4* DDQ : It's a ladies' world, Spider-Woman vs Elektra

Dogface Posts: 1,000 Chairperson of the Boards
Easy going for my lvl 250 Spider-Woman. Used some extra purple boost to quickly get to Love & Fear. Fear hits for about 6k a pop, and with hp hp being around 13k, it's smooth sailing. 

LT got me Gh5st Rider. Was hoping for my first JJ (especially bc she's essential now), but can't really complain getting a 5*.


  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    I haven't tried this one yet, but has anyone checked whether supports work for Crash of the Titans?  It doesn't show the "supports disabled" banner from PVP.
  • gmtosca
    gmtosca Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2018
    5/4/1 125 Spider-Woman, boosted up to her eyeballs.  Denied black, chased red. Stunned Elektra a lot, and even then almost lost for a fifth time but a match resulted in a cascade which took her out.

    LT to the hoard.
  • Polly_P1
    Polly_P1 Posts: 99 Match Maker
    Level 114 5/1/5 Jessica drew. 2nd try boosted. Just raced to get the reds and blacks before Elektra could. Still barely won with around 650 health left
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    jamesh said:
    I haven't tried this one yet, but has anyone checked whether supports work for Crash of the Titans?  It doesn't show the "supports disabled" banner from PVP.

    According to Brigby, it should work. Haven't tried it myself though.

    I lost the first fight, that hasn't happened in a while. Elektra got Shadow Step off, I got Seeking Redemption off, and not much happened for a few turns. My countdown expired Before the Shadow Step traps were matched though. :(

    Second attempt Went better.

  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster said:
    jamesh said:
    I haven't tried this one yet, but has anyone checked whether supports work for Crash of the Titans?  It doesn't show the "supports disabled" banner from PVP.

    According to Brigby, it should work. Haven't tried it myself though.

    I lost the first fight, that hasn't happened in a while. Elektra got Shadow Step off, I got Seeking Redemption off, and not much happened for a few turns. My countdown expired Before the Shadow Step traps were matched though. :(

    Second attempt Went better.

    Supports are definitely working (I equipped Destroyer Gun, and got the extra purple damage and the occasional fortified tile).  So I guess that's a new strategy for running underlevelled characters in this mode.

    I haven't had much luck completing the crash so far.  My Spider-Woman is covered 5/1/2, so my Fear trap tiles don't do much damage.  She's at level 152, so I could raise her another 20 levels, but I'm not sure how much of a difference it'll make.  It's hard to deny both red and black as the match draws on.
  • Heartbreaksoup
    Heartbreaksoup Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    I didn't think to give SW a Support... and I'm the guy who really likes Supports!

    My SW is lvl 168 4/2/2.  I boosted her with +2 red AP, and extra match damage.  I lucked into really good placement with her Fear traps and a lot of purple tiles on the board to activate her power.  They only did about 2k damage each, but Elektra matched at least four of them.

    Token gave me a red Valkyrie, which is great.
  • thechairman
    thechairman Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    Needed two tries with a 275 SW. First board was awful, and the cascades just kept falling her way. Got one System Shock in and laid down some traps, but after her 2nd ShadowStep and Ballet, I had limited time to try to get her to match a trap, which failed. Second try was so much better, lots of red got me a Shock and was able to set her up to a match 4 trap tile to take her out swiftly.

    Yellow Chavez to 3/5/5.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pretty easy fight for my Level 286 Spider-Woman, which I respeced to 3/5/5 for this fight. Her red is expensive and I usually choose to use a different character's red when she's running in a team, but in a solo fight like this I wanted to maximize the stun and damage. I figured since these two share the exact same colors, I'd be trying to chase red to deny Elektra anyways. 

    It was a pretty good board for our colors. She fired Double Double Cross once, and despite my best efforts to block it, she fired it a second time to steal and buff some of the strikes. 

    It didn't matter much though, because earlier I had hit her with System Shock, so she was close to being down anyways. We also each fired our black powers, but I made sure to wait and fire mine until she had fired hers, so only minimal damage was done. 

