Accessing Facebook save data doesn't skip tutorial?

Xynnia Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
I was on the fence as to whether this belonged in the 'Bugs' or the 'Feedback' subforum, as I genuinely don't know whether this is a bug or a horrible, horrible feature. I just came back to MPQ after a couple of years of not playing, mostly because my old phone didn't have space for the app. I still have my much-loved old save data linked to my Facebook account, and I remembered that last time I tried to retrieve my save data from Facebook on a new phone, I had to play through a bit of the tutorial first.

So I gritted my teeth and played through the first tutorial battle until I got to a screen with the gear option in the corner. I then selected the options to connect to Facebook and retrieve my old save data. There it was, Agent Xynnia - load this save data and erase the progress you've currently made? I selected yes, and waited to be taken back to wherever I'd last left off on the app with all my old characters and progress.

Instead, when the game returned, I was... still in the tutorial. The game kept forcing me to play through the beginner battles, unlock Storm, add her to my team, yadda yadda... but I'd just selected an option to load my old save game data, so was this going to overwrite that data? I don't know if things would have returned to normal after I'd completed the tutorial, because it's an incredibly long tutorial and I really don't have the patience to be patronisingly walked through a game I've played for years, just to see if it'll bring my old save data back, so I quit and uninstalled the app.

Please, D3, fix your stuff. Have mercy on those of us who switch phones on a somewhat regular basis and build in an option to skip through the tutorial - in its entirety - if you've played the game before.

And before you say it, I know there's a button on the loading screen when you first install the app which offers to load up old Facebook save data. I tried using this, twice, and it did nothing. Another bug? Who knows.

//Removed Profanity -Brigby


  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hi @Xynnia. I'm sorry to hear that you had to go through that experience, and I'm afraid it seems like your account was somehow overwritten, when attempting to restore it onto your new device.

    Having said that though, our Customer Support team is equipped to handle these kind of situations, and they're able to help you restore your lost account onto your new device. If you wouldn't mind sending in a support ticket with any information you can recall about your account, they'll be more than happy to assist you.