During the last meeting of my roster...

Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
Today, the villains have taken over where the heroes of my roster usually meet on a regular basis. A long oval-shaped table is playing host to the world's most ruthless individuals. Presiding at the head of the table, is none other than Dr. Doom, where Nick Fury usually heads things up.

Dr. Doom thrusts an armored fist forward in the air before him, "Everyone, silence!"

"Ya can't boss me 'round, Doom." Sandman reclines in his chair defiantly, "You're just a 3-star."

Doc Ock's four mechanical arms writhe in the air behind him, "I should be presiding over this meeting. I'm the leader of the Sinister Six!"

Dr. Doom turns his armored gaze, "You dare defy Doom?"

"At least Ock's got more than one variant," Bullseye says, balancing a playing card's thin edge on the tip of a finger.

"Who cares who leads?!?" Kraven slams a fist on the table, "When are we going to kill Spider-Man?"

"Yesssss," Venom hisses, saliva dripping from his tongue, "I want to eat the Spider's brains."

Magneto stands proudly with arms crossed across his chest, "You fools are beneath the Master of Magnetism. Spider-Man is nothing but an insect, easily squashed."

"Magneto is correct," Dr. Doom says, "The heroes have recruited another god - Valkyrie! We must attend to this new threat."

Kingpin rises from his chair and impresses with his stature, "I don't concern myself with the games of Asgardians and their ilk. The war is being fought on the streets, not in the clouds."

"What are you talkin' about, Kingpin?" Juggernaut interjects, "If we don't do somethin', this Valkyrie broad will clobber us three ways from Sunday."

Moonstone looks around, "Where's Loki? He would know how to handle this new threat."

"I don't know..." Vulture disagrees, "I'm with Kraven and that drooling alien guy; we should start by taking out Spider-Man."

The Green Goblin soars over the table on his glider, leaving a trail of smoke, "Hahahaha! Spider-Man is dead meat!"

The Hood leans over to whisper at Daken, "It's crazy how many of Spider-Man's villains always show up at these things."

Dr. Doom slams his fist onto the table to regain control of the room, "You are all insufferable fools! I will not have my leadership defied by the likes of -"

Suddenly, the room goes silent as the Silver Surfer walks in. He glances around calmly and speaks in a cool tone, "I'm looking for Nick Fury?"

"This is the villain's meeting," Mordo says, "The heroes meet on Tuesdays."

Carnage's symbiote eyes go wide, "Oh tinykitty! The heroes have recruited a Herald of Galactus???"

Moonstone's face scrunches up with confusion, "I thought the Silver Surfer showed up two and a half years ago?"

Magneto waves a dismissive hand, "RNG prevented our agent from recruiting him until now."

"Who the tinykitty is RNG?" Carnage shrieks.

"RNG is the greatest villain of us all," Kingpin declares, "We must band together if we are ever to defeat it. But first, we must humiliate that cursed Daredevil!"

"No!" Doc Ock hurls his chair with a mechanical arm, "The others are right! Spider-Man is the true threat!"

Magneto sits down and lets out a resigned sigh, "First Valkyrie, now the Silver Surfer. The heroes vastly outnumber us. Whats next, a firecracker-throwing mutant?"


  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 982 Critical Contributor
    I'm glad you spend your time on Marvel prose. Must alleviate the grind :)
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    No one said the life of a comic book character would be easy.