    Finished first try, no boosts, with 10379 health left. Token to the hoard for right before AA cycles out in a little less than three weeks. I was intending to skip him, but he flew to a 1/5/1 initial build and I figured I should try to cover him as best as I can while I can get swaps from CS in case I pull more greens. He's up to 2/5/1 now. 
  • AlwaysWrong
    AlwaysWrong Posts: 67 Match Maker
    Bumped 2/4/1 Spider Woman to lvl 152, used +2 purple/all ap and purple damage boosts. Finally won on my fourth try when I could deny black enough to prevent shadow stepping and fire fear off enough to trap her. Token got xforce wolvie a champ level. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,527 Chairperson of the Boards
    Did it on the first try with no trouble using my lvl 172 4/5/3 Spider-Woman. To Love and Fear gets it done pretty fast at 5 covers.
  • Sim Mayor
    Sim Mayor Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
    My champed 5/5/3 277 SW should've made short work of this fight, but the first round went to Elektra after an unfortunate drop of red and black tiles went her way. The second round was looking to go the same path, but I got a lucky cascade with 2k health left that used up all of her Shadow Steps while my Seeking Redemption soaked the damage, then gave me double crit tiles to end the fight.

    LT got me a blue cover for my previously 2/0/0 Jessica Jones! Huzzah!
  • Kahmon
    Kahmon Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    3/5/5 level 281

    Took 2 tries. First attempt they beat me to the red and left me crippled and helpless. I did get fear off once, but they only matched a trap while shadowstepping. second try went much better. A big red blast nearly did enough on it's own, and in the 3 turns she was stunned I finished her off.

    Token to the hoard.
  • NotBAMF
    NotBAMF Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker
    One try, one victory for my 4/5/2 lv229 Jessica. I thought I was SOL when Elektra got her Shadow Step, but I ended up okay. After she ran out of shadows to hide in, she had a massive cascade that matched two fear traps, and that ruined her day.
  • MrKasady
    MrKasady Posts: 74 Match Maker
    4/5/4 lvl 278 JD took Elektra out in my first try. Had a somewhat neutral board with lots of blues, greens and yellows; but I was able to fire off my traps before she can fire any powers. Baited her into making those matches and the game was over pretty quickly.

    Another LT for the pile...
  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    Elektra continues to do better in Crashes than elsewhere, taking down my champed Spiderwoman first attempt, got my revenge the second match

    Reward was a 13th black Nova cover, (5/5/2) hopefully triggering a HFH option
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    This one was a bit frustrating. My 5/3/5 level 150 Spider-Woman got beat bad on my first attempt. I gave her a bunch of match damage buffs but it didn't matter, the color kept falling perfectly for Elektra and she was denying me. I think Elektra still had 11k health when SW went down. Ouch.

    I mixed things up the second time and gave SW 4 red to start out with. The board was heavy with black so both Elektra and my SW had their defensive powers trigger early, duking it out back and forth without much damage being done. I got lucky when Elektra hit a couple of my purple traps in row and I was able to finish her off by finally gathering enough red to hit her with SW's nuke. (Her red power is simply too expensive and it prevents Spider-Woman from being a better, more usable character, I think.)
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Four tries at 4/3/2 (was 4/3/1 before I lucked into the red cover in my Taco Vault). First at 111, just got annihilated. Leveled up to 188, tried with no boosts, very close. Added on a bunch of boosts, and ended up with the most frustrating defeat yet: I was downed when my expiring Seekeng Redemption countdown (which I had the AP to replace) caused a cascade that set off not one, but two Shadow Step traps. Fourth time was the charm: I managed to keep Seeking Redemption up, and she ran out of Shadow Step traps right before matching two of my traps in a single go.

    Token is waiting for AA to leave Latest.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards

    4/2/5 Lvl 156 Spider-Woman got this second time around. First battle I thought I had won it when I got SW’s red ready to fire with Elektra down to about 5k health only to see that I hadn’t noticed she had Shadow Stepped and it got absorbed. She then Ballet me to death. Second time around it was black v black action and I managed to outlast her whilst gathering red AP and took her down as soon as I was sure she was outta stepping time.

  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    I finally succeeded with my 5/1/2 Spider-Woman at level 152.  I didn't end up using any supports or boosts in the final successful run.  I just got lucky with the black and red, so managed to avoid a lot of the Shadow Step and Ballet damage.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    143 5/5/3 Spider-Woman got it on the second try.

    First round was just pathetic. She kept getting her colors while I was getting scraps. Got steamrolled.

    Second fight however, we traded places. I was getting all my colors and she was getting the scraps. Got off Red, then 2 Purples and she was dead. Barely lost 1.5k health.

    LT gave me a champ level for 4Clops.