Event point system

I did a search and didn't find a thread on this, I apologize if there is already one. I'm curious, is there some kind of trick to scoring higher points on the events? I have beaten all matches in the few recent events but yet, there a still people able to get upwards of up to 2,000 more points than I am, even though I come back before an event is over and redo all the stages again. I'm I doing something wrong when it comes to completing missions? Again, I apologize if this topic has come up before hand.


  • Naked_Samurai
    Naked_Samurai Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    Prime example again. I was #1 on strange sights this morning. I just redid every mission and it ends in 7 minutes, yet, now I'm currently ranked 53. Does the ranking go based on a person's Shield Ranking, or possibly by characters being used?
  • MrCroaker64
    MrCroaker64 Posts: 70 Match Maker
    As far as I know, the "secret" is to do the first four (4) clears as quickly as possible to start the regen. Then do the last three (3) clears and try to time it so you are finishing up just before the event ends. It's that wait time between that gets the points because the longer you let it regen, the more points you get the first time through the second clear. 

    I have also heard that you want to hit the essentials as early as possible on the first clear to get the regens moving on them as they will usually net more points at the end.

    Hope that helps.

  • Naked_Samurai
    Naked_Samurai Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    Thanks Mr.Croaker. Looks like I had the idea right but was doing it wrong. I was getting on as soon as the event starts and knocking out all 6 clears for everything then waiting until the end and redoing them. I'll try the 4 clear, then 3 clear method and see how I do. Thanks for the insight.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    It can help to look at the mathematics of it.  Lets imagine that you have an "ideal" player that can complete matches in zero time, and has to decide when to play.  Let's say you've got a 300 point node available in a standard 24 hour sub-event.

    They can play the node four times for the full 300 points each, after which the node will be worth 200 points, with the missing hundred points recharging over the next 24 hours.  If they play it again, the node will be worth 100 points with the missing 200 points recharging over a period of 48 hours.  After a sixth clear, the node will be worth 0 points with a recharge period of 72 hours.  So if this ideal player repeats the node 6 times they will have 1500 points (4*300 + 200 + 100).

    Now imagine the player only does four repetitions at the beginning of the sub, and then two at the end.  They will collect 1200 points at the beginning, and the node will be left at 200 points with a 24 hour timer.  So the node will regain all its points by the end of the sub, so the fifth repetition will also be worth 300 points.  The sixth will then be 200 points.  So now the player has 1700 points for the same number of repetitions.

    In this last scenario the node will be left with 100 points, so if the player wants to do a seventh clear they can increase their point total to 1800.

    So in short, the optimal way to play the node in a 24 hour sub is to play it repeatedly at the very start of the sub until it reduces in value (once for team-up nodes, twice for survival nodes, and four times for regular nodes), then wait until just before the end to repeat the node until it is worth zero points.  For 48 hour subs it is a little different: the node will fully recharge at the 24 hour mark, so you can fit one additional play in at that point.

    Now none of us are "ideal" players in the sense that it takes time to complete a match, so there are a few other considerations too:
    1. The recharge time for all nodes is the same, but the rate they gain points is proportional to the original value of the node.  So it helps to complete the initial clears on the high value nodes first, since they'll benefit more from the additional recovery time.
    2. Similarly, at the end of the sub, start with the low value nodes so the high value ones have longer to recover.
    3. You'll need to estimate how long the final clears will take you: if you start too late, you might run out of time and miss out on some points.

    Lastly, it is worth remembering that the majority of players are not going to play optimally like this: it is a lot more effort than most people are willing to put into a mobile game.

    If you're not trying to place first, you can still use this information to maximise your points for the amount of effort you want to expend.  The main things to take away are (1) play the first four clears of a node early in the sub, and (2) try to put as much time as you can between those initial clears and any further ones you want to make.  Even waiting 12 hours will give noticeably more points than doing the extra clears immediately.

  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks Mr.Croaker. Looks like I had the idea right but was doing it wrong. I was getting on as soon as the event starts and knocking out all 6 clears for everything then waiting until the end and redoing them. I'll try the 4 clear, then 3 clear method and see how I do. Thanks for the insight.
    Yeah, once the timer starts it's time to stop grinding and let the points regenerate. That's probably what the people that beat you by thousands of points do - it really adds up.
  • Pezman
    Pezman Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    I’m still a little baffled myself. I ended every sub top 5 or top 10 but my overall was #18( not complaining very happy). Common sense would lead to thinking with all those top 10 sub ranks the overall would be top 10 too. 
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2018
    Pezman said:
    I’m still a little baffled myself. I ended every sub top 5 or top 10 but my overall was #18( not complaining very happy). Common sense would lead to thinking with all those top 10 sub ranks the overall would be top 10 too. 
    Subs only have 1/3 of the players in the main.
    So you were t15 every sub so your t18 finish checks out.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle said:
    Subs only have 1/3 of the players in the main.
    So you were t15 every sub so your t18 finish checks out.
    This is only for Strange Sights, tho, right? Other events, everyone's running the same sub at the same time, so the brackets are still full?
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    If it was an event other than Strange Sights, check the main event page for repeatable nodes.  Could the people who beat you have made up the difference from those nodes?
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is only for Strange Sights, tho, right? Other events, everyone's running the same sub at the same time, so the brackets are still full?
    Yeah, Strange Sights only.
    All other events you can trust your sub placement.