Season 2, Part 1: D3/Demiurge Meeting – Support the Supports

Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
edited April 2018 in MPQ General Discussion

Hello fellow Matchmakers,

With the recent addition of Supports and what looks like to be very negative feedback from the players, I decided to release Season 2 of the D3/Demiurge meeting! As long as they continue to give me material like this, I will try to compose new episodes!

For those that missed Season 1 and the Finale Crossover Event with the other show, Lord of the Gambit (currently being evaluated for renewal), here is the link:

As always, I appreciate everyone’s feedback! Enjoy =D


Advisory for “D3/Demiurge Meeting” Episodes: The events depicted in these forum posts are fictitious and completely satirical. These events are loosely based on the forum player’s perception of the game and are for entertainment purposes only. The stories are not true and the characters that represent D3 and Demiurge are not the real employees. Any similarly to the actual employees in those companies or potential upcoming in-game features/characters/events are merely coincidental.

Season 2, Part 1: D3/Demiurge Meeting – Support the Supports

Director: Good Morning everyone. Today is the day we release the brand new Supports to promote the upcoming Infinity War movie. This is an exciting time for MPQ!

Developer 2: Definitely! We rolled out ten new supports today! Four supports for Thanos’ Black Order and Six Infinity Gems. We know the players will love these.

Developer 1: We’re also giving the players a chance at these Supports in a low 300-item vault!

CFO: This Infinity War movie will make us a ton of revenue. 10-years in the making and we’re banking on it!

[Unknown Voice]: This sounds like a joke..

::Everyone turns to look at the unknown person::

Director: Who is this? Another Intern? HR I told you no more Interns

Human Resources: I did not hire this one

Public Relations: I brought him in. He is actually a player. He will be the Player Advocate. He can provide us with great insight and feedback from the player base

Director: What is your player name?

Player Advocate: My player name is [Name Removed]

Director: What? I could not hear your name

Community Manager: Sorry sir but we do not allow player identities to be exposed.

Director: Who made up that stupid rule?

Community Manager: Well, you did sir

Director: Oh.. so Mr. Player Advocate, what would you like to share?

Player Advocate: Thank you for having me. I am here to speak for the players and get some clarity on the decision making. Let’s start with this promotional 300-item vault. Typically for special events we get an 80-item vault that sometimes contain very good items. Yet this one has 177 2*’s!

Analyst 1: We crunched the numbers and it showed that this is a very fair vault when you consider it includes 11 Support tokens and 48 Red Iso items.

Player Advocate: You don’t think you’re overvaluing Supports, especially the Red iso? Based on the player’s ‘number crunching’, it can take over a year before we can fully level one support to 250.

Controller 2: We will be adding more Red iso to the game very soon!

Player Advocate: Great! Where else can we earn it? DDQ, champ levels, daily rewards?

Controller 1: No, none of those. We’re going to add Red Iso to the current Purple Iso you can purchase! We really look forward to the positive feedback when we announce it to the players.

Player Advocate: You’re kidding right? How much time did you guys actually spend on developing this Support feature?

Developer 1: About 2 years. It’s been a project on-and-off while we worked on releasing really good characters and fan favorites such as Kraven and Archangel. We’re happy to finally get  Supports implemented and we plan to release an additional supports this year!

Player Advocate: But how can we obtain all these supports? We currently have 24 supports, yet I only have the few free support tokens you gave us and the rest I’ve had to purchase through special deals, then maybe I'll get lucky in the vault.

Controller 1: Exactly. These supports are very powerful, so right now they are very rare. However, this is great for all the payers.. err.. players.

Analyst 2: We know how much players enjoy opening a vault and getting a really good item. Recently I opened a Grey Suit Black Window, now she’s at 4/5/4, can’t wait to champ her and see what she can do. I've heard rumors that she may be able to start a Winfinity combo.

Player Advocate: …Okay I'm not going to comment on such an old 'rumor'. What about rebalancing the lousy characters like 5* Hulk?

Develop 2: Well that is the good thing about Supports, you can apply them to characters you’d rarely use. As for Hulk, we’re releasing a Support called ‘Purple Pants’, when equipped to him, there is a % chance he’ll acquire 2 Purple AP, but 3 Green AP will be destroyed.

Player Advocate: How is that good? That actually makes 5* Hulk worse. Besides that, why would I put a Support on a lousy character when I can simply apply it to the characters I am already using? How is this solving the problem that we only use 3-5 of the same characters every day.

