Absolute Damage and Health is a Flawed Way for Supports to Work

Basepuzzler Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
everything should be percentages.  That way it would scale from 3* to 5* while still being useful for both.  The only supports that are worthwhile for 5’s(besides changing tanking) are the AP gain ones since they automatically scale to the damage done by your 5* characters’ powers.


  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,509 Chairperson of the Boards
    No because in some categories, you need absolute numbers to figure out if the support actually changes anything.

    specifically,  If you want DD to tank green over your thor,  then you need to improve Thor's match damage by over 51 points.

    In that case,  saying green match damage increases by 20% is meaningless.  All I care about is whether the support actually buffs DD's  green match damage by over 51 points.

    another example is ap boosts.  saying a 50% boost to purple ap is meaningless.  Saying you get 1ap every 10 turns (10%) is useful.

    Don't disagree that % can be a useful measurement.  but not ever category should be expressed in %.  
  • Basepuzzler
    Basepuzzler Posts: 180 Tile Toppler
    I was specifically referring to damage and health numbers, not the AP ones.  The support should show the updated numbers so to me it’s still preferable to have the percentage scaling as opposed to the easier math which is less helpful gameplay-wise.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    My take on it was that this was intentional to make supports more useful for helping newer players to keep up/catch up while not making the OP / required for end game players to just keep at the same level.  Which if true probably isn't bad for game balance, but it's ultimately why the feature seems underwhelming to so many on the forums.  
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    broll said:
    My take on it was that this was intentional to make supports more useful for helping newer players to keep up/catch up while not making the OP / required for end game players to just keep at the same level.  Which if true probably isn't bad for game balance, but it's ultimately why the feature seems underwhelming to so many on the forums.  
    Yeah, but useful for 3* players = useless for 5* players.
    Useful for 5* players = OP for 3* players.

    I agree, health and damage boosts should be percentages, not absolute numbers.
  • CartoonScience
    CartoonScience Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    I'm going to disagree on this for the same reason I oppose a flat tax system.
    Seriously, if you're in the 5* tax bracket, you shouldn't be getting more of a benefit than the 3* middle class.
    A percentage-based boost on health and damage only benefits the 1% #OccupyMPQ