The perfect storm (bored)

Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
It is day 1303 for me.  Today I will get a heroic 10-pack from daily resupply.
I have 176 roster slots.
I regularly use five characters.
I'm sitting on 1.2 million Iso, and climbing.

I would like to appreciate recent changes, but I'm in a situation where it all seems to be negative.

Because the game does not have (other than DDQ) any mode with roster restrictions, or any incentive in PvE or way to scale back in PvP to self-restrict, I have no reason to use the other 171.  Doing so actively penalizes my rewards, such as they are.

Because Gambit continues to rule the meta, my PvP opponent options are mostly some combination of Gambit + essential + (~ 1 of 6 options).  Sometimes I can find matches against OML/PHX or Panthos teams for 20 points.  This is boring.  I can barely get myself to play to 200, and I usually fall asleep before I get there.

PvE is the same events, over and over.  Even boss events have lost their luster at this point, since we seem to be cycling them rapidly with new character releases lately.

While vaulting/Latest was still in place, I still had incentive to spend.  There was some fun to be had in "keeping up".  Fully covering the 12 latest so I could guarantee there would be no waste, and I could start getting champ rewards quickly.  Similarly, cover swaps meants that chasing latests was the smartest thing to do.  Try to cover that character before they cycle out, or else they rot in classics forever.

Both of those systems are disappearing.  With them goes the impetus to open any tokens.  The dilution of the token 12 back to the token 70(?) means there's no point in "keeping up" anymore, because I'll have nearly the same chance to draw them now as I will a year from now.  Similarly, the only reason to spend anything trying for latest 5* is if I know they will add to or replace one of the five characters I use now.  Otherwise, whether they're in latest or classic, champed or undercovered, they don't matter any more than the 4*s do.

The game is more chore than anything else at this point, and the little bit of thrill I got from opening tokens as I got them has been made nonsensical.  I have no reason not to hoard until the next meta-busting 5* emerges.  Until then, it's just collecting resources, running on a hamster wheel, going nowhere and staring at the same bars passing my face over and over again.

Is this all it's going to be from here on out?  There's nothing to chase, nothing to gain but numbers in a spreadsheet.  Is there anything in the pipeline that might hold promise for rejuvenation?  Supports don't seem to be it.  I was hopeful, but after seeing them in action (or, inaction), they're not exactly inspiring me.


  • chris0001
    chris0001 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    The game is more chore than anything else at this point.... This is the point I'm at presently and I'm coming up on 1600 days.  There doesn't seem to be much of an incentive unless your willing to spend big bucks!!
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sounds like the game should have released 6* characters instead of supports for players like this (and for others and it should inevitably come with an increase in odds to lower tiers)
  • Shintok17
    Shintok17 Posts: 620 Critical Contributor
    Damn that sucks. Hearing stories like this and many other 5* players, makes me never want to move into that level of play. I have Fifteen 4*'s Champed at the moment and all the 3*'s Champed. I have many covers for almost all my 5*'s, but I have them soft capped at Level 270, so it does not mess up my PVP MMR. When I started championing my 4*'s is when this game became really fun and for the first time I felt like I had made progress in being stronger at this game. Having different 4*'s boosted every couple of days has really brought diversity to my battles and I have learned that almost every 4* is great when champed and boosted.

    It's like this game punishes you for reaching the supposedly "End Game", which is 5* land. The thing that sucks is that PVE success is not parallel to PVP success when it comes to leveling 5*'s. It makes PVE matches easier and faster, but it makes PVP matches longer and harder, specially with the Gambit dominant aspect of it, which forces you to use the same teams over and over again while also fighting the same teams as well. Taking all the information I have seen so far I think I will try to cover all my 4*'s as best I can depending on RNG and ISO of course and just stay away from 5* land.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    When you are unhappy with a game and find it a chore to play, then it's time to move on. One of the goals of players is to cover and champ characters as fast as possible without cover wastage. On the other hand, the devs are trying to extend the longevity of the game.

    Assuming that right now you have champed all 4* and 5*, what are you going to do next?
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    Daiches said:
    broll said:
    Sounds like the game should have released 6* characters instead of supports for players like this (and for others and it should inevitably come with an increase in odds to lower tiers)
    No, it needed game modes. But it has only removed game modes. Heroics (which answer the boredom of limited character selection), Gauntlet (challenging, but absolute horrendous rewards structure) and even a few normal PVE events (where are our 7 day events?) have all been removed.
    And the new PVEs added all have HUGE flaws. Wakanda is already officially retired, and the second sub of HaT is the worst designed sub possibly in the game with the superslow starting Mindless One nodes that all seem the same.
    Wakanda pve is retired?  Well jeez.  

    As to another point, I know a few players who have done similar and never transitioned to 5* land or jumped and sold their 5s to go back to 4* land.  These few I’ve spoken to all seem very contented with their choices.

    The pain points are largely 5* related issues.  Pvp is still the gambit nite mare if you’re a 5* player.  Pve with set scaling is better, and no tapping is amazing, but you now need to chase latest toons with the 5essential requiring latest releases much much more frequently.  And playing a 515 node with a 1 cover 5* is quite the handicap (though can be a fun challenge at times).

