Who are we getting for Infinity War

zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
Looks like the practical battle-ready outfit Steve Rogers is wearing for the movie is going to be the MCU version of Nomad (no need to look up an image; it’ll burn your eyes). We’ll probably get at least two, potentially three characters to go with the movie, but what are the most likely choices?

Who are we getting for Infinity War 25 votes

Steve Rogers (Nomad)
Dartmaster01moss04Tiggidazodiac339Jarvindmega ghostkrak0Cormackie 8 votes
Spider-Man (Iron Spider)
Cdubb1975 1 vote
Bucky Barnes (White Wolf)
Nebula (Daughter of Thanos)
NajboljiBlindman13WumpushunterPtahhotepHeartbreaksoupomen 6 votes
Mantis (Guardians of the Galaxy)
LeaveMyCookies 1 vote
One of the Black Order
ZeiramMRShintok17InfinityTh4nos 3 votes
Loki (Seriously, why is there no 4 or 5 star already?)
pillaroffaith23Jabrony_Geoffqandols 3 votes
Vision, Scarlet Witch, or Sam Wilson maybe?
Other (Yes, fine, just go with Dazzler as usual)
KGBJarvisJackrabbitmodok47 3 votes


  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Steve Rogers (Nomad)
    This one seems like the most obvious choice, and the most likely to be a 5* character. Yeah, another double-up in the tier, but the Civil War Cap doesn’t get much love. I expect the 4* would be Spider-Man (Iron Spider), but I could also see Steve getting the 4* spot and Bucky making his 5* MCU debut as White Wolf. Nebula, Mantis, and Loki unfortunately barely get any screen time in the trailers, which bodes ill for their MPQ futures.
  • JarvisJackrabbit
    JarvisJackrabbit Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    Other (Yes, fine, just go with Dazzler as usual)
    Hawkeye. Definitely Hawkeye.
  • spatenfloot
    spatenfloot Posts: 662 Critical Contributor
    Dazzler, finally!
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2018
    Steve Rogers (Nomad)
    We've already established with Black Suit and Parker Spidey that multiples of the same character within a tier are OK, and this game looooooves some Cap, so yeah I'm going with another 5teve as most likely. I'd rather have Nebula or a 5* Loki, though.
  • JarvisJackrabbit
    JarvisJackrabbit Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    Other (Yes, fine, just go with Dazzler as usual)
    The Russos keep telling us this movie is about Thanos. It's his show and everyone else is making a cameo.

    4* Thanos
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *Please make sure that all polls are not biased, nor do they contain side-commentary in the options, as they can be construed as biased.

    On a less formal note, I believe this topic could be more effectively addressed without a poll, as there are a wide variety of characters in the Infinity War movie, and there are not enough poll options available to use that would cover them all.
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