Check internet connection



  • wesley
    wesley Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
    Echo this in Montreal both wifi and mobile data android
  • hunky_funky
    hunky_funky Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    Guess Amazon server's messing thing's up again. Damn you, dirty multinational corporation's! Damn you all!
  • mbaren
    mbaren Posts: 220 Tile Toppler
    Folks on Discord think it might be related to an issue with AWS, but I have no idea.  But I *just* got back in.
  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,976 Chairperson of the Boards
    Magic said:
    Issues since at least an hour. Managed to get in part of the PvE grind by now I am locked out completely. Not great. I sense a heroic token, 20 Riso and 10 HP as compensation coming our way in few days.

    Last one in October gave 3000 ISO and 1500 HP in compensation, so here's hoping!

    However there's no chance they'll give 20 Riso, maybe 2 if we're very lucky.

  • madoctor
    madoctor Posts: 292 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2018
    Back for the moment. I am legitimately screwed due to this out of T5, may be even T10. Knowing the policy on such issues, the only CS replies I will get is a long version of *tinykitty*.

    Any official comment on whats going on? Can we expect the same thing tomorrow when the boss event is happening and Infinity War stuff is released? @Brigby

    *Removed profanity - Ducky
  • Il galvanico
    Il galvanico Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    edited April 2018
    madoctor said:
    Back for the moment. I am legitimately screwed due to this out of T5, may be even T10.
    Same here. Sent a ticket where i ask at least t10 prizes, but everybody know that it won't happen...
  • Smart80
    Smart80 Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    Not just on steam.. and clearly on their end indeed
  • twistmonkey
    twistmonkey Posts: 79 Match Maker
    Yep S1CL9 sub 2 final grind completely borked, managed to get into sub 3 20 mins after it started. Assuming the official word will be no compensation for hypothetical placement. Bye-bye to T5 for me ...
  • gravel
    gravel Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    I had problems this morning too.  It sounds like others were worse off, I did get the dreaded Comm Link Disrupted message, but other programs were working.
  • Had the issue and thought it was just me...
    It was really messy
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    This has really destroyed this pve for a lot of big time players in S1.  Some will be out of top 10 now and they are always top 1-5 players. 
  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 818 Critical Contributor
    Someone from my alliance mentioned this earlier 

    so cue 100 HP and a free bag man cover as compensation 
  • Grizz875
    Grizz875 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Le sigh, went from #1 to not being able to finish t10 and costing my alliance a t10 spot
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hi Everyone. I'm reaching out to the developers right now to see if they are aware of what's causing this error message to occur. I'll be sure to provide an update once I hear back from them
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby said:
    Hi Everyone. I'm reaching out to the developers right now to see if they are aware of what's causing this error message to occur. I'll be sure to provide an update once I hear back from them
    It was a server outage, and it's fixed now.
    But not before keeping optimal players from end grinding S1 PVE.
    If you're reaching out anyway, please ask what, if any, compensation will be given out.
  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 713 Critical Contributor
    I've been getting the message sporadically all day.  I get it for 30-120 seconds, then the game connects.  I've had it just restart a few times out of (k)nowhere as well.

    Made my clears take a lot longer than normal :(
  • Maximus7481
    Maximus7481 Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    I'm in the same boat. Dropped out sporadically over the last 30 minutes of Sim 2 for me. Lost a few rounds progress.
  • madoctor
    madoctor Posts: 292 Mover and Shaker
    S1 PvE players got affected big time due to this. I can't imagine any of the CL9 players being able to stick to their allies for T10 placement this event. This is very bad
  • Il galvanico
    Il galvanico Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    1000 iso and 50 hp...****...
  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 713 Critical Contributor
    1000 iso and 50 hp...tinykitty...
    I'll take it.  That was 1000 ISO and 50 HP more than I had before.

    It's effectively 0.03% of my ISO and 0.5% of my HP, but hey... I don't turn down a free dollar just cause I have $1000 in the bank.