Personal Debate on spend 120 cp for 13th cover...

Tintaiwan Posts: 172 Tile Toppler
I have debated with myself on this for a while.  Is it worth it to spend 120cp on a 13th cover, or is it better to put the CP to use by just buy classic legends tokens.  

So I kept stats for about 8 weeks straight.  I track all CP spent and all Legendary tokens opened.

Now I rated it either usable or unusable.  Usable meaning it was a new cover, or a level to existing 4star, or 5 star.  Unusable meant it was in the 14 day countdown bin.  

usable Draws CPunusable CP drawsToken usableToken unusabletotal

These result were of course determined by my rooster and draw, so results will vary.
Also I had 3 covers that went in the 14 day countdown bin, but were saved by later draws.   
So all in all I spent, 980 CP on draws, 120 was not usable. so about 4/5ths were usable... 

All of this means to me that spending seems more effective than buying the 13th cover.    If I had used it to buy covers, then I would have been out about 32 covers, and the rewards for champion progression. 



  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards

    I can't see the numbers.

    Overall it depends a bit on whether it's a character with a boosted draw rate or not, but with enough pulls it tends to even out in my experience...

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2018
    If you have enough HP (3600?) and at least one unusable covers on the vine for your 12 cover character(s), you might want to wait for it to appear in HfH.

    It depends on a few thing:

    1) are you covering latest 12 4* or classic 4*?

    2) how important is that character going to be in your PvP or PvE?

    3) is a 3* feeding that 4*?

    4) is that character coming up in placement or progression reward?

    5) can that character be pulled in vault(s)?

    6) is the character appearing in DDQ?

  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    I tend to go for it, but that's as much as anything just because I'm impatient, and don't like waiting for RNG to roll around my way.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    It will also depend on your cover distribution.  If you're unlucky enough to have wound up with a 5/5/2 permutation, I'd say that the likelihood that you'll get the cover you want within 6 pulls is small enough that just paying the premium for the cover you want is worth it, especially if it's not in the most recent pool.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    Buying covers is only worth it in a 5/5/x situation, but in those situations it's more than just numbers.  How much you value the character matters a lot more, as do covers in queue, if any.  

    A couple weeks ago, I spent a month's CP savings on a 13th 5 * cover.  36 classics exchanged for one cover to allow champ is a heavy price to pay.  It's put me (slightly) behind my usual rate of coverage for the new characters, and that's a lot of champ rewards I've given up.  Plus, a potential 4-5 additional classic 5* covers.  But since the newly covered character has a feeder, and I'm one cover away on that, I am guaranteed to be able to make use of it now.

    Which would have been better - that champ 5*, or 36 additional covers for my 4* tier?  In this particular instance, I can unequivocally say that it was worth that spend.  The champed 5* now paired with my undercovered Gambit has allowed me to actually play PvP again.  Instead of getting beat back to 75 points, I can at least float around 300.  Plus, with that pair I can now reliably 4-clear the 5* essential in CL9, which I could only do before if the essential was well-covered.

    Would I make that spend for Hulk or Doc Ock?  No.  Not even with covers on the vine.  They would not improve my game at all.  It just depends on the character, what you have, and whether you can predict what's coming.
  • Sim Mayor
    Sim Mayor Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
    It also kinda depends on your personal relationship with RNGesus. I know if I have to rely on luck, it doesn't matter how many resources I have to pour into something, luck just won't be with me. So although I only recently reached the point where this is even a real option, I tend to favor spending the 120 for my guaranteed cover instead of hoping I'll get what I want from spending and spending and spending and....
  • SymmeTrey
    SymmeTrey Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    In most cases, I would say spending the CP is a terrible idea. That being said - I've done it once - I had a 5/2/5 Rogue with 3 covers on the vine and bought her last cover on the last day before the first vine cover expired.

    I waited for the special HfH offer, it never came. I drew some tokens with Rogue as BH, I drew the wrong color. Rogue is very good, will be in latest for a while, and she was coming on her boosted week... so, I dropped the 120 CP and never regretted it a bit.

    That being said, you generally shouldn't spend the120 CP. But, also remember there are exceptions to almost every rule.

  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2018
    My system is real simple, or was when I still got excited about 4* characters anyway:

    Do I like the character and want to cover them ASAP?

    If yes, buy last cover.

    If no, do not.

    I totally get obsessively min-maxing and trying to squeeze the most "value" out of every CP spent, but after a few years playing I've realized that it really does suck a lot of the fun out of the experience.

    I will say that I would typically wait to actually draw a 13th naturally, since it might be the one I needed anyway. Only if that happened and it was a color I'd already maxed would I actually direct-buy one.
  • gravel
    gravel Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    Quebbster said:

    I can't see the numbers.

    Overall it depends a bit on whether it's a character with a boosted draw rate or not, but with enough pulls it tends to even out in my experience...

    Well, it was a personal debate, so maybe his findings are also personal.  :)

    I can see the numbers better if I highlight them.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here is the interesting debate between classic 4* and latest 4*.  If you are looking at a classic 4* and their covered at 2,5,5 it might be worth the 120 CP.  the reason why is if you have a 14th cover you get the LT back 25CP value compared to iso.  The reason why is you neede a good pull to get that 13 cover and you run the risk of hitting one of 2 covers already at 5.  
    If your classic is 3,4,5 you will have better odds to get thec13th cover.

    now for latest with the fact that you are more likely to get that cover I would say don’t buy it as you are more then likely to get that cover soon.
  • monsieurmojo
    monsieurmojo Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    edited May 2018
    Personally, I've gone for it a few times, but only under very specific circumstances:  is the character upper tier or meta defining, are they in Latests, and do I have a cover dying on the vine? If yes, then I go for it. If not, no.
  • Basepuzzler
    Basepuzzler Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    Only do it if you can’t wait to cover the character later.  It’s really hard to justify it from a rewards perspective.  
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2018
    Tintaiwan said:

    All of this means to me that spending seems more effective than buying the 13th cover.    If I had used it to buy covers, then I would have been out about 32 covers, and the rewards for champion progression. 


    I concur.  Also hoarding and only spending when you have maximum chance to avoid waste will grow your 80% success ratio even further.  I just yesterday champed my final vintage 4* and I don't think I ever sold more than 25 4* covers total,(also only used the 120 CP option once).  Even then most of those weren't CP pulls but outlyers from HT pulls or event tokens I wasn't in a place to cash in.

    Despite popular opinion avoiding waste is in your control, but it takes a lot patience and planning.