2 Day Subs in PvE

pseudotwentyone Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
Having played off and on for several years, I cannot say for sure if there have been more 2 day subs than usual lately, but it seems like it. The whole event is effectively ruined IMO when this happens, since you have one day wasted from the extra day on the one sub, and then the last sub is also pretty much a blowout/waste of more time since you only need to clear a few to get final progression rewards. Clearing each node for the 5th and 6th rewards of 3 RISO or 100 ISO feels insulting.

Maybe I am way off base here, but even with the recent nerfing of the "tapping" mechanic, I'd guess that the majority of PvE players play just for progression rewards.

I realize the 2 day subs are likely for scheduling reasons, but aren't there enough different events now that this isn't necessary? For that matter, it seems like a lot of the events cycle through a lot more often, while some almost never show up.

How about running a concurrent event, with lowered/different rewards? Or at least adjust the rewards accordingly for the day(s) of downtime?

Just ranting and nothing is likely to change, I know....but would like to hear others thoughts and at least offer some suggestions.


  • Steve111
    Steve111 Posts: 160 Tile Toppler
    Yes the lack of iso hurts but on balance 2 day subs give a welcome breather
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    It does seem like there have been more lately.

    I like 2-day subs because I play off-schedule most of the time.  I can't play optimal, so having that one day to take it easy and lose less points than usual is nice.

    I, however, am not in an Iso crunch.  I was annoyed by them when I still was.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2018

    Personally during 48hr sub, it gives me more time to play PVP or I simply just enjoy life :D

    However, I agree with both sides when it comes to 48hr subs. On one hand, it's a loss of Iso but on the other hand, it's nice to have a break. I enjoy the latter, unless we get DPvMPQ after a Boss Event or Gauntlet because I already had my break and need the Iso. 

    As far as it feeling like there's more 48hr subs, it's actually less. They recently introduced 3-day variants of 4-day events that have 48subs such as The Hunt and Meet Rocket & Groot.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I welcome 2 days sub because it's like taking a break from the game. Instead of spending 2 hours, I spend 15 minutes on that day. 

    I don't really agree with running one more concurrent event because it will take even more time, and I would be spending additional 1or 2 hours on that event. This is only good for players who can clear 3 or 4 nodes within 30 minutes, or players with a lot of time on their hands. I believe that most players with a normal working life and social life won't be able to spend an additional 1 or 2 hours to clear the additional events.

    Your argument looks like "I'm supposed to be getting this much resources per day in a PvE. However, the amount of resources I got has been dramatically reduced due to a 2 days sub.  Therefore, the developers should make up for my losses." Then, <insert solution(s)>. 

    I see this "losses" as something that came from the expectation of players, rather than from the developers. It's more like an "imaginary losses", rather than actual losses.

    Firstly, the developers did not dictate that every players should earn x amount of resources per day from PvE. Rather, players can potentially make this amount of resources in PvE if they meet certain conditions. The developers probably think that x amount of resources is appropriate for y amount of effort. Reasons for 2 days sub could be like what you say, for scheduling purpose, or it could be a way of letting the players take a break, since so many players like to have some QoL. 

    The obvious best solution is players are able to catch a break, yet they are not "losing" more than 50%, 75% or even 100% of the resources that they "should earn" per day. This move is not a solution to a real problem, but rather a way to please the players' displeasure or expectations.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,190 Chairperson of the Boards
    Personally I *love* 2 day subs.

    First is the obvious time off from playing that others have mentioned (can do Shield Sim or PvP)

    The other is that 2 day subs award CP to T50 instead of T10. That means I get cp rewards that I otherwise never get (prior to the introduction of SCL I did get T10 quite often in daily subs). You also get double HP (200 vs 100) for less than double the work!

    The only downside is the loss of ISO from clearing the nodes.

  • pseudotwentyone
    pseudotwentyone Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    I didn't think about how some people might welcome some downtime, and totally agree. I don't necessarily feel like I am missing out on expected rewards that may or may not have been earned, but more that my play time itself is artificially lessened. 

    I also agree with the poster above about how this may seem like a trivial concern with so many other glaring issues. My biggest beef with the game is that there is such a wonderful framework of a great game, but the actual execution is shoehorned mainly into only 2 concurrently running events (one PvE and one PvP). For example, I really enjoy the Boss events as they frequently require a different style of play - it feels like an actual puzzle!

    The amount of different play modes, mini games, etc. I could come up with using this game and the wealth of characters just off the top of my head is pretty staggering, and admittedly unrealistic. But the wasted potential does make me weep a bit.

    Has a reasonable answer ever been posted as to why 90%+ of PvE fights are only against Dark Avengers and countdown goons when there are hundreds of characters in the game?
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like them and think they're a smart built-in breather for a game that's so grindy. 
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    Personally, I don't really like the 48 hour subs. The reward loss is pretty huge and I kind of like getting on a schedule for a particular event and sticking to it. I prefer the Wakanda concept of a 3 day version and a 4 day version of the event with an additional sub added in for the 4 day. I'd like to see more like that.
  • Bubba3210
    Bubba3210 Posts: 246 Tile Toppler
    I have eight 4*s at 13 covers that need 2.3 million iso to champ. I appreciate the break but double the iso!!!!
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    2 day subs are great.
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    Rewards aside, most times I welcome the 2-day subs.  It feels like I have a bit of "time off" from the normal grind. 
    Just play each node once, and done.  With a 5-Star Thanos and 5-Star Dr. Strange (or even the 3-Star versions depending on SCL), it's a pretty fast sweep through the nodes, especially when goon heavy like the current PVE.

    Donno what that says about the game as a whole when essentially playing the game less is a good thing.
    For this reason, I miss back in the day how there used to be a full day off in between PVE events...
    Agreed with Viceroy. I play both Story and Versus events, and I love having a day off from the grind.