  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    As it is, I have little incentive to continue.  Perhaps it is time to move on.  It's been a good run, and I would really like to keep playing, but the game structure and unaddressed issues have made my progress largely meaningless.

    I'm still hoping that they have something in mind for the future that will provide meaningful content for lower-tier play, without having to sacrifice time and money spent acquiring 5*.  Even something like a voluntary reversion, where I get to keep the covers but give up the Iso, would be more interesting at this point.  At least then I could enjoy the 4* variety, albeit with lower PvE rewards.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    Heroics are dumb. It should not be the only reason to play with your roster. If you're bored playing the same 5 characters, don't play the same 5 characters. You don't need the rewards if they are such a chore to get.
    broll said:
    Sounds like the game should have released 6* characters instead of supports for players like this (and for others and it should inevitably come with an increase in odds to lower tiers)
    lol we can't go 5 minutes before broll brings up 6*s
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    Every event is pretty much a Heroic for me.  I'm "limited" to whatever 4* are boosted that week.  I don't know how I didn't realize this before.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor

    And the new PVEs added all have HUGE flaws. Wakanda is already officially retired, and the second sub of HaT is the worst designed sub possibly in the game with the superslow starting Mindless One nodes that all seem the same.

    Wakanda is retired? I don't remember seeing anything like that. Where is that info from?
  • Shintok17
    Shintok17 Posts: 620 Critical Contributor
    rixmith said:

    And the new PVEs added all have HUGE flaws. Wakanda is already officially retired, and the second sub of HaT is the worst designed sub possibly in the game with the superslow starting Mindless One nodes that all seem the same.

    Wakanda is retired? I don't remember seeing anything like that. Where is that info from?
    It's not retired per se. Only taken out of rotation for further analysis. Brigby said the Devs have listened to the player feedback from the last time it ran and are working on ways to make it more player friendly. 
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    rixmith said:

    And the new PVEs added all have HUGE flaws. Wakanda is already officially retired, and the second sub of HaT is the worst designed sub possibly in the game with the superslow starting Mindless One nodes that all seem the same.

    Wakanda is retired? I don't remember seeing anything like that. Where is that info from?
    I believe it was in the enemy cascade change thread.  They really buried the lead on that one, lol.  Most people cared way more about that than anything else in that thread.
  • evade420
    evade420 Posts: 440 Mover and Shaker
    I never really had any problems with wakanda other than it's the same old thing in a new shiny package.
     I know a lot of ppl were complaining About the environmental tiles , but I honestly hardly ever even noticed them 
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    Calnexin, I think it's time for you to move on.  It happens with all games once you've mastered them.  I suppose mastering the game and reaching the highest level is the fun part, but once you're at the top, it becomes boring.  I understand.  Use your time to do something better.

    Option #2, you could just play for fun and forget about rewards and placement.  Seriously, treat the game like a puzzle, where your challenge is to use the required character to their full potential with the best supporting characters.  Try to win a match without Gambit (if that's possible). 

    Option #3, join me and start over from scratch.  Use your knowledge to progress faster than everyone at your same level.  Rediscover good teams and actually enjoy opening tokens and champing characters.  Put variety back into the game.

    That's my 2 cents, but if I were you, I'd quit. 
  • Trilateralus
    Trilateralus Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    We’ve all seen these posts at one point or another of someone complaining they’re burned out and bored. I always end up wondering why people turn this game into such a chore. Stop trying to play “optimally” and stop chasing the latest releases. Forget PvP and the meta and play PvE with teams that are fun. If you’re not always trying to get the best rewards and just play the game it’s actually still pretty fun. 
  • evade420
    evade420 Posts: 440 Mover and Shaker
    I'm in a similar situation
    day 1180
    183 roster slots
    1.8 million iso 
    .. 200+k riso ( does anyone care)
    PVE is what it is , I wish there was more event diversity and different types of events (bring back gauntlet), but at least in PVE I can use my entire roster if I choose to (and i try and switch it up as much as possible), and I can do so with very little impact or consequence to my overall performance in the event. 

    However PVP is where the drag is happening for me , because (for the most part) I'm locked into using 2 or 3 characters and that's it. If i don't stick with those charters exclusively I will feel the consequence in retaliations and my overall PVP experience will be stressful to say the least. What makes it even worse is you end up facing those 2 or 3 characters as well for every match, so you become very overloaded basically fighting the same match over and over and over again.

    Now I realize that this is sort of a recurring issue with PVP, someone is always going to dominate the meta to some extent , and MMR can be a fickle tiny kitty , and that is where some of the problem lies... but what if gambit were nerfed into oblivion (a-la OML nerf) ?
    Who would dominate the meta then? would it be as bad with a different team at the forefront or most matches?Would PVP become more diverse?
    Would you still want to even want to play the game anymore, or would you be too scared that they are just going to keep nerfing  your new favorite character now that they would have confirmed that nothing is sacred in this game?