They do Listen... and it's my Fault



  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,603 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've suggested something akin to Supports before. Though I was thinking of "team-up only" characters, so you could add someone like Mary Jane or Jarvis as a team-up, or even variants like Unworthy Thor or Ultimate Iron Man where you throw in a neat power without needing a full character.

    The people that get mad and say "no one asked for this" are just wrong. Because we have asked for this kind of thing as an ancillary feature.

    And I've suggested limited availability of the Infinity Stones myself (I did it in the rockett's recent thread). But I was thinking more like "all of the Support tokens you earn in a Season, from individual event progression, placement, season progression, and season placement, all go for a store that has that season's stone at greater odds." So there would be no guarantee that you would get it, but you'd get a whole lot more chances for it. Maybe even have all Stones available, and rotate which one gets the 4x boost each season, or something.

    But nobody wants the limitation we've been given.

    These ideas are not bad. There is no fault in suggesting them, and it's stupid to feel shame (or suggest someone else feel shame) for adding to the game.

    Because these things can be done in a way that works for everyone. We just have to get there. And part of how we get there is by letting the devs know we are unhappy with where we are.

    The only villains here are the people that insist on spreading misery instead of looking for ways to make things better. 
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:
    The only villains here are the people that insist on spreading misery instead of looking for ways to make things better. 
    This right here can’t be said enough.

    Personally, I don’t understand why they don’t give everyone each of the supports at a 1* level.  None of the 1* powers are game-breaking and acquiring a support is MUCH less important than acquiring a higher-star version, so what’s the point of the initial scarcity?

    Back on topic, Punisher, if you’re really looking for penence, you can write a story featuring primarily the Dark Avengers and only put them in a positive light.  As someone who primarily plays PVE, I know that would be tough for me ;)
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    ZootSax said:

    Back on topic, Punisher, if you’re really looking for penence, you can write a story featuring primarily the Dark Avengers and only put them in a positive light.  As someone who primarily plays PVE, I know that would be tough for me ;)

    I actually don't mind the Dark Avengers. I know everyone complains about them but I've been playing enough that they're easy. I understand they're repetitive but I rather face Rags than the Mindless goons. Regardless I feel they are all fairly balanced. The worst repetitive villain is Juggs.. he's not appropriately balanced.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards

    I actually don't mind the Dark Avengers. I know everyone complains about them but I've been playing enough that they're easy. I understand they're repetitive but I rather face Rags than the Mindless goons. Regardless I feel they are all fairly balanced. The worst repetitive villain is Juggs.. he's not appropriately balanced.
    Fair point.  Ever since I champed Quake, the Mindless ones stopped bothering least outside the loaner node.  With 4* Cage boosted, this has been one of the best mindless one events, to date, though...

    The only time I didn’t  hate Juggernaut was that one time his costs were glitched for an event or two so he didn’t fire powers every other turn.  I still refuse to roster him, although with the new 1* Spider-Man being so amazing that isn’t as bold a concept as it was a few years ago.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,603 Chairperson of the Boards
    ZootSax said:
    JHawkInc said:
    The only villains here are the people that insist on spreading misery instead of looking for ways to make things better. 
    This right here can’t be said enough.

    Personally, I don’t understand why they don’t give everyone each of the supports at a 1* level.  None of the 1* powers are game-breaking and acquiring a support is MUCH less important than acquiring a higher-star version, so what’s the point of the initial scarcity?

    Back on topic, Punisher, if you’re really looking for penence, you can write a story featuring primarily the Dark Avengers and only put them in a positive light.  As someone who primarily plays PVE, I know that would be tough for me ;)
    I don't think the initial scarcity itself is a problem, but there's no system like the Prologue to collect your "starter set." Nor is there a reliable way to collect them beyond the start. It wouldn't be bad to not have them if you could guarantee a Basic Support Token in each PVE event in progression. We could survive the initial scarcity if there was a way to progress upwards from there (but they're rolling things out so slowly that, of course, there isn't a reliable way to progress yet).
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:
    ZootSax said:
    JHawkInc said:
    The only villains here are the people that insist on spreading misery instead of looking for ways to make things better. 
    This right here can’t be said enough.

    Personally, I don’t understand why they don’t give everyone each of the supports at a 1* level.  None of the 1* powers are game-breaking and acquiring a support is MUCH less important than acquiring a higher-star version, so what’s the point of the initial scarcity?

    Back on topic, Punisher, if you’re really looking for penence, you can write a story featuring primarily the Dark Avengers and only put them in a positive light.  As someone who primarily plays PVE, I know that would be tough for me ;)
    I don't think the initial scarcity itself is a problem, but there's no system like the Prologue to collect your "starter set." Nor is there a reliable way to collect them beyond the start. It wouldn't be bad to not have them if you could guarantee a Basic Support Token in each PVE event in progression. We could survive the initial scarcity if there was a way to progress upwards from there (but they're rolling things out so slowly that, of course, there isn't a reliable way to progress yet).

    I simply hate the fact that a Basic Support is considered a 4* reward in vaults.. it's not. I hope this eventually changes