4* game, get varied PVP opponents, use most of my 65 champs, can still T10 CL8 PVE, get to 900 PVP in one push, and have plenty of side quests to keep me busy rechamping 2s and 3s while trying to hang on to the mains.

    It feels like many (though not all) of the people in the 5* game experience cognitive dissonance.  I don't know if it's really the better tier or if people just try to convince themselves it is once there's no going back.

    I really don't know.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    RE: op - We know.
  • ZeroKarma
    ZeroKarma Posts: 513 Critical Contributor
    It would be hard for me to agree that the introduction of 5* covers has killed the game. They've been around for quite a while, and they are part of a natural progression that other, similar games have, which is to create a carrot for people to chase after. Could you imagine if they hadn't introduced 5*?

    Now, I got a little dizzy counting 4* on my roster, but as far as I can tell we have 69 4*. (I may have double counted a dupe somewhere) Add another 25 to replace the released 5* and you have 94 characters in one tier. Sure, you could have decided to make some more 3*....but why would you. 

    My personal feeling is, that while some people enjoy playing in the 4* tier forever, if everyone did that the game would have died a long time ago. Why? Money!!!!  There is no reason to spend money if the best thing out there is a new 4*. You can't whale them anymore and the dilution would be 40% worse than it is today. 

    If anything, the problem is that D3 has never begun loosening the reins on resources so that people can start to progress again. A person with my roster, as an example, has no meaningful path to progression in the game and THAT is a serious problem. My largest 5* is a 495 Thanos. He is going to be my biggest 5* forever since I can't buy covers directly, adding levels to classics is a fools' errand, and characters aren't in Latest long enough for me to get another to that level. I would suggest moving to the next "stage" and getting a new best character would cost me over $10,000 dollars or a year of not opening any tokens. Neither of which bear any interest for me. 

    So, release the hounds! Or the covers, iso, whatever and let people start gaining access to 5* more easily like they did with 4*, and then start plotting out the 6* tier which is the obvious next step. Stop restricting these resources needlessly, and making the hill to a better roster an insurmountable one after a certain level. 
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    The biggest thing with this game is that transitioning to a different tier sucks.  I remember being a 2* player transitioning to 3* land and suddenly only being able to play 2-3 characters in PVE(personally scalling) and PVP MMR issues.  Once I got a deep roster things changed.  4* tier was the Sam except there were weekly buffs that made the 3* stronger and more usable. For the 5* transition once you got one 5* they were the only character you could use in either PVP or PVE and the game got boring.  Once I got more and more 5* rostered PVE became more diverse and I tried out more characters.  The 5* tier has not destroyed the game it is the transition to a new tier that grinds on players and makes them want to quit becuase they went from an easy time to a difficult time. The transition can take a long time but once I is developed it starts to get more diverse 
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,735 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sounds like the issue would be more accurately described as that imbalance in the 5* tier has killed the game for people who only have the weaker ones.
    This to me is one of the biggest problems in the game.  There are very big differences between characters that are viable in the 5 tier and those who are not.  The effort in getting champed 5's is large, and yet can result in disdain and disappointment if you happen to have the wrong luck.  I realize that part of the game is making new (better) characters, but that doesn't always happen (the line from Thor to Archangel is decidedly not an upward slope).

    I don't have an answer other than more rebalancing or even a trade in system (say, 13 covers of a Vintage allow you to get 6 of a Latest).  I realize that would never happen, but the design of the tier is decidedly lacking right now.

    IMHO, this makes Banner the worst character in the game, because he is the worst 5, when any 5 should be at least pretty good.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    I'm with @Felessa. Everything down here at the 4-star tier is duckies and bunnies.
    Mine is all grockets and vultures...
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Felessa said:
    I don't know, but since their release, I saw 5*s as something wrong: too much match damage and an initial level (255) out of balance when comparing to the other tiers (1/15/40/70).
    When you look at that progression, what we got as 5* actually fit in about where 6* characters would have been expected. To fit with the pattern of the previous tiers, 5* should have started around Lvl 150 or so for a single cover, champed at 375-ish, and then maxed at 475 or so.
  • sirwookieechris
    sirwookieechris Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    I have no interest at the moment to move to 5* land. I have been hoarding LL tokens and CP but that has been more to Iso shortage than anything else. By the time I get enough Iso saved up I have a 4* ready to champ or a dupe 3*.

    My 4/4/3 Thanos is tempting to BH and champ and since I love pve Strange would be great, but it’s not worth screwing over my pvp mmr to champ either one or even dump Iso into them. 

    I’ll wait until I have enough saved tokens to champ a good batch of latest legends, and then work on Thanos and Strange. It just seems weird that the meta discourages people from moving up. I don’t want to become one of the people who get frustrated with the game because they champed the wrong 5* and now get bullied in pvp.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    Making 5*s wasn't the problem.  Making 5*s head and shoulders above 4*s was the problem.  All of the vets remember the simulation node where you played a shiny new Surfer against 3 of the best 4*s in the game and destroyed them all.  With that single move they made all of the other characters irrelevant.  Could any of the 4*s beat 3 top 3*s by themselves?  Of course not.  Champion levels and boosts still don't matter because a boosted, champed 4* still can't compete on match damage, even if it has similar health and damage abilities.

    So if 5*s weren't so crazy OP compared to the rest of the field, people wouldn't be so scared about dipping their toe in the 5* waters.  As it is, I don't blame them.