No Rating?

I was playing up through the end of the last oscorp event and was ranked 7 before the event ended. I still haven't received the tokens for them yet.

I then went to do a lightning round and noticed that i just don't have a rating despite playing/winning at least 10 matches. Not sure what's wrong with my account.

edit: just noticed that I am unable to gain rating in the oscorp main event despite winning matches...


  • Same here.

    Many problems occurred since yesterday evening :

    - no connection to Facebook possible (hence no events showing),
    - error message : we could not connect to your account while you were getting prizing for this event,
    - no update in PvE points and ranking,
    - same as you for LR (no prizing received at each end of events),
    - no update in points and ranking for God of Lies and SHIELD

    I still get ISO though for winning matches. Weird.