::Developers pause and look at each other::

Lead Developer: Um.. we actually did not take this into consideration. I guess Supports actually do not alleviate this issue. Maybe we can address this with the upcoming supports!

Player Advocate: Wait.. so you guys stopped rebalancing characters, slowed down on quality life changes and new features for Supports? The Supports are very underwhelming and clearly look like they are hidden behind a paywall. How about you tell us what is really going on?

Controller 2: We actually spent a considerable amount of money on quality life changes such as Removing Animations and updating the Battle UI. These changes cost us money with little return on investment.

Player Advocate: You may not be able to analyze the ROI  on the quality changes but they really do make the players happy and increase the retention. I don’t see how they cost so much money that we’re stuck paying for Supports.

CFO: We’re broke! Okay, you happy? Spending is down.. we had all-time high revenue upon Gambit’s release but now for some reason we’re at all-time lows. If this continues, we’ll have to shut down operations here.

Player Advocate: We knew it! So what is the plan?

Director: The plan is that we wil…. ::Interruption::

::People walk in the room::

Marvel Rep: I believe we have this room booked for 9AM.

Director: Yes, yes of course. Meeting adjourned until next week. Thank you everyone.

//Removed Misinformation While Leaving The Fictional Content That's Critical To Storyline -Brigby



  • GKar
    GKar Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    edited April 2018
    Thanks, I always enjoy your 'stories' @Punisher5784!

    Can't wait for the next part.
  • Pr0spect0r
    Pr0spect0r Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    That was fast
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    My man!!   Great job @Punisher5784
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    That was fast

    They gave me a lot to work with this morning lol
  • Basepuzzler
    Basepuzzler Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    Spelled it out perfectly 
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *Normally we would allow satirical posts, as they usually just exaggerate or embellish certain aspects of the game. In this case though, the author depicts members of both our publishing and development team specifically communicating content that has neither been announced nor confirmed as true. (For example, supposed changes to in-game purchases) Due to this, the post can be rather misleading and construed as communicating misinformation.*

    I understand that sometimes there are features or changes some players may not be the biggest fans of. People write satire articles to bring attention to issues players feel are important. I get that.

    We have new players joining the forum each day though that may not necessarily recognize certain content as fan-made material. With the addition of developers talking in the forums, they may even consider the portrayed comments and content in the original post to be the truth.

    The one thing I ask is that writers please make sure that all satire is focused on content that actually exists in the game, and/or make a clear distinction between something that exists and something that's fictional. Writers adding a "Satire" tag in the title, or a line in the post, would also help. Thank you for understanding.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2018
    Brigby said:
    *Normally we would allow satirical posts, as they usually just exaggerate or embellish certain aspects of the game. In this case though, the author depicts members of both our publishing and development team specifically communicating content that has neither been announced nor confirmed as true. (For example, supposed changes to in-game purchases) Due to this, the post can be rather misleading and construed as communicating misinformation.*

    I understand that sometimes there are features or changes some players may not be the biggest fans of. People write satire articles to bring attention to issues players feel are important. I get that.

    We have new players joining the forum each day though that may not necessarily recognize certain content as fan-made material. With the addition of developers talking in the forums, they may even consider the portrayed comments and content in the original post to be the truth.

    The one thing I ask is that writers please make sure that all satire is focused on content that actually exists in the game, and/or make a clear distinction between something that exists and something that's fictional. Writers adding a "Satire" tag in the title, or a line in the post, would also help. Thank you for understanding.

    Hi @Brigby

    I appreciate you not simply locking the post and/or issuing me a warning. I understand your thoughts on it, but I posted 6 previous episodes without any issues. Why did this become a problem now? Regardless, I apologize for not properly labeling it and I added the Advisory at the top of the post to warn players reading that this is simply for fun.

    I do, however, welcome D3 and Demiurge to invite us into a "meeting" to discuss their actual plans for Supports. Right now we're underwhelmed and disappointed, which I'm sure is not what they intended. We know they spent much time developing this new feature and it would be great to hear more about it and see if they are listening to the player's feedback.


