Alliance Placement Rewards for Boss Events

Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
Now that we have boss events on a semi-regular basis, I think it'd be a nice goodwill gesture to the playerbase to add alliance placement rewards to help make up for the loss of rewards that some people feel when playing these type of events and to help make up for those who get locked out due to the roster based scaling that has since been eliminated in sub-event based Story events.

I wouldn't recommend putting more covers for alliance placement rewards, as those are already plentiful during boss events. Instead, I'd recommend adding a nice chunk of Iso-8 and some HP. Possible even some red Iso? A nice spread of resources would be a welcome addition if they were to be added as alliance placement rewards, imo, and it would help eliminate one of the only complaints about boss events.


  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,770 Chairperson of the Boards
    Could be nice.  Sometimes there's those members that just coast getting the rewards for bare minimum play.  Theres the players that stop after they get all of their own personal milestone rewards accomplished.  But then there's the ones that continue playing, just to boost the alliance higher...  Its because of these different player types that i would support this idea.  If you play more, you should get more.
  • JSP869
    JSP869 Posts: 822 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2018
    Would placement be determined by how quickly your Alliance hit full progression, your Alliance's score at event end, or a combination of the two. So Ka Sith would obviously be first, then the other Alliances as we all slowly trickle in behind them, then the rest of the Alliances that cannot hit full progression.
  • PiMacleod
    PiMacleod Posts: 1,770 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh, I interpreted it wrong, if that's the case.  I assumed he was talking about rewards for the individual players in each alliance, based on their own contributions to the boss, versus what the other alliance members contributed. 

    In others words, it would be a ranking of 1 to 20 within each alliance.
  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 712 Critical Contributor
    I disagree.  The alliance events are a welcome respite from competition.  The vast majority of the alliances are non-competitive.  The top 100 or so alliances have literally every other event (pvp and pve) to compete over.  Leave the boss events to us casual alliances.  You have every thing else.

    And before you respond, I know that "you don't have to compete.  Nothing will change for you if they add in placement rewards," but we both know that isn't true.  The moment you add in expectations (via rewards), you're going to lose a lot of non-competitive players.  It's like fun-runs or charity walks.  The ones that don't have rewards for the top finishers get a lot more participation than the ones that do.  It's not unusual for people who know they aren't going to win to just choose not to participate.  Less player engagement is not a good thing.

    The boss events are one of the most fun things in MPQ, please don't give people a reason not to play them by adding in placement rewards that they have no hope of getting because they started the game later and/or haven't spent thousands of $$$.
  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 712 Critical Contributor
    In addition, I think you hit the real issue: the scaling of the sub events locks players out too quickly.  I think a better solution would be to scale the subs with the main, rather than with time.

    My alliance has this problem as there are about 6 of us who have been playing for 4+ years.  6 that are in the 2-4 year range, and 8 who have started in the last 2 years.  The first 3 subs, everyone can do (if they have the required characters).  At the start of day 2, the 8 most recent are usually unable to beat the subs (however they can usually still crush the main).  At the start of day 3 until the end of the event, it's just the 6 old timers that can play.

    If the subs scaled with the main, there could be a lot more player engagement and therefore less of a feeling of "missing out".

    ps. It would be WONDERFUL if alliance events didn't almost exclusively run Thursday thru Sunday.  My alliance is made up of people who are all real life friends.  Most of us work in the local bars and restaurants in town.  Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are the busiest work schedules and prevent a large chunk of us from being able to fully participate.  It would be nice if occasionally a boss event could start on Sunday at noon and run until Wednesday (or Mon->Thur, Tue->Fri, etc...)
  • Smart80
    Smart80 Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    I would appreciate some extra rewards in boss events for sure.

    if OP idea is like JSP said, to rank based on how quick last round is finished, im 100% in on it! (Although i wouldnt know how this would work for CW)

    if its for final scores, i wouldnt be on board, cause first of all, Europeans still cant really play final nodes refresh cause it starts and finishes in the middle of the night, making it an unfair competition. (Could be fixed by finally making start and end time the same hour..) 
    Second reason is because most of us see boss events as a little break after all progression is reached after about 36 hours.. Some hit side nodes for iso, but retreat from boss, cause they no longer give any rewards... Although max level bosses are really to easy to be fair, not to just kill instead... (Could be fixed by making boss hits worth anything after 8/8 (or is it 6/6),

    Adding extra boss node rewards and alli rewards would probably be too much, and i would pick extra personal rewards over team, to not put extra stress on off days....