    - Your Friendly Forumhood, Punisher

    Edit: Nevermind, you did issue me a warning. I've sent you a message

  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin

    Hi Brigby

    I appreciate you not simply locking the post and/or issuing me a warning. I understand your thoughts on it, but I posted 6 previous episodes without any issues. Why did this become a problem now? Regardless, I apologize for not properly labeling it and I added the Advisory at the top of the post to warn players reading that this is simply for fun.

    I do, however, welcome D3 and Demiurge to invite us into a "meeting" to discuss their actual plans for Supports. Right now we're underwhelmed and disappointed, which I'm sure is not what they intended. We know they spent much time developing this new feature and it would be great to hear more about it and see if they are listening to the player's feedback.


    - Your Friendly Forumhood, Punisher

    Edit: Nevermind, you did issue me a warning. I've sent you a message

    While the previous episodes did have some content that could have potentially been construed as misinformation,  for the most part they were obviously fictional stories. (The developers all being super villains in the end, for example, or the X-Men trying to listen in on their meetings)

    In this episode though, it was far less easy to discern what was fictional and what was just a satirical representation of factual events or information. (It was just a portrayal of D3 Go! and Demiurge having a meeting) Due to this, it's not a stretch to conclude that newer forum members may construe the information presented in this article to be referencing actual changes or proposed plans or reasoning. That is why I chose to comment on this episode specifically.
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh wait. Some of this was removed.   Lol. Guess we know what’s coming next. 
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2018
    Brigby said:

    Hi Brigby

    I appreciate you not simply locking the post and/or issuing me a warning. I understand your thoughts on it, but I posted 6 previous episodes without any issues. Why did this become a problem now? Regardless, I apologize for not properly labeling it and I added the Advisory at the top of the post to warn players reading that this is simply for fun.

    I do, however, welcome D3 and Demiurge to invite us into a "meeting" to discuss their actual plans for Supports. Right now we're underwhelmed and disappointed, which I'm sure is not what they intended. We know they spent much time developing this new feature and it would be great to hear more about it and see if they are listening to the player's feedback.


    - Your Friendly Forumhood, Punisher

    Edit: Nevermind, you did issue me a warning. I've sent you a message

    While the previous episodes did have some content that could have potentially been construed as misinformation,  for the most part they were obviously fictional stories. (The developers all being super villains in the end, for example, or the X-Men trying to listen in on their meetings)

    In this episode though, it was far less easy to discern what was fictional and what was just a satirical representation of factual events or information. (It was just a portrayal of D3 Go! and Demiurge having a meeting) Due to this, it's not a stretch to conclude that newer forum members may construe the information presented in this article to be referencing actual changes or proposed plans or reasoning. That is why I chose to comment on this episode specifically.

    To be fair, the title is called Season 2 and I posted the previous episodes from Season 1. Seeing as how you actually remember the ending, I'll pretend you enjoyed the stories ;)

    I still do not agree with issuing me a warning but I will add the Advisory at the top of each future episode to avoid further confusion and prevent myself from being banished from the forums. The Punisher may not always do things the right way, but his intentions are always for the good of the players

  • Pr0spect0r
    Pr0spect0r Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    i'm trying to think of a satirical (believe thats correct word?) name for your stories, or Punishers blog. so far i have The Barrel (hurrhurr barrel of a gun), Shot Heard Round the World, Gun Smoke and MIrrors.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    i'm trying to think of a satirical (believe thats correct word?) name for your stories, or Punishers blog. so far i have The Barrel (hurrhurr barrel of a gun), Shot Heard Round the World, Gun Smoke and MIrrors.

    Punisher's Pew-Pew-Pew Review?
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    i'm trying to think of a satirical (believe thats correct word?) name for your stories, or Punishers blog. so far i have The Barrel (hurrhurr barrel of a gun), Shot Heard Round the World, Gun Smoke and MIrrors.

    Hmm.. I like 'Gun, Smoke and Mirrors'. Maybe I'll create an imaginary Talk Show hosted by Punisher where he talks to the "developers" about MPQ
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    Lolz at needing a disclaimer for these now.  The sensitivity levels are growing I see.

    Good job pun, enjoy your hard work, sorry it’s needing to be edited now after all the previous iterations.
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    Frankie my dear, I don’t give a damn. 
  • feraldayor
    feraldayor Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    A warning? Talk about over reaction. 
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    A warning? Talk about over reaction. 

    Agreed. It's silly for the fact that I wrote 6 previous meetings but I'm just happy it's not closed and forbidden. I'll continue to push the edge to create solid forum